Teneo Developers


Account Information

The Account Information section provides information related to the Teneo account's name and Id.


Add Settings

To add Settings, follow the below steps:

  • Click the Add button next to the list of existing Settings (if any)
  • Select Azure OpenAI or CLU
  • Now, give the settings a Name
  • Optionally, add a description
  • Fill in the Setting's details
  • Click Save to preserve the changes.

More information is also available in the below Details section.

Edit Settings

To edit an existing setting, follow the below steps:

  • On the Account page, select the setting to edit
  • Click Edit in the upper, right side of the window
  • Now, perform the needed changes
  • Remember to click Save to preserve the changes.

Delete Settings

To delete an existing setting, follow the below steps:

  • On the Account page, select the setting to delete
  • Click Delete in the upper, right corner of the window
  • Confirm the deletion of the settings by writing the name in the confirmation box
  • Click Delete to confirm the deletion; alternatively, click Cancel to discard the action.

Activate / Deactivate Azure OpenAI Settings

It is possible to add more than one LLM - Azure OpenAI setting to an account and a new setting is added as deactivated per default. The developer can choose which setting (if any) should be active, leaving the others deactivated. The activated setting is, of course, the one used in the Teneo Studio account (i.e., in all the solutions in the account).

In Studio Desktop, a setting is activated or deactivated by following the below steps:

  • On the Account, select the setting to activate / deactivate
  • Click Activate / Deactivate in the top, right area
  • Confirm the action by clicking Yes.


API Key Management

Be aware of the following related to the management of API keys:

  • Keys are uploaded to Teneo where they are stored (encrypted)
  • The users of Studio bring their own key and upload the key themselves
  • A specific Studio permission is needed to modify Settings; see Studio permissions
  • It is not possible to read the keys (encrypted) via the API nor the UI (Studio)
  • It is possible to overwrite / update the key if the user has the correct / needed permission
  • It is not possible to update Settings using the Manager API (to avoid solution inconsistencies due to missing models).

Azure OpenAI Specifics

An Azure OpenAI Setting holds the following information:

  • Name
  • (Optional) description
  • Resource Name
  • Deployment Id
  • API Key
  • Model (a read-only value that appears after first Save action is performed).

The Resource Name and API Key info are found in Azure AI Services | Azure OpenAI.

The Deployment Id can be found in the Azure AI Studio, clicking Deployments in the left-side menu:

CLU Specifics

To add a CLU Setting, the user must provide the Resource Name and an API Key.
In Azure, under Cognitive Services → Language Services, the information about the Azure Resource Name and the API Key is available as displayed in the following image; for more details please visit the Language Services section on Azure or the Azure documentation.

In Teneo, the API Key can be changed as often as needed, but changing the Resource name is only possible when no CLU models exist in any solution in the entire Studio account, meaning that CLU models must be deleted first in all solutions before the Resource Name can be updated.

To change the Resource name, the user must introduce the API key too.