When using TQL, we are always telling it to do something for us: show us a list of user inputs, count the number of times the Safetynet occurred, compute the number of sessions per day, etc. The action we tell TQL to take is what we call the command. The command is the most crucial part of a TQL query, as it tells TQL how to process and present the information that the query extracts from the session logs.
This query starts with a command: la, which is shorthand for listAll:
1la, t.e.userInput, t.e2.answerText: t.e.userInput != "" 30
These are the five commands that form the basis of TQL:
Command | Abbreviated Form | Return Value |
listAll | la | list |
listUnique | lu | list |
countAll | ca | integer |
countUnique | cu | integer |
distribute | d | table |
The command is an essential part of every TQL query. Without it, you will receive a Query Failed message.
List all
The listAll function retrieves all values matching the query and returns a list.
Example | Description |
la t.e.userInput | Lists all user inputs, including duplicates |
List unique
The listUnique function retrieves all unique values matching the query and returns a list.
Example | Description |
lu | Lists all unique session ids |
lu t.e.userInput | Lists all user inputs, excluding duplicates |
Count all
The countAll function counts all values matching the query and returns an integer.
Example | Description |
ca t.e.userInput | Counts all user inputs |
Count unique
The countUnique function counts all unique values matching the query and returns an integer.
Example | Description |
cu t.e.userInput | Counts all unique user inputs, excluding duplicates |
cu | Counts the number of dialogues / the number of unique sessions |
The distribute function counts the number of occurrences for all unique values matching the query and returns a 2-column table of unordered counts.
Example | Description |
d t.e.userInput | Shows a distribution of occurrences of each unique user input (including empty values) |