Teneo Developers

Interfacing with API JSPs

Applications can use the Teneo API to send and receive messages from the Teneo Engine. This section describes how to use the Teneo API JSPs via HTTP(S) and also provides a section describing how POSTing to Engine as application/json is possible.

Access the Teneo Engine Scripting API here.


An application can communicate with the Teneo Engine over HTTP(S) via the provided JSP views. JSP views can read the Engine response and post-process and/or format the data before it is returned to the application.

While custom JSP views may be used, this section focuses on the use of the provided views.

sequenceDiagram participant user as User participant app as Application participant jsp as JSP View participant server as Server participant engine as Engine user->>app:Input text app->>server:Request server->>engine:Engine input engine->>server:Engine output server->>jsp:Response jsp->>app:JSON data app->>user:Displays output

Views provided by Artificial Solutions

The JSP views provided by Artificial Solutions described in this section belong to the following categories:

  • Standard views take an Engine response, apply post-processing and format the data for the HTTP(S) response
  • Error views handle the response in the event of an error accessing a standard view
  • End-session views used to end the session and are called differently from other views; see more in the Endsession section

With Teneo Platform 5.1 the former STANDARDJSONP and STANDARDJSON views were deprecated in favor of the new TIE-API. Their documentation can be foundhere.


The web API is available as a web-service, which is accessible by any application capable of communicating by HTTP(S). Both GET and POST request are supported. Recommended best practice is to use POST requests to avoid running into URL length limitations.

The web-service is not stateless, so applications using this API need to maintain a session: in the first request coming to the TIE-API without a session header, a sessionId attribute will be added to the response; all the upcoming interactions for the same session will have to include a Cookie named JSESSIONID with that value or it will be considered a session-starting interaction.

This document assumes that the reader is familiar with HTTP(S) / JSONP.

Note: for the examples in the following sections, the URL for the Teneo server is assumed to behttp://teneo-server/

Common concepts

The TIE API defines these JSP files:

  • tieapi.jsp The standard TIE API view, for normal requests
  • error_tieapi.jsp The TIE API error view, for server-side errors
  • endsession_text.jsp Used for ending a session
  • CORS.jsp Cross-origin resource sharing directives.


This view offers a basic interaction with the Engine services.

Request parameters

The valid parameters for a TIE-API request are:

viewtypeSpecifies the type of view to handle the request. Should be “tieapi” for this view.
userinputA string containing the user’s input (e.g. the value of the user input box in the web UI). Leave empty to send a request without any natural language user input.
usertimezoneA string specifying the user Time Zone

Example Request


1POST http://va-publishing.artifcial-solutions.com:8085/vapath/ HTTP/1.1
2host: ci8.dev.artificial-solutions.com:8085
3content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
4content-length: 47
5Connection: close

Example response


1HTTP/1.1 200
2Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=AAAAAABBBBBB000000999999911111; Path=/vapath; HttpOnly
3Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
4Content-Length: 251
5Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 16:06:56 GMT
6Connection: close
10	"status":0,
11	"input":{
12		"text":"cow",
13		"parameters":{"usertimezone":"CEST"}
14	},
15	"output":{
16		"text":"This is the output generated by the Engine!",
17		"emotion":"",
18		"link":"",
19		"parameters":{}
20	},
21	"sessionId":"AAAAAAABBBBBB000000999999911111"

Response elements

statusA status code indicating if there is an active session and there was no error handling the request.0 – There is a session and there was no error.Any successful response from the STANDARDJSONP view will have this value as it will either use the existing session or start a new one.
sessionIdValue of the Session ID that will be used to maintain the server session.
inputUser input. It contains the text sent by the user, as well as all the parameters sent along with the request.
outputContains the following elements: The text returned by the Engine Any emotion associated with the response Any link provided by the response And the response parameters.


If an error occurs while processing the user input, a response will be returned by the error_tieapi.jsp.

