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abort() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
Marks this flow for premature termination.
abortActiveFlow(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Marks the flow with the given flow instance ID for premature termination.
AbstractElementWithScripting - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Base class for path elements that can modify session and flow variables.
AbstractElementWithScriptingAndMetadata - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Abstract base class for all path elements with metadata.
AbstractElementWithScriptingAndMetadata(Map<String, String>, ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Consumer<DebugInfo>) - Constructor for class AbstractElementWithScriptingAndMetadata
Note: This constructor evaluates and replaces script expressions in the metadata values, thus as side effect it may modify the script bindings of the given session and flow context.
AbstractElementWithSessionScripting - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Base class for path elements that can modify session variables.
AbstractFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Abstract base class for all path elements related to a flow context.
AbstractListenerElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Abstract base class for all listener elements.
AbstractListenerElement(Listener, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class AbstractListenerElement
AbstractSkippedVertexElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Abstract base class of elements for skipped vertices.
AbstractVariableElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Base class for elements holding change data on script variables.
AbstractVertexElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Abstract base class for vertex elements in the history path.
add(Annotation) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Adds the given annotation to the annotations data.
addAnnotationsToInputProcessorResultsElement(List<PathElement>, List<ChangedAnnotation>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Adds the given annotations data to the InputProcessorResultsElement in the processing path.
Annotation - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.inputprocessor
An Annotation represents additional data associated with words in the sentences, e.g.
Annotation(String, int, Set<Integer>) - Constructor for class Annotation
Creates a new annotation as if Annotation(_sName, _iSentenceIndex, _zWordIndices, null) was called.
Annotation(String, int, Set<Integer>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class Annotation
Creates a new annotation with the given data.
AnnotationsI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.inputprocessor
A collection that contains Annotation objects, with no duplicates.
apply(String) - Method in class PathUtils.ReplacementFunctionWrapper
apply(String, T) - Method in class PathUtils.ReplacementBiFunctionWrapper
asFlatIterable() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns an Iterable over all flows in the stack.
ATTRIBUTE_SESSION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Name of the servlet request attribute to store the session timeout value.
autoCorrect(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the auto-corrected version of the given single word, or just the simplified form of the given word if an auto-correction isn't available for it.


changedScriptVariablesToString(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Returns the string representation of the given map, like AbstractMap.toString().
cleanSentencesAndAnnotations(List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Cleans the sentences and the annotations in all path elements.
clear() - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Removes all annotations.
clone() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns a deep copy of this object.
com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine - package com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path - package com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.inputprocessor - package com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.inputprocessor
This package defines the concept of an input processor chain that maintains an ordered sequence of one or more input processors.
com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.script - package com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.script
com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.solution - package com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.solution
com.artisol.teneo.engine.webapp - package com.artisol.teneo.engine.webapp
Provides all engine classes that know about the web environment.
contains(Annotation) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns true if an annotation equal to the given annotation is present in the annotations data (see Annotation.equals(Object) for the definition of annotation equality).
ContinueFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The ContinueFlow element denotes a certain flow was resumed after waiting for new user input.
ContinueFlowElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Constructor for class ContinueFlowElement
createCookie(String, String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Constructs a Cookie object for a specified name and value, to be used later as the parameter to method setCookie(Cookie).
createInputAnnotation(String, int, Set<Integer>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class EngineAccess
Creates a user input Annotation object with the given data.


DataActionElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The DataActionElement element denotes that a certain data action has been executed.
DataActionElement(DataActionI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class DataActionElement
DataActionWithUsedWordsElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The DataActionWithUsedWordsElement element denotes that a certain data action has been executed that may have used words.
DataActionWithUsedWordsElement(DataActionI, String[], Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class DataActionWithUsedWordsElement
deleteCookie(String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Deletes the cookie with the given name.
DialogHistoryUtilities() - Constructor for class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
divideIntoSentences(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Divides the given text into substrings according to the sentence dividing rules of the engine.
divideIntoWords(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
divideIntoWords(String, EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
Divides the given text into words according to the word dividing rules of the engine.
DropFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The DropFlow element denotes that a certain flow was dropped (removed from the active flows stack) normally.
DropFlowElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Constructor for class DropFlowElement
DropStuckFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The DropStuckFlowElement element denotes that a certain flow was dropped (removed from the active flows stack) abnormally because its processing got stuck due to some "broken" state.
DropStuckFlowElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Constructor for class DropStuckFlowElement


EngineAccess - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
Provides controlled access for scripts to internal engine data.
EngineAccess.Data - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
The data of an active flow stack entry.
EngineAccess.Data.Flow - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
The data of a flow.
EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
The data of a flow trigger.
EngineAccess.Data.Vertex - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
The data of a flow vertex.
EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
This class provides utility methods for modification of the dialog history data.
EngineAccess.HistoryItem - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
Data of a session history entry.
EngineAccess.LangCompMatch - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
EngineAccess.WordListType - Enum in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
Result types known to methods that return word processing data.
EngineEnvironmentI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.script
This interface is the base for a an arbitrary data aggregation provided to solution scripts.
EngineOutputI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
This interface defines read-only access to the engine output data.
entrySet() - Method in interface ImmutableScriptBindingsI
Returns a unmodifiable set view to the entries in the binding.
equals(Object) - Method in class Annotation
Compares this Annotation to the specified object.
ExecutedFlowNodeElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The ExecutedFlowNode element denotes that a certain flow node has been traversed, effectively handing over to another flow.
ExecutedFlowNodeElement(ImmutableFlowI, ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
EXTERNAL - ImmutableSessionDataI.TerminationReason
Terminated on external session termination request.


FINAL - EngineAccess.WordListType
The words of the input text after all preprocessing steps (like auto-correction, compound splitting, similarity matching).
FINAL - Static variable in class EngineAccess
FINALIZED - EngineAccess.WordListType
FINALIZED - Static variable in class EngineAccess
use EngineAccess.FINAL instead
finalizeMetadata(Map<String, String>, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Static method in class PathUtils
Returns a copy of the given metadata, with script expressions in the values replaced by their evaluation result.
findMatchingLanguageComponents(String, boolean) - Method in class EngineAccess
Tests all language objects and entities against the given sentence text and returns a list of matches.
findMatchingLanguageObjects(String, boolean) - Method in class EngineAccess
FlowListenerElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Element that holds data of a matching flow listener.
FlowListenerElement(Listener, String[], Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class FlowListenerElement
FlowScriptElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The FlowScriptElement element denotes that a certain session script was executed.
FlowScriptElement(FlowScripts.Event, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class FlowScriptElement
FlowTriggerElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The FlowTrigger element denotes that a certain flow trigger has matched when testing user input.
FlowTriggerElement(ImmutableFlowTriggerI, ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Constructor for class FlowTriggerElement


get(Object) - Method in interface ImmutableScriptBindingsI
Returns the binding of the given name _key.
get(String) - Method in class ScriptAttributes
Returns a specified attribute or null if the attribute doesn't exist.
get(String, Object) - Method in class ScriptAttributes
Returns a specified attribute or a specified default value if the attribute doesn't exist.
getActiveFlows() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns a snapshot of the current active flows stack.
getActiveFlows() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the stack of active flows.
getAll() - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations.
getAnswerEmotion() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getAnswerEmotion() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
getAnswerEmotion() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getAnswerText() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getAnswerText() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
getAnswerText() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getAnswerURL() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
getAnswerURL() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getAnswerViewName() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
getApplicationName() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the name of the selected engine application.
getApplicationName() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
getApplicationName() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the name of the solution.
getAuthType() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getAuthType() on the request object.
getBeginIndex() - Method in interface SentenceI
Returns the character index of the beginning of this sentence in the user input text.
getBeginIndex() - Method in interface WordDataI
Returns the character index of the beginning of this word in the sentence text.
getByName(String) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations with the given name, for all sentences.
getByName(String, int) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations with the given name, in the specified sentence.
getBySentenceIndex(int) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations with the given sentences index.
getByVariable(String) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations with a variable of the given name, for all sentences.
getByVariable(String, int) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations with a variable of the given name, in the specified sentence.
getByWordIndex(int) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations containing the given word index, for all sentences.
getByWordIndex(int, int) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns all annotations containing the given word index, in the specified sentence.
