Teneo Developers

Query Log Data

The options and functionalities described in this page currently only apply toTeneo Studio Desktop


Inquire is Teneo's integrated suite of services for accessing, exploring, analyzing, and manipulating conversational log data produced by conversational AI applications. It can be used as a data mining and data extraction tool or function as a backend component for report and dashboard generation.

The custom Teneo Query Language (TQL) provides capabilities for retrieving, counting and filtering on combinations of log data event properties such as user inputs, flows, system responses and internal variable values. The queries are performed directly in Teneo Studio, by accessing the Log Data Source (Solution tab > Optimization > Log Data), and here the user is able to create and share queries, see queries history, etc.

The functionalities related to querying the log data in the Home tab of the Log Data Source window is described in this page. For a description of the Log Data Source window and details related to panels and the backstage, please see Log Data Source window.

Run a Query

To run a query, follow the below steps:

  • Go to the Log Data Source main screen (Home tab)
  • Enter a TQL command in the TQL editor (for information on how to write TQL commands, please see the Teneo Query Language manual)
  • Click the Run Query button, or alternatively, press the key combination Control + Enter.

Query results may take a few seconds in appearing, the system will display an execution message in the meantime. It is possible to cancel the query at any time clicking the Cancel button to the right.

Once the query has finished, the results will be displayed.

Query results

Date Range

Use the Date Range selectors to limit the results to a recent timeframe or select a period in the past to query.
The date range is by default pre-populated with a value of 1 week (i.e., 7 days) prior to the possible end date. The end date can either be:

  • today (for LDSs with Until date == "Now"), or
  • a set day (for LDSs with a set until date).

No end-date is pre-populated.

TQL Editor

The TQL editor is designed to highlight keywords, operators and strings; typing at the start of the TQL editor will provide auto-completion for basic query commands and invalid commands will be highlighted.

Syntax highlighting in the TQL editor

Use Ctrl + F to find specific text in the editor. Tab and Shift + Tab allows to indent and outdent lines in the query.

New Queries

The developer can use either the New button in the top ribbon, or the small icon on the right of existing queries to create a new tab for querying.

New Query tab

Wrong Queries

If an incorrect query is attempted, the system will display an error message and the query tab is marked with a warning icon; more information is displayed in the the window as well as when hovering over the icon.

Failed Query message

Navigate From Query Results

When the query results contain properties with Ids (such as Flow Ids or Trigger Ids), it is possible to see information regarding the element by hoovering over the Id. To access and see the element directly in the solution, simply double-click the Id.

Tooltip when hoovering over Ids

For the navigation to be successful, the solution that contains the queried element needs to be already open (if the queried element does not belong to the open solution, Teneo Studio cannot navigate to it). If no solution is open, Teneo Studio cannot locate the element nor open it.

Export Query Results

Export of query results is available in .csv and .json file formats.

To export the query results, use the Export as CSV / JSON buttons available in the top ribbon.

When query results are exported in the .json format, they can later be reimport under Saved Results in the backstage of the Log Data Source window and used for querying. This is not possible if the results are exported as .csv file.

Save Queries Using TQL

Whenever a query is saved using the TQL command save, it will be stored in the system as a user-generated data. The user may access them from Teneo Studio using the Teneo Query Language.

However, if the user wishes to see a full list of the saved queries, the user can do so from the Saved Results view in the backstage of the Log Data Source window.