This view will never be called by the user.

Example response


2	"status":-1,
3	"input":{
4		"text":"Input that generated the error",
5		"parameters":{}
6	},
7	"message":"Teneo backend error",
8	"sessionId":"AAAAAAEEEEE9999991123456789"

Response elements

The JSON object in the response contains a single element named responseData; this element is a JSON object itself, containing the following elements.

statusA status code indicating there has been an error. The value of this field for error messages is always -1.
messageMessage indicating there has been an error. For any error message it will be always “Teneo backend error”
inputUser input received by the server. It contains two fields: Text: containing the user input text sent for the engine to interpret. Parameters: parameters sent by the user along with the request
sessionIdThe session identifier of the session the erroneous transaction belongs to


The endsession view is used to end the current session. It is special because it is called calling a specific endsession URL.

The endsession view has the following responsibilities:

  • Terminating the current session
  • Redirecting the request if necessary
  • Setting response headers
  • Returning the logout status

Request parameters

The valid parameters for an Endsession request are:

viewtypeSpecifies the type of view to handle the request. Should be “tieapi” for this view.

Example Request


1POST http://ci8.dev.artificial-solutions.com:8085/contest486/endsession HTTP/1.1
2Cookie: JSESSIONID=F764A2CE4D4811BC5AD60C2D623EDFC7
3host: ci8.dev.artificial-solutions.com:8085
4content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
5content-length: 15
6Connection: close

Example response


1HTTP/1.1 200
3Content-Type: text/javascript;charset=UTF-8
4Content-Length: 39
5Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 17:04:24 GMT
6Connection: close
10	"status":1,
11	"message":"logout"

Response elements

The JSON object in the response contains a single JSON object, containing the following elements.

statusA status code indicating if there is an active session. 1 – There is no session. Any successful response from a call to the end session URL will have this value as it will have ended the session.
messageMessage indicating the result of the end session operation

POSTing to Engine as application and json

Query Parameters (GET)

curl --request GET '<engine_location>?userinput=Hello%20Julia%21&viewtype=tieapi&additionaldata=1234'

Form Encoded (POST): application/x-www-form-urlencoded

curl --request POST '<engine_location>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'userinput=Hello Julia!' \ --data-urlencode 'viewtype=tieapi' \ --data-urlencode 'additionaldata=1234'

NEW JSON Encoded (POST): application/json

curl --request POST '<engine_location>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "viewtype": "tieapi", "userinput": "Hello Julia!", "additionaldata": 1234 }'

Details on request parsing

  • The request body must contain a single, JSON object
    • The properties of this JSON object provide the input parameter names and values
    • Standard properties required by the Engine (eg: userinput, viewtype) are to be provided as top-level properties of this object
    • A request just containing a primitive or an array is not supported and will cause a HTTP 400 (Bad request) error
  • The object's top-level properties are converted:
    • Name of the property becomes the input parameter name
    • Value of the property is parsed according to these rules
      • if the property value is a primitive type then the parameter value becomes the property value
      • if the property value is an array then the parameter value becomes the List<Object> representation of the array, where array elements are converted recursively, according to these rules
      • if the property value is a JSON object then the parameter value becomes the Map<String, Object> representation of that object, where sub-properties are converted recursively, according to these rules

Engine API Methods

The parsed parameter data is exposed within a running solution via a new method getParameters on the engineEnvironment object - the original getParameterMap method is still available for backwards compatibility

When calling getParameterMap the results will be the same whichever request format is used, eg: for all the above request examples:

engineEnvironment.getParameterMap(): '{ "userinput": [ "Hello Julia!" ], "viewtype": [ "tieapi" ], "additionaldata": [ "1234" ] }'

When calling the new getParameters method from a JSON format request body - engine is able to interpret the types of the objects more natively:

engineEnvironment.getParameters(): '{ "userinput": "Hello Julia!", "additionaldata": 1234, "viewtype": "tieapi" }'