getChangedAnnotations() - Method in class GlobalPreListenerElement
getChangedAnnotations() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
getChangedAnnotations() - Method in class PreMatchingSessionScriptElement
getChangedFlowVariables() - Method in class AbstractElementWithScripting
getChangedFlowVariables() - Method in class FlowListenerElement
getChangedFlowVariables() - Method in class MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement
getChangedSessionVariables() - Method in class AbstractElementWithSessionScripting
getChangedSessionVariables() - Method in class MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement
getChangeType() - Method in class AbstractVariableElement
getChangeType() - Method in class VariableChangeElement
getChangeType() - Method in class VariableInitializationElement
getChangeType() - Method in class VariableResetElement
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getCharacterEncoding() on the request object.
getConsistencyError() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
getContentLength() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getContentLength() on the request object.
getContentType() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getContentType() on the request object.
getContextPath() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getContextPath() on the request object.
getCookies() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Returns an array containing all the Cookie objects the client sent with the request.
getCookieValue(String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
getCookieValue(String, String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Returns the value of the cookie (sent along with the request) with the given name.
getCurrentFlow() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the topmost element of the active flows stack.
getCurrentVertex() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowI
Returns the vertex at which processing stopped during the last user input turn.
getDataActionId() - Method in class DataActionElement
getDataActionType() - Method in class DataActionElement
getDescription() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
getDescription() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns the description text of this flow.
getDescription() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
Returns the description text of this flow trigger.
getDescription() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Vertex
Returns the description text of this flow vertex.
getDescription() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getDescription() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getDescription() - Method in class AbstractVariableElement
getDescription() - Method in class AbstractVertexElement
getDescription() - Method in class DataActionElement
getDescription() - Method in class FlowScriptElement
getDescription() - Method in class FlowTriggerElement
getDescription() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
getDescription() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getDescription() - Method in class PathElement
getDescription() - Method in class ProcessingErrorElement
getDescription() - Method in class SessionScriptElement
getDescription() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowI
getDescription() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowTriggerI
getDescription() - Method in interface ImmutableVertexI
getDialogHistory() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns a snapshot of the session history.
getDialogHistoryLength() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the number of items in the session history (e.g.
getDialogHistoryUtilities() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities instance which provides convenient methods for dialog history modification.
getDuration() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
Returns the transaction duration in milliseconds.
getEmotion() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getEndDialogChangedVariables() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns an unmodifiable map of the session scope changed variables, generated during session termination processing.
getEndDialogChangedVariables() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the script variables set during session termination.
getEndDialogLogVariables() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns an unmodifiable map of the session scope log variables, generated during session termination processing.
getEndDialogMetadata() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns an unmodifiable map of the session scope metadata, generated during session termination processing.
getEndDialogMetadata() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the metadata set during session termination.
getEndIndex() - Method in interface SentenceI
Returns the index of the character right after the end of this sentence in the user input text.
getEndIndex() - Method in interface WordDataI
Returns the index of the character right after the end of this word in the sentence text.
getExecutionOrder() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getFinal() - Method in interface WordDataI
Returns the final form of this word.
getFlow() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowI
Returns the flow which is active.
getFlow() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowTriggerI
getFlowFolder() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getFlowId() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getFlowInstanceId() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getFlowName() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getFlowNodeType() - Method in class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
Either "routing" or "subflow".
getFlowScriptBindings() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowI
Returns the flow's scripting variables.
getFlowTrigger() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
Returns the trigger which caused this active flow to be raised.
getFlowTrigger() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowI
Returns the flow trigger (normal or pro-active) which caused activation of the flow.
getFlowTriggerOrderGroupValue(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the value of the flow trigger order group with the given name.
getFolderPath() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
getFolderPath() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns the path of the solution folder this flow is stored in.
getFolderPath() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowI
getHeader(String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getHeader(java.lang.String) on the request object.
getHeaderNames() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getHeaderNames() on the request object.
getHeaders(String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getHeaders(java.lang.String) on the request object.
getId() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
getId() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns the ID of this flow.
getId() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
Returns the ID of this flow trigger.
getId() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Vertex
Returns the ID of this flow vertex.
getId() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowI
getId() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowTriggerI
getId() - Method in interface ImmutableVertexI
getInputAnnotations() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the user input annotations generated by the input processors or added by scripting.
