Teneo Developers



Integrations are a reusable set of scripts which most commonly are used to connect to external services or on-device applications to create a sophisticated user experience to provide end-users with information in real time about, for example, the weather or the latest news.

The Integration Manager allows to define the scripts once and reuse them throughout the solution in Flows by adding Integration nodes.
Every Integration can contain one or more methods and, besides the execution script, each method has a name and optionally a description. Additionally, each method can contain input and output parameters.

Integration view

The Integration Manager is available in the backstage of Teneo Studio:

  • Solution tab > Resources > Integration

View of Integrations

In this view, the user will find:

  • Left side:
    • Text filter and Add button
    • List of existing Integrations
  • Right side:
    • Ribbon options allowing to Edit, Search, view History, set/unset Stable version, include/exclude in Branching
    • Details of the selected Integration providing a read-only summary
    • Integration's Id

Integration window

The Integration window is accessed by either adding a new Integration or by editing an existing Integration.

Integration window

The Integration window has two tabs:

  • Integration tab providing access to the Properties and History
  • Home tab with
    • Top ribbon
    • Methods panel (left side)
    • Method definition including Name, Description and Execution script (in the middel)
    • Inputs and Outputs parameters (right side panel)

For more details see the Edit section further below.



To open an existing Integration, follow the below steps:

  • Go to the Integration manager in the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solution tab > Resources > Integration)
  • Select the Integration to open
  • Click Edit in the right side of the screen
  • The Integration window now opens.

Double-clicking an Integration also opens the Integration window


To add an integration in Teneo Studio Desktop, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Integration in the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solution tab > Resources > Integration )
  • Click Add next to the text filter
  • In the Integration window, give the Integration a Name and optionally add a Description
  • Click Change image... to add a customized image to the Integration; any image added is used throughout Studio to represent the Integration
    • The Open file window opens, browse to the wanted image and click Open
  • Toggle the Availability option to the left to make the Integration available in Flows
  • Click the back-arrow in the top left corner
  • Now, enter the Method's Name and optionally add a Description
  • Add the Execution Script
  • Add Inputs and Outputs parameters in the right-side panel by clicking Add
    • Give each Inputs/Outputs parameter a Name and Description
  • Remember to click Save in the top ribbon.


After opening the Integration, the user is able to modify the wanted specifications; below please find an overview of the available options and buttons. Also refer to the above Add section.

Integration: top ribbon

The Integration's top ribbon provides the below specified buttons.

SectionButtonCommentMore information
IntegrationCloseClose the Integration window
SaveSave the Integration in the current state; clicking the lower part of the button allows the user to save the Flow with or without a comment
Stable VersionSet/UnsetSet the current version of the Integration as stable or unset it[Version flag]
BranchingInclude/ExcludeInclude or Exclude the Integration from branching when working in a Localization setup[Localization setup]

Integration tab

The backstage of an Integration (Integration tab in the top of the Integration's window) contains the below menu and editing options.

Menu itemCommentMore information
SaveSave the Integration in the current state
PropertiesAllows to edit the name and description; change the image which represent the integration and change the availability for use setting
HistoryLists the history and versions created each time the Integration is saved, comments added at save are displayed here. Open a previous version by clicking the version number; restore a previous version by opening the specific version and clicking Restore in the top ribbon[Version flag]
CloseClose the Integration window


To save an Integration with a comment, follow the below steps:

  • Click Save in the top ribbon of the Integration
  • In the dialogue box (optionally) write a comment
  • Click Continue

To save directly and bypass the comment, press the Alt key while clicking the Save button.


To close an Integration, either:

  • Click the X in the top, right corner of the Integration window
  • Click the Close button available in the top ribbon
  • In the Integration's backstage, click Close in the left-side menu

If there are unsaved changes Teneo Studio will prompt the user to Save Changes or Discard Changes.


To delete an Integration, follow the below steps:

  • In the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solutions tab > Resources > Integration) select the Integration(s) to delete
  • Click Delete in the top, right side of the list
  • Teneo Studio prompts the user to confirm the deletion of the selected Integration(s)
  • Click Yes to continue
  • When the Deletion completed message is displayed, click OK.

If an Integration is deleted by mistake, it can be restored from the [Recycle Bin]


A text filter is available at the top of the list of Integrations; to filter on the available integrations, simply write the wanted letter combination to start filtering on the list.

This section currently only apply toTeneo Studio Desktop

To find out where an Integration is used in a solution, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Integration manager in the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solutions tab > Resources > Integration)
  • Select the Integration to search for
  • Click Search in the ribbon in the right side of the view
  • The Search results in the frontstage of Teneo Studio are automatically displayed


Availability setting

This setting can currently only be changed inTeneo Studio Desktop

When an integration is available, it can be added to Flows. Integrations that are not available will continue to work in Flows they have been added to but new usages cannot be created and the unavailable integration is not visible in new Flows.

Execution Script

The execution script is the script which is executed when the integration is called by a Flow.

Both the Integration's input parameters and the solution's Global Variables are available inside the script. A method's script can populate its output parameters as well as Global Variables.

Input parameters

The Input parameters allow the method to receive information from a Flow and can be strings, lists, objects, etc. The type depends on the type of the variable that was transferred by the Flow.

Input parameters are optional and their names cannot contain spaces.

Output parameters

The Output parameters allow the method to send information back to a Flow, and just as input parameters, the output parameters can be of type strings, lists, objects, etc.

Output parameters are optional and their names cannot contain spaces.