Whereas calling the same from either query parameters or form formatted body the results are the same as for getParameterMap:

engineEnvironment.getParameters(): '{ "userinput": [ "Hello Julia!" ], "viewtype": [ "tieapi" ], "additionaldata": [ "1234" ] }'

Note: Duplicate Values in URL vs Body

Passing a value for a particular property as both a query parameter and in the request body is not recommended and the behavior will differ depending on request body type

Query ParameterBody ParameterAPI Methodapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedapplication/JSON
number1=1number2=2engineEnvironment.getParameterMap()number1=["1"], number2=["2"]number1=["1"], number2=["2"]
number1=1number2=2engineEnvironment.getParameters()number1=["1"], number2=["2"]number1=["1"], number2=2

WI API (deprecated)

The WI API is deprecated as of Teneo Platform 5.1.


The STANDARDJSONP view is typically used by web applications that need to use JSONP to receive data. The standard JSONP view has the following responsibilities:

  • Determining if the current session is new
  • Parsing answer text mark-up
  • Generating the application and end-session URLs
  • Setting response headers
  • Creating a formatted JSONP response containing the Engine response data, session status, and application URL data.

What does 'Parsing answer text mark-up' mean?

This view applies post-processing to the Engine answer text to handle a simple mark-up that splits the answer text into text that will either remain in the answer text or be moved to view variables.

An example of an answer text containing mark-up may look something like:


1Initial text to show in the main answer area
3This is the text to add in param1
5Second text in the main answer area
7This is the text to add in param2
9Second text to add in param1
11Third text in the main answer area

After being processed by the STANDARDJSONP view, the answer text will contain:


1“Initial text to show in the main answer area
2Second text in the main answer area
3Third text in the main answer area”

While the rest of the text is moved to the view variables specified by the mark-up:


1param1: “This is the text to add in param1
2Second text to add in param1”
3param2: “This is the text to add in param2”

STANDARDJSONP request parameters

The valid parameters for a STANDARDJSONP request are:

viewnameSpecifies the view to handle the request. Should be ‘STANDARDJSONP’ for this view.
userinputA string containing the user’s language input (e.g. the value of the user input box in the web UI). Leave empty to send a request without any natural language user input.
callbackA string specifying the name of the callback function to be used in the formatted JSONP response.
ViewtypeShould have the value “STANDARDJSONP”



1GET https://teneo-server/?viewname=STANDARDJSONP&userinput=Hello%20world&callback=handleJSONResponse

Example STANDARDJSONP response


2	"responseData" : {
3		"status" : 0,
4		"applicationUrl" : "<https://teneo-server/>",
5		"applicationEndSessionUrl" : "<https://teneo-server/endsession/>",
6		"isNewSession" : true,
7		"lastinput" : "Hello%20world",
8		"answer" : "Greetings%20human!",
9		"extraData" : {
10			"my_view_variable":"This%20is%20my%20view%20variable",
11		}
12		"emotion" : "Happy",
13		"link" : {
14			"href" : "https%3A%2F%2Fteneo-example%2Fanotherpage%2F",
15			"target" : "_new"
16		}
17	}

STANDARDJSONP response elements

The JSON object in the response contains a single element named responseData; this element is a JSON object itself, containing the following elements.

