Teneo Developers

Lexical resource information

The options and functionalities described in this page currently only apply toTeneo Studio Desktop


Teneo Studio allows to use both lexical resources, such as the Teneo Lexical Resources, as well as project-specific Language Objects and Entities.
However, when the name of an Entity or either the name or alias of a Language Object in an assigned lexical resource coincides with the name (or alias) of a Language Object or Entity in a solution, a conflict occurs and the message Lexical Resource Information appears at the bottom of the Solution Explorer. Clicking the message opens a new contextual tab called Lexical Resource Actions in Teneo Studio.

If having two Language Objects or Entities with the same name, one residing in a lexical resource and the second in the solution, the document in the solution takes precedence.

Lexical Resource Actions

The Lexical Resource Actions tab in Teneo Studio provides the following options:

  • Conflicts
    • Reload the list of conflicting documents
  • Local Object
    • Open the Language Object or Entity of the solution
    • Disable the document in the solution
    • Delete the document in the solution
    • Rename the document in the solution; this automatically adds "_1" suffix to the name of the Language Object or Entity located in the solution
  • Lexical Resource
    • Open the Language Object or Entity of the lexical resource
    • Resources navigates to the Resources panel in the backstage of Teneo Studio

Lexical Resource Actions tab

In the list of conflicting documents, the column to the left displays the icon of either the Language Object or the Entity while the second column displays an icon indicating if the conflict is in the name of the Language Object/Entity or in the alias of a Language Object.
Hovering over any of the documents will display an informative message, providing information about the Entity or Language Object as well as information related to the conflict.

Resolve conflicts

Conflicts can be resolved by deleting, disabling or renaming the Language Object or Entity in the solution, to do this follow the below steps:

  • Select the document(s) in conflict; multi-select by holding down Ctrl while selecting
  • Click either Disable, Delete or Rename, depending on the action to carry out.

If choosing to rename the conflicting documents, a unique name will be generated by adding underscore followed by a number, i.e. "_1". Alternatively, it is also possible to rename the document(s) manually by opening the document and writing the name in the Properties tab in the backstage.

Once all conflicts are resolved, the Actions tab will disappear automatically.

Unresolved conflicts

The user can choose to not resolve the conflict(s) and keep the conflicting name(s)/alias(es). In this case, the local document of the solution takes precedence over the document from the lexical resource, meaning that at runtime Teneo Engine uses the document stored in the solution.