getInputStream() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getInputStream() on the request object.
getInstanceId() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
Returns the instance ID of this active flow (it distinguishes multiple active instances of the flow with the ID returned by method EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow.getId()).
getInstanceId() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowI
Returns the ID of this instance of an active flow.
getLangCompName() - Method in class EngineAccess.LangCompMatch
The name of the matching language object / entity.
getLangObjName() - Method in class EngineAccess.LangCompMatch
getLangObjVariable(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the value of a language object variable with the given name, or null if no such language object variable exists.
getLangObjVariables() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the map of the available language object variables and their values.
getLastSessionAccess() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the point in time when the session was last accessed (milliseconds since 1.1.1970).
getListenerId() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getListenerType() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getListenerType() - Method in class FlowListenerElement
getListenerType() - Method in class GlobalPostListenerElement
getListenerType() - Method in class GlobalPreListenerElement
getLocalAddr() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getLocalAddr() on the request object.
getLocale() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getLocale() on the request object.
getLocales() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getLocales() on the request object.
getLocalName() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getLocalName() on the request object.
getLocalPort() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getLocalPort() on the request object.
getLogEntries() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the log data generated for the transactions of this session.
getLogVariables() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getLogVariables() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
Returns an immutable map of the log variables.
getLogVariables() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
For an active session the log variables of the last transaction are returned, for a terminated session the log variables set during session termination scripting are returned.
getMain(int) - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the normal flow at the given index.
getMatchRangeStartIndices() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns a List with one or more sentence word indices.
getMatchRequirementId() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getMatchRequirementType() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getMaxRevisits() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getMetadata() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
getMetadata() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns the metadata of this flow, including any default values.
getMetadata() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
Returns the metadata of this flow trigger.
getMetadata() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Vertex
Returns the metadata of this flow vertex.
getMetadata() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getMetadata() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getMetadata() - Method in class AbstractElementWithScriptingAndMetadata
getMetadata() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowI
getMetadata() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowTriggerI
getMetadata() - Method in interface ImmutableVertexI
getMethod() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getMethod() on the request object.
getName() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
getName() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns the name of this flow.
getName() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
Returns the name of this flow trigger.
getName() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Vertex
Returns the name of this flow vertex.
getName() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getName() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getName() - Method in class AbstractVariableElement
getName() - Method in class AbstractVertexElement
getName() - Method in class DataActionElement
getName() - Method in class FlowScriptElement
getName() - Method in class FlowTriggerElement
getName() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
getName() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getName() - Method in class PathElement
getName() - Method in class ProcessingErrorElement
getName() - Method in class SessionScriptElement
getName() - Method in class Annotation
Returns the name of this annotation.
getName() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowI
getName() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowTriggerI
getName() - Method in interface ImmutableVertexI
getNames() - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns the names of all annotations, for all sentences.
getNames(int) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Returns the names of all annotations, in the specified sentence.
getNextTransactionId() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the ID string to be used for the next user request transaction.
getNotUsedRawWordCount() - Method in class EngineAccess
getNotUsedRawWords() - Method in class EngineAccess
getNotUsedWordIndices() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the positions of the sentence words not used to fulfill a condition.
getNotUsedWords() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
getNotUsedWords(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the sentence words not used to fulfill a condition.
getOrder() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
If this is a syntax or class trigger then its sub-order value (relative to the order group) is returned.
getOrderGroup() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
If this is a syntax trigger then the name of its order group is returned.
getOriginal() - Method in interface WordDataI
Returns the original form of this word.
getOutputEmotion() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the output emotion of the final response to be returned by the engine.
getOutputId() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getOutputParameter(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the value of an output parameter with the given name, or null if no such output parameter exists.
getOutputParameters() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the map of the available output parameters and their values.
getOutputParameters() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getOutputParameters() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getOutputText() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the output text of the final response to be returned by the engine.
getOutputText() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getOutputURL() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the output URL of the final response to be returned by the engine.
getParameter(String) - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getParameter(java.lang.String) on the request object.
getParameterMap() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getParameterMap() on the request object.
getParameters() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Returns arbitrary typed request parameters parsed from the request body content.