statusA status code indicating if there is an active session and there was no error handling the request. 0 – There is a session and there was no error. Any successful response from the STANDARDJSONP view will have this value as it will either use the existing session or start a new one.
applicationUrlThe URL the application should use for future requests. This may be different from the URL used for the previous request due to load balancing.
applicationEndSessionUrlThe URL the application should use to end the current session. This may change over time due to load balancing.
isNewSessionIndicates if the session that generated the response is new. This will be true for the first response received from the server and may be true for future responses if a new session needed to start. This may happen if, for example, the session timed out due to inactivity or if the server restarted.
lastinputThe value of the ‘USERINPUT’ view variable. This will be the user input, as received by the engine as a URL encoded string.
answerThe answer text produced by the engine (after markup processing) as a URL encoded string.
extraDataAll view variables from answer text markup processing or produced by the engine except for the ‘USERINPUT’ and ‘LINKTARGET’ variables will appear in the extraData object as encoded key/value string properties.
emotionThe name of the emotion returned by the engine, encoded as a URL string.
linkA JSON object describing the URL returned by the engine and how it should be opened. It contains the following properties: href – the URL as a URL encoded string target – the value of the ‘LINKTARGET’ view variable as a URL encoded string. Historically, this value was embedded as the target attribute of anchor tabs and so will generally contain one of the HTML target keyword values as described here It is up to the web-application to decide how these values are used.


If an error occurs during a call to STANDARDJSONP, the error response is directed to the error_standardjsonp view.

This view has the following responsibilities:

  • setting response headers
  • creating a formatted JSONP response containing an error message.

Error_standardjsonp request parameters

The error view will receive the same request parameters that were sent to the view for which it is handling the error, but error_standardjsonp only uses the following parameter.

callbackA string specifying the name of the callback function to be used in the formatted JSONP response.

Example error_standardjsonp GET request


1GET https://teneo-server/?viewname=STANDARDJSONP&userinput=Hello%20world&callback=handleJSONResponse

Example error_standardjsonp response


2	"responseData" : {
3		"status" : "-1",
4		"statusDescription" : "Backend error, concurrent session limit exhausted
5or invalid license"
6	}

error_standardjsonp response elements

The JSON object in the response contains a single element named responseData; this element is a JSON object itself, containing the following elements.

statusA status code indicating if there is an active session and there was no error handling the request. -1 – there was an error. Any successful response from the error_standardjsonp view will have this value as it is only used in the event of an error.
statusDescriptionA string containing a text error message. Hardcoded to: “Backend error, concurrent session limit exhausted or invalid license”.


The STANDARDJSON view is typically used by applications that wish to receive the data as JSON, but do not need to use the JSONP callback technique.

The standard JSON view has the following responsibilities:

  • Setting response headers
  • Generating the application URL
  • Creating a formatted JSON response containing the engine response data and application URL data.

STANDARDJSON request parameters

The valid parameters for a STANDARDJSON request are:

viewnameSpecifies the view to handle the request. Should be ‘STANDARDJSON’ for this view.
userinputA string containing the user’s natural language input (e.g. the value of the user input box in the web UI). Leave empty to send a request without any natural language user input.
ViewtypeShould have the value “STANDARDJSON”

Example STANDARDJSON GET request


1GET https://teneo-server/?viewname=STANDARDJSON&userinput=Hello%20world

Example STANDARDJSON response


2	"responseData" : {
3		"emotion":"Happy",
4		"lastinput":"Hello%20world",
5		"answer":"Greetings%20human!",
6		"link": {
7			"href":"https%3A%2F%2Fteneo-example%2Fanotherpage%2F",
8			"target":"_new"
9		},
10		"extraData": {
11			"my_view_variable":"This%20is%20my%20view%20variable",
12		},
13		"responseSession": {
14			"id":"123456789ABCDEF",
15			"transaction":"1"
16		},
17		"responseDetails": null,
18		"responseStatus": 200,
19		"applicationUrl": "<https://teneo-server/>"
20	}

STANDARDJSON response elements

The JSON object in the response contains a single element named responseData; this element is a JSON object itself, containing the following elements.

