Teneo Developers

Publish environments

Add a publish environment

To add a new Publish Environment follow the below steps:

  • Go to the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solution tab) and select Publish in the left-side menu
  • In the top right-area, click Add Environment

The drop-down menu allows to configure the below listed types of publish environments:

  • Web Application: create a publish environment from scratch
  • Local File: create a publish environment which allows to save solution .war files
  • Pre-configured: create a publish environment with pre-configured setup.

Note that the configuration options (in the New environment window) divert a little depending on which type of publish environment the user selects.

Each of the above publish environment types provide the options to create Development, QA, and Production environments.

New environment window

The New Environment window, in the left-side, contains an overview of the Environment and the target(s).

The user can add or remove targets by clicking Add target/Remove target in the top right side of the window.

When the New Environment window opens, the Publish environment is pre-selected and its configuration properties displayed in the right-side of the view.

New environment window

To expand the configuration properties of the target, the user should simply click the target in the left-side of the screen.

When the user has finished configuring the properties of both the environment and the target, simply click OK to save the new publish environment and return to the main Teneo Studio window.

Note that the window differs a little depending on which type of environment is added (Web Application, Local File, Pre-configured).

Publish environment properties

The configuration of a publishing environment is divided into the following sections:

  • Details: give the publish environment a name and a description
  • Icons: add an image to the publish environment
  • Testing: set an Auto-test threshold which should be met before publishing the solution
  • Republish: define if the publish history should be saved and if republish to other environments allowed
  • Session Log Server Configuration select the log archive of the solution
  • Virtual Assistant: link directly to the published solution
  • Scripts: allows to enter the path name of scripts which should be run after a publishing process

Target properties

When selecting a target the following options are expanded in the right-side view:

  • Details: give the target a name and a description
  • License: add license details
  • Scripts: allows to enter the path name of scripts which should be run after a publishing process
  • Tomcat Container Properties: allows to specify the details related to the Tomcat Container, e.g. the server where the web app will be available
  • Admin: add details related to the server that hosts the admin interface of the web application deployment
  • Deployment: select if hot deploy should be allowed or not.

Under each section several configuration options are available. Please see the Overview of configuration properties for further information.

Manage environment

The Manage button next to an existing Publishing environment allows the user to edit the environment, publish or to delete the configured environment.

Delete environment

It is possible to delete an environment, for example if it is no longer needed.

When an environment is deleted, the solution is unpublished unless specified otherwise in the dialogue box.

To delete an environment, follow the below steps:

  • Click Manage and next Delete environment
  • Teneo Studio prompts the user to confirm the deletion of the environment:
    • Delete: select this option to delete the environment without unpublishing the solution
    • Unpublish and Delete: select this option to unpublish the solution and delete the environment
    • Cancel: select this option to cancel the deletion of the environment.

Please note that management of environments (such as delete and unpublish) when using Teneo Studio in SaaS environments must be requested through Support.

Overview of configuration properties

Publishing Environment

Publishing EnvironmentPropertiesDescription
DetailsNameName of the publishing environment
DescriptionDescription of the publishing environment
TestingAuto-test ThresholdThe success rate on solution level that the Auto-test should meet before publishing on this environment. A warning will pop up when publishing the solution, but even if the success rate is not met the user is able to publish.
Due Diligence ConfirmationAdditional message that appears in the process of publishing to a production environment.
RepublishSave historyIf ticked, this option saves a copy of the solution when publishing so that a newer version can be reverted to this one if the need arises.
Allow republish to other environmentsIf ticked, this option allows to republish a saved copy of a solution to other environments than the current one.
Session Log Server ConfigurationBroker ServerThe broker server needs to match the one configured during the installation.
PortThe port needs to match the one configured during the installation.
Log ArchiveLog Archives are available through a drop-down menu, please note that Log Archives needs to be set up outside Teneo Studio, in Teneo Manager.
Virtual AssistantVirtual Assistant URLThe URL entered here will be made available directly on the Publish tab of the Solution window for easy navigation to the concerned webpage.
ScriptsPost Publish ScriptEnter the full path name of any script(s) on the server which should be run after a publish action has been completed.


Publishing TargetDescription
DetailsNameName of the publication target
DescriptionDescription of the publication target
LicenseUse remote license fileTick/untick if a remote license file should be used
Remote License File PathWhen Use remote license file is ticked, specify the path for the remote license file.
License DataWhen the Use remote license file is unticked, specify the license data here.
ScriptsPost Publish ScriptEnter the full path name of any script(s) on the server that should run after a publish action has been completed.
Tomcat Container PropertiesServerName or address of the server where the web app will be deployed.
SSL ProtectedTick this option if the web app is protected with SSL encryption technology.
Context NameThe context under which the web app will be created (in the web address, it is the first string after the server's host name).
AdminAdmin ServerServer that hosts the admin interface for web application deployment.
Admin UserUser that is allowed to deploy web applications using said server.
Admin PasswordThe password of the admin user.
Log Root DirectoryThis is the directory where Engine will log the dialogues that visitors have with the conversational AI application.
DeploymentAllow Hot DeployTick this option to ensure that user sessions will not be interrupted when a publish action only concerns an update of the knowledge base.