getParentId() - Method in class DataActionElement
getParentId() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getParentType() - Method in class DataActionElement
getParentType() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getPath() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getPath() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
Returns the processing path elements of this log entry.
getPathInfo() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo() on the request object.
getPathTranslated() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getPathTranslated() on the request object.
getPostVertices() - Method in interface ImmutableVertexI
getPreviousSessionId() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the previous session ID if this is a continued session (see ImmutableSessionDataI.isContinued()), otherwise null.
getProcessingPath() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns an unmodifiable copy of the vertex processing path for the current turn.
getProperties() - Method in interface WordDataI
Returns the properties attached to this word.
getProperty(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation: getProperty(_sKey, "")
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the value of a specified property as read from the engine property files.
getPropertyGetters() - Method in class PathElement
Returns the names (map key) and getter methods (map value) of the class' bean properties.
getProtocol() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getProtocol() on the request object.
getQueryString() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getQueryString() on the request object.
getReader() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getReader() on the request object.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() on the request object.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getRemoteHost() on the request object.
getRemotePort() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getRemotePort() on the request object.
getRemoteUser() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser() on the request object.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId() on the request object.
getRequestParameters() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getRequestParameters() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getRequestTime() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
Returns the request time.
getRequestURI() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI() on the request object.
getRequestURL() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() on the request object.
getResponseVariables() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getRevisits() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getScriptBindings() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the script bindings used for execution of script events in the session scope.
getScriptEvent() - Method in class SessionScriptElement
getScriptId() - Method in class SessionScriptElement
getSentenceCount() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the number of sentences in the user input.
getSentenceIndex() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the index of the user input sentence currently processed or associated with the chosen answer.
getSentenceIndex() - Method in class Annotation
Returns the index in the List<SentenceI> passed into InputProcessor.process to which this annotation belongs (the first sentence has index 0).
getSentences() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns an unmodifiable view of the sentences and their words, generated from the user input text.
getSentences() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
getSentenceText() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the text of the user input sentence currently processed or associated with the chosen answer.
getSentenceWordBeginnings() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
getSentenceWordBeginnings(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the beginning character indices of the words of the user input sentence currently processed or associated with the chosen answer.
getSentenceWordCount() - Method in class EngineAccess
getSentenceWordCount(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
getSentenceWords() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
getSentenceWords(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the words of the user input sentence currently processed or associated with the chosen answer.
getServerName() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getServerName() on the request object.
getServerPort() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.getServerPort() on the request object.
getServletPath() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.getServletPath() on the request object.
getSessionBegin() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the point in time when the session was started (milliseconds since 1.1.1970).
getSessionId() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the ID string of the current session context.
getSessionId() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the ID of this session, a unique sequence of arbitrary characters.
getSessionTimeout() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Returns how long the current session must be idle before it is terminated.
getSessVarLifespan(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the remaining lifespan of the specified session variable.
getSimplified() - Method in interface WordDataI
Returns the simplified form of this word.
getSkipConditionDescription() - Method in class AbstractSkippedVertexElement
getSkipConditionName() - Method in class AbstractSkippedVertexElement
getSkipTargetId() - Method in class AbstractSkippedVertexElement
getSolutionId() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Only for internal use.
getStackTrace() - Method in class ProcessingErrorElement
getSub(int) - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the flow at the given index of the topmost substack.
getSubStack(int) - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the substack at the given index.
getTargetFlowId() - Method in class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
getTargetFlowName() - Method in class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
getTerminationReason() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns the reason for termination of this session.
getText() - Method in interface SentenceI
Returns the original text of this sentence.
getThisFlow() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the flow currently in scope of flow processing.
getTopFlow() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the topmost element of the active flows stack, or null if the stack is empty.
getTopNormalFlow() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the topmost normal flow of the active flows stack, or null if the stack is empty.
getTransactionId() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the ID string of the current user request transaction.
getTransactionId() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getTransactionId() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getTriggerId() - Method in class FlowTriggerElement
getTriggerType() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
Returns the type of this trigger.
getTriggerType() - Method in class FlowTriggerElement
getTriggerType() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowTriggerI
getType() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
getType() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns the type of this flow.
getType() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Vertex
Returns the type of this flow vertex.