emotionThe name of the emotion returned by the engine, encoded as a URL string.
lastinputThe value of the ‘USERINPUT’ view variable. This will be the user input as received by the engine as a URL encoded string.
answerThe answer text produced by the engine as a URL encoded string.
linkA JSON object describing the URL returned by the engine and how it should be opened. It contains the following properties: href – the URL as a URL encoded string; target – the value of the ‘LINKTARGET’ view variable as a URL encoded string. Historically, this value was embedded as the target attribute of anchor tabs and so will generally contain one of the HTML target keyword values as described here It is up to the web application to decide how these values are used.
extraDataAll view variables produced by the engine except for the ‘USERINPUT’, ‘LINKTARGET’, ‘LINGUBOTURL’, ‘LINKSTYLE’ and ‘SESSION_ID’ variables will appear in the extraData object as encoded key/value string properties.
responseSessionA JSON object describing the current session. It contains the following properties: id – the session ID transaction – the transaction ID
responseDetailsLegacy property, always null.
responseStatusLegacy property, always 200.
applicationUrlThe URL the application should use for future requests. This may be different from the URL used for the previous request due to load balancing.


If an error occurs during a call to STANDARDJSON, the error response is directed to the error_standardjson view.

This view has the following responsibilities:

  • Setting response headers
  • Generating the application URL
  • Returning formatted JSON containing an error message.

error_standardjson request parameters

The error view will receive the same request parameters that were sent to the view for which it is handling the error, but error_standardjson does not use them.

Example error_standardjson GET request


1GET https://teneo-server/?viewname=STANDARDJSON&userinput=Hello%20world

Example error_standardjson response


2	"responseData" : {
3		"emotion":"neutral",
4		"lastinput":"",
5		"answer":"I%20am%20currently%20busy.%20Please%20try%20again%20later.",
6		"link": {
7			"href":"",
8			"target":""
9		},
10		"extraData": {},
11		"responseSession": {
12			"id":"",
13			"transaction":""
14		},
15		"responseDetails": null,
16		"responseStatus": 200,
17		"applicationUrl": "<https://teneo-server/>"
18	}

error_standardjson response elements

The JSON object in the error response matches the format of the STANDARDJSON response, but the data is not fully populated. It contains a single element named responseData, this element is itself a JSON object containing the following elements.

emotionA string, always: neutral
lastinputAn empty string
answerA URL encoded string, always decodes as: I am currently busy. Please try again later.
linkA placeholder JSON object that would usually describe the URL returned by the engine and how it should be opened. It contains the following properties: href – an empty string target – an empty string
extraDataAn empty JSON object
responseSessionA placeholder JSON object that would usually describe the current session. It contains the following properties: id – an empty string transaction – an empty string
responseDetailsLegacy property, always null.
responseStatusLegacy property, always 200.
applicationUrlThe URL the application should use for future requests. This may be different from the URL used for the previous request due to load balancing.


The endsession view is used to end the current session. It is special because it is not called by setting the viewName parameter, but instead by calling a specific endsession URL.

The endsession view has the following responsibilities:

  • Terminating the current session
  • Redirecting the request if necessary
  • Setting response headers
  • Returning formatted JSONP containing the logout status.

When sending a request to the ‘endsession’ view, the API response will return JSON wrapped in the specified callback function.

endsession request parameters

The valid parameters for an endsession request are as follows.

callbackA string specifying the name of the callback function to be used in the formatted JSONP response.
Redirect (optional)The URL the calling application will be redirected to. If this parameter is set, the HTTP response code will be 302 and the Location header will be set to the specified URL.
ViewtypeShould have the value “STANDARDJSON”

Example endsession GET request


1GET <https://teneo-server/endsession?callback=handleJSONResponse&redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fteneo-example%2Ffarewell%2F>&viewtype=standardjson

Example endsession response


2	"responseData" : {
3		"status" : 1,
4		"statusDescription" : "logout"
5	}

endsession response elements

The JSON object in the response contains a single element named responseData; this element is a JSON object itself, containing the following elements.

statusA status code indicating if there is an active session. 1 – There is no session. Any successful response from a call to the end session URL will have this value as it will have ended the session.
redirectThe URL the JSP view should redirect the response to after terminating the session.