Teneo Developers


Classifier optimization

In the Optimization view in the solution's backstage, the user will find the Classifier (Solution tab > Optimization > Classifier), which is the workbench of the Machine Learning (ML) Classifier where it is possible to review how user inputs coming from live logs are handled by the ML model.

The Classifier gives three options to review inputs and classes which all present the user of Teneo Studio with different ways of viewing inputs and improving the ML model.

  • Review Inputs
    • Detect and fix
    • Assign when uncertain
  • Review Classes
    • Improve the balance

Optimization: Classifier

When the user has one of the views open, it is possible to change between the views by clicking the field of the view-name to see a dropdown menu with the other views available. It is also possible to return to the main screen by clicking the blue circle arrows next to the Log Data Source field.

Review Inputs

The Review Inputs section contains the following to views:

  • Detect and fix: review inputs for which the Machine Learning model found a single candidate class, i.e. the input has been annotated with just one Class
  • Assign when uncertain: review inputs where the system is uncertain and have found multiple candidate Classes for the same input.

Please remember that the classification of the inputs displayed here doesn't reflect if a particular input was actually triggered in the published solution. This is rather a view of how that particular input is performing within the ML model and hence not within the solution as a whole.

Both the Detect and fix and the Assign when uncertain views displays the inputs and Classes in different groupings, and each grouping can be expanded by clicking the small arrow icon next to the group; and the user can show all the available Classes in the solution by clicking the Show/Hide Class List icon available next to the Filter field.

Note that the available buttons and actions may vary depending on both the view but also the grouping inside a view.

Expand views

When expanding either of the groupings, the user is presented with a list of Classes and inputs, and the user can by using the buttons available in the right-side of the input, Assign the input to the Class or Fix by assigning the input to another Class.

Assign and Fix buttons

Right-clicking an input will display the user with a context menu containing various options in order to improve the ML model.

  • Send To Tryout: allows to send the input to Tryout to see the behavior of the input in the solution
  • Mark selected inputs as reviewed: this option allows to tell Teneo Studio that the input has been reviewed and that no further actions need to be taken
  • Mark as reviewed...
    • Mark as reviewed to here
    • Mark whole section as reviewed
  • Assign to...
  • Fix - assign to a different class: to assign an input to a different Class, simply drag/drop the input onto the wanted Class when the list of Classes is open in the right side of the window
  • Clear action for selected inputs
  • Clear actions...
    • Clear actions in selected sections
    • Clear all actions

When finished performing any actions, the user should click Apply Pending Actions in the lower part of the window for the changes to take effect. Alternatively, click Clear to discard the changes.

Apply Pending Actions

Review Classes

Improve the balance displays Classes, and suggests the user to add inputs as training data to achieve Classes with a similar amount of training data.

By selecting a Class in the left side of the view, the right side view will be populated with a summary of how the machine learning model classified a specific input.

To add an input to the displayed Class, simply click the green plus icon in the far right side of the view.

Double-clicking the name of a Class will open the Class Manager.

Improve the balance

The context menu, when right clicking an input, gives the user the following options:

  • Send To Tryout
  • Assign to [class name]
  • Clear actions for selected inputs
  • Clear actions
    • Clear actions in selected sections
    • Clear all actions

When finished performing any actions, the user should click Apply Pending Actions in the lower part of the window for the changes to take effect. Alternatively, click Clear to discard the changes.

Apply Pending Actions