getType() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getType() - Method in class AbstractVariableElement
getType() - Method in class ContinueFlowElement
getType() - Method in class DataActionElement
getType() - Method in class DropFlowElement
getType() - Method in class DropStuckFlowElement
getType() - Method in class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
getType() - Method in class FlowScriptElement
getType() - Method in class FlowTriggerElement
getType() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getType() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
getType() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
getType() - Method in class PathElement
getType() - Method in class PauseFlowElement
getType() - Method in class ProcessingErrorElement
getType() - Method in class RaiseFlowElement
getType() - Method in class ResumeFlowElement
getType() - Method in class ScriptNodeElement
getType() - Method in class SessionScriptElement
getType() - Method in class SkippedFlowNodeElement
getType() - Method in class SkippedOutputElement
getType() - Method in class TransitionElement
getType() - Method in interface ImmutableVertexI
getUrl() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
getUsedRawWordCount() - Method in class EngineAccess
getUsedRawWords() - Method in class EngineAccess
getUsedWordIndices() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the positions of sentence words used to fulfill a condition.
getUsedWords() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
getUsedWords() - Method in class EngineAccess.LangCompMatch
The indices of the sentence words fulfilling the condition of this language object match.
getUsedWords() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
getUsedWords() - Method in class DataActionWithUsedWordsElement
getUsedWords() - Method in class MatchRequirementWithUsedWordsAndScriptingElement
getUsedWords(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the sentence words used to fulfill a condition.
getUserInputText() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the user input text.
getUserInputText() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
getUserInputText() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
getUserInputText() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
getUserInputWordCount() - Method in class EngineAccess
getUserInputWordCount(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
getUserInputWords() - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the same result as the following method invocation:
getUserInputWords(EngineAccess.WordListType) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the words of the user input text.
getVariables() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
Returns the variables of this active flow (without session variables).
getVariables() - Method in class Annotation
Returns an immutable map of the variables associated with this annotation.
getVertex() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
In case this object was returned by methods EngineAccess.getActiveFlows(), EngineAccess.getTopFlow(), EngineAccess.getTopNormalFlow() the flow vertex last processed (a direct pre-vertex of the vertex currently being processed) is returned. In case this object was returned by method EngineAccess.getThisFlow() the vertex currently being processed is returned.
getVertexId() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getVertexId() - Method in class AbstractVertexElement
getVertexName() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
getViewVariables() - Method in interface EngineOutputI
Returns an immutable map of the view variables.
getWordIndices() - Method in class Annotation
Returns an immutable set of indices into the List<WordData> contained in a SentenceI.
getWords() - Method in interface SentenceI
Returns the words of this sentence.
getWriteToLog() - Method in interface ImmutableLogEntryI
States whether this entry will be written to the session log.
GivenOutputElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The output element denotes that a certain output has been given.
GivenOutputElement(UUID, String, String, String, Map<String, String>, int, ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class GivenOutputElement
GlobalPostListenerElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Element that holds data of a matching global post listener.
GlobalPostListenerElement(Listener, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class GlobalPostListenerElement
GlobalPreListenerElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Element that holds data of a matching global pre listener.
GlobalPreListenerElement(Listener, String[], Map<String, Object>, List<ChangedAnnotation>) - Constructor for class GlobalPreListenerElement


hashCode() - Method in class Annotation
HttpEngineEnvironment - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.webapp
Provides access to request data and cookie handling in a servlet container environment.
HttpEngineEnvironment(HttpServletRequest, Map<String, Object>, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class HttpEngineEnvironment
Creates a new instance of HttpEngineEnvironment.


ImmutableActiveFlowI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
ImmutableActiveFlowStackI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
The stack of active flows.
ImmutableFlowI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.solution
ImmutableFlowTriggerI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.solution
Read-only interface to exposed flow trigger properties.
ImmutableLogEntryI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
This interface defines read-only access to the basic data of a log entry.
ImmutableScriptBindingsI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.script
This interface defines read-only access to the script bindings.
ImmutableSessionDataI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
This interface defines read-only access to the session data.
ImmutableSessionDataI.TerminationReason - Enum in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine
Possible reasons for termination of a session.
ImmutableVertexI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.solution
InputProcessorResultsElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The InputProcessorResultsElement contains the input processor result data.
