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Flow nodes and elements


Teneo Studio allows to add a variety of Flow nodes and elements in a Flow to design the desired dialogue; this page provides an overview of the various elements which the user might encounter in the Flow window and offers links to more information when relevant.

Flow node / elementVisualizationTeneo Studio DesktopCommentLearn more
User Intent trigger/transitionIntent TriggerThe User Intent contains the examples of intent which should trigger the current Flow/transition, it is also here that Match(es) and After Matches are definedUser Intent
Prompt triggerPrompt TriggerPrompts allow to add Groovy expressions which should be matched in order for the Flow to be triggeredPrompt trigger
Match ClassClass MatchAllows to define a Machine Learning Class which must be matched in order to trigger the Flow or Transition.Matches
Match TLML SyntaxSyntax MatchAllows to define a syntax based on the Teneo Linguistic Modeling Language (TLML).Matches
Match EntityEntity MatchMatch an Entity in order to trigger the Flow.Matches
Match Language ObjectLanguage Object MatchMatch a Language Object in order to trigger the Flow.Matches
Match ScriptScript MatchEnter the Flow by writing a script which must evaluate to true to enter the Flow.Matches
Match Scripted ContextScripted Context MatchContext Match requirement of type Scripted Context; select a Scripted Context and the wanted context state(s) which should be fulfilled for the Match requirement to match.Matches
Match Flow VariableFlow Variable Context MatchContext Match requirement of type Flow Variable; select a Flow Variable and write an evaluation script which must evaluate to true for the Match requirement to match.Matches
Match Global VariableGlobal Variable Context MatchContext Match requirement of type Global Variable; select a Global Variable and write an evaluation script which must evaluate to true for the Match requirement to match.Matches
Integration nodeAllows to call an integration from within a Flow when the Integration has previously been configured in the Integration managerIntegration node
Flow LinkFlow LinkAllows to create links from one Flow to another (and back again in the case of Sub-flows)Flow Link
ScriptScript nodeAllows to add programmatic functionalities (Groovy) to a Flow; the code piece has access to Global Variables and Flow Variables of the current FlowScript node
Give ResponseGive ResponseThe "Give Response" label indicates that the Bot will give all pending Outputs as a response (up till that point in the Flow) and wait for a new user inputTransitions
JunctionJunction nodeJunctions allows to split the flow of the dialogue and facilitates the modeling of the Flow logic as multiple transitions can point to/from the same Junction node
After Match EntityEntity After MatchAllows to extract the value of an Entity variable. After Matches are defined in the Intent Trigger/transitionAfter Matches
After Match Language ObjectLanguage Object After MatchAllows to extract the value of a Language Object variable. After Matches are defined in the Intent Trigger/transitionAfter Matches
After Match ScriptScript After MatchAllows to, for example, store matched words as a variable or execute a script. After Matches are defined in the Intent Trigger/transitionAfter Matches
After Match ListenerListener After MatchAllows to execute a script for each input which matches a syntax rule. After Matches are defined in the Intent Trigger/transitionAfter Matches
OutputOutput nodeOutput nodes contain the answer(s) of the conversational AI applicationBot Output
RaiseRaise labelThe "raise" label indicates when a Flow raise event happens in the Flow dialogue
DropDrop labelThe "drop" label indicates when a Flow drop event happens in the Flow dialogue
TODOTODO labelThe "TODO" labels are shown in the Flow editor and on Flow nodes when an implementation of the node is still pendingTODO label
Plus iconPlus iconPlus icons are displayed throughout the Flow editor indication where more nodes and elements can be added; when clicked, the available options are displayed in a menu for the user to choose fromEdit Flow