Teneo Developers

Starting a new Teneo project

When you set out to start a new Teneo project, it is important to have a clear goal of what you want to achieve. The scope might differ depending on the content produced, but here is a list of few things to keep in mind in order to get the most out of your solution. These do not cover everything, but give a clear overview of things to consider before starting your own Teneo project.

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Setting up a project

If you are setting up a new project, make sure to first consider where, why, and how you want your bot to be used. Where is it most needed, and where will it make the biggest difference? Keep in mind that your solution will be most useful if it receives a lot of traffic. Also, ask yourself which channels are needed (or possible) and which people or departments are most open to new technologies.

Project goals

Before starting a Teneo project, it is a good idea to put together a list of concrete goals that you hope to meet. These goals can be made together with a larger team or invidually. The important thing here is to have a clear mind before jumping in to a brand new project. The project goals might differ depending on the project scope but should on a general note address at least one of the following areas:

starting a new teneo project project goals

Project scope

In order for your project to meet its goals and not get out of hand, it is a good idea to determine a clearly defined scope before getting started. For example, consider what is relevant when creating a project in different languages. Perhaps you will want a different bot for each of the themes that might be relevant for the whole project.

Here are some points to think of, regarding the project scope:

  • What is the project scope? Make sure to limit and then protect that scope.
  • How will you handle out-of-scope questions?


Setting standards to allow for expansion

Even though you will have defined a scope that you will be sticking to for this project, there is always the possibility that you will want to expand the project in the future to cover a wider scope. This is just one of many reasons why it is crucial to decide on standards early on in the planning process. Standardizing aspects of your project, e.g. by using a check list to make sure each flow meets your standard, will also make it easier to stay organized in general.


Judging success

Once you have created and deployed your solution, you will need sufficiently informative indicators of the bot's success. There are various ways to measure this, so it may be useful to plan early on what method you will use and how you can use it to ensure you are on your way to meeting your goals. Consider the following:

  • What Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will you use, and who in your team or organization decides on these?
  • How will you be investigating the logs and measuring the chosen KPIs?
  • Will you be using metadata and adorners?
  • Will you be creating a dashboard with usage data, and if so, what data will you be including and how will you be presenting it?