InputProcessorResultsElement(List<ExtendedSentence>, List<ChangedAnnotation>, String) - Constructor for class InputProcessorResultsElement
INTERNAL - ImmutableSessionDataI.TerminationReason
Terminated on internal request (that is, session timeout set to zero by solution scripting).
isAborted() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
States whether this flow is marked for immediate termination when it is/becomes the top flow.
isAborted() - Method in class DropFlowElement
isConsistent() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
isContinued() - Method in interface ImmutableSessionDataI
Returns whether this session is a continuation of a previously timedout session.
isEmpty() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns whether the stack is completely empty.
isEntity() - Method in class EngineAccess.LangCompMatch
Returns true if the matching language component is an entity.
isInputConsuming() - Method in class TransitionElement
isInstanceOf(String) - Method in interface EngineEnvironmentI
Checks whether this instance is an implementation of the given name (or a sub-type thereof).
isInstanceOf(String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Checks whether this class or an ancestor is an instance of the given type name.
isInstanceOf(String) - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Checks whether this class or an ancestor is an instance of the given type name.
isLanguageObject() - Method in class EngineAccess.LangCompMatch
Returns true if the matching language component is a language object.
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() on the request object.
isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() on the request object.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.isRequestedSessionIdValid() on the request object.
isSecure() - Method in class ServletEngineEnvironment
Calls ServletRequest.isSecure() on the request object.
isSkipped() - Method in class AbstractSkippedVertexElement
isSkipped() - Method in class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
isSkipped() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
isStuck() - Method in class DropFlowElement
isStuck() - Method in class DropStuckFlowElement
isSub() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns whether the topmost flow (as returned by ImmutableActiveFlowStackI.peekSub()) is a subflow.
isSubFlow() - Method in interface ImmutableFlowI
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Calls HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(java.lang.String) on the request object.


LIFESPAN_SESSION - Static variable in class EngineAccess
Constant for method EngineAccess.setSessVarLifespan(String, int), lifespan parameter.


MatchRequirementElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The MatchRequirementElement element denotes that a certain match requirement has matched.
MatchRequirementElement(MatchRequirementI) - Constructor for class MatchRequirementElement
MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement element denotes that a certain match requirement has matched that may also changed scripting variables.
MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement(MatchRequirementI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement
MatchRequirementWithUsedWordsAndScriptingElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The MatchRequirementWithUsedWordsAndScriptingElement element denotes that a certain match requirement has matched that may also have used words and changed scripting variables.
MatchRequirementWithUsedWordsAndScriptingElement(MatchRequirementI, String[], Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class MatchRequirementWithUsedWordsAndScriptingElement


ORIGINAL - EngineAccess.WordListType
The words spelled exactly as given in the input text, without any further word processing.
ORIGINAL - Static variable in class EngineAccess
ORIGINAL_PACKED - EngineAccess.WordListType
The words spelled exactly as given in the input text, without any further word processing.
ORIGINAL_PACKED - Static variable in class EngineAccess
overlay(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class PathUtils
Overlays part of a String with another String.


PathElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Base class for all path elements.
PathElement() - Constructor for class PathElement
PathUtils - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
PathUtils.ReplacementBiFunctionWrapper<T> - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Internal class used to check if the value returned by the replacement BiFunction is null or not.
PathUtils.ReplacementFunctionWrapper - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Internal class used to check if the value returned by the replacement Function is null or not.
PathUtils.ReplacementWrapper<T> - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Internal class extended by the two functionWrappers that holds common code.
PauseFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The PauseFlow element denotes processing a certain flow is paused because it needs new user input.
PauseFlowElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Constructor for class PauseFlowElement
peekMain() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the topmost normal flow (regardless whether subflows exist on top of it).
peekSub() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the topmost flow (can be a normal flow or a subflow).
PreMatchingSessionScriptElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The PreMatchingSessionScriptElement element denotes that a the pre-matching script was executed.
PreMatchingSessionScriptElement(UUID, String, Map<String, Object>, List<ChangedAnnotation>) - Constructor for class PreMatchingSessionScriptElement
ProcessingErrorElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
Element that holds data of an unexpected/unhandled request processing exception.
