Interface AnnotationsI

    • Method Detail

      • add

        void add​(Annotation _annotation)
        Adds the given annotation to the annotations data. If an annotation equal to the given annotation already exists it'll be replaced with the given annotation (see Annotation.equals(Object) for the definition of annotation equality).
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument value is null
      • remove

        void remove​(Annotation _annotation)
        Removes the annotation from the annotations data which is equal to the given annotation, if it's present. (see Annotation.equals(Object) for the definition of annotation equality).
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument value is null
      • clear

        void clear()
        Removes all annotations.
      • contains

        boolean contains​(Annotation _annotation)
        Returns true if an annotation equal to the given annotation is present in the annotations data (see Annotation.equals(Object) for the definition of annotation equality).
      • getNames

        Set<String> getNames()
        Returns the names of all annotations, for all sentences.
      • getNames

        Set<String> getNames​(int _iSentenceIndex)
        Returns the names of all annotations, in the specified sentence.
      • getByName

        Set<Annotation> getByName​(String _sName)
        Returns all annotations with the given name, for all sentences.
      • getByName

        Set<Annotation> getByName​(String _sName,
                                  int _iSentenceIndex)
        Returns all annotations with the given name, in the specified sentence.
      • getBySentenceIndex

        Set<Annotation> getBySentenceIndex​(int _iSentenceIndex)
        Returns all annotations with the given sentences index.
      • getByWordIndex

        Set<Annotation> getByWordIndex​(int _iWordIndex)
        Returns all annotations containing the given word index, for all sentences.
      • getByWordIndex

        Set<Annotation> getByWordIndex​(int _iWordIndex,
                                       int _iSentenceIndex)
        Returns all annotations containing the given word index, in the specified sentence.
      • getByVariable

        Set<Annotation> getByVariable​(String _sVariableName)
        Returns all annotations with a variable of the given name, for all sentences.
      • getByVariable

        Set<Annotation> getByVariable​(String _sVariableName,
                                      int _iSentenceIndex)
        Returns all annotations with a variable of the given name, in the specified sentence.