ProcessingErrorElement(Throwable) - Constructor for class ProcessingErrorElement
put(String, Object) - Method in class ScriptAttributes
Sets an attribute to a specified value.
putAll(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ScriptAttributes
Copies all attributes from a specified Map into this attribute collection.
putLogVariable(String, String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Puts a key/value pair (a log variable) into the set of log variables to be written to the session log.
putOutputParameter(String, String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Sets the output parameter with the given name and value in the collection of output parameters.


RaiseFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The RaiseFlow element denotes that a certain flow was raised, i.e.
RaiseFlowElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class RaiseFlowElement
RAW - EngineAccess.WordListType
RAW - Static variable in class EngineAccess
RAW_PACKED - EngineAccess.WordListType
RAW_PACKED - Static variable in class EngineAccess
redact(int, int, char, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Redact text, wordData and useWords in all path elements.
redact(int, int, int, char) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces a specified range of the user input text on a specified history item with a given mask character.
remove(Annotation) - Method in interface AnnotationsI
Removes the annotation from the annotations data which is equal to the given annotation, if it's present.
remove(String) - Method in class ScriptAttributes
Removes a specified attribute from the collection.
removeLogVariables(List<String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Removes selected log variables from all log variables maps.
removeMetadata(List<String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Removes selected metadata entries from all metadata maps
removeMetadata(List<String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Remove all the _lNames metadata from all the maps int the pathElements.
removeOutputParameters(List<String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Removes all output parameters with the given names from answers/outputs.
removeRequestParameters(List<String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Removes selected entries from all request parameter maps.
removeResponseVariables(List<String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Removes selected variables from all response variables maps.
removeVariables(List<String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Removes selected variables from the changes data of session, flow, annotation variables.
removeVariables(List<String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Remove all the _lNames variables from the pathElements in the following maps: flowVariables, sessionVariables and annotationVariables.
replaceLogVariables(BiFunction<String, String, String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all log variables.
replaceLogVariables(List<String>, String) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces the values of selected log variables.
ReplacementBiFunctionWrapper(BiFunction<String, T, T>) - Constructor for class PathUtils.ReplacementBiFunctionWrapper
ReplacementFunctionWrapper(Function<String, String>) - Constructor for class PathUtils.ReplacementFunctionWrapper
ReplacementWrapper() - Constructor for class PathUtils.ReplacementWrapper
replaceMetadata(BiFunction<String, String, String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all metadata maps.
replaceMetadata(BiFunction<String, String, String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Apply the given function to all metadata maps.
replaceMetadata(List<String>, String) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces the values of selected metadata map entries.
replaceOutputParameters(BiFunction<String, String, String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Applies the given function to all answer/output parameters.
replaceOutputText(Function<String, String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Applies the given function to all answer/output texts.
replaceOutputURL(Function<String, String>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Applies the given function to all answer/output URLs.
replaceRequestParameters(BiFunction<String, String[], String[]>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all request parameters.
replaceRequestParameters(List<String>, String[]) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces the values of selected request parameters.
replaceResponseText(Function<String, String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all answer/output texts.
replaceResponseText(List<String>, String) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces all matches of the specified strings in all answer/output texts.
replaceResponseURL(Function<String, String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all answer/output URLs.
replaceResponseURL(List<String>, String) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces all matches of the specified strings in all answer/output URLs.
replaceResponseVariables(BiFunction<String, String, String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all response variables (output parameters).
replaceResponseVariables(List<String>, String) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces the values of selected response variables (output parameters).
replaceUserInputText(Function<String, String>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all user input texts.
replaceUserInputText(List<String>, String) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces all matches of the specified strings in all user input texts.
replaceVariables(BiFunction<String, Object, Object>) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Applies the given function to all variables in the changes data of session, flow, annotation variables.
replaceVariables(BiFunction<String, Object, Object>, List<PathElement>) - Static method in class PathUtils
Applies the given function to all variable maps.
replaceVariables(List<String>, Object) - Method in class EngineAccess.DialogHistoryUtilities
Replaces the values of selected variables in the changes data of session, flow, annotation variables.
ResumeFlowElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The ResumeFlow element denotes that a certain flow was resumed, i.e.
ResumeFlowElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ResumeFlowElement


ScriptAttributes - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.script
This class defines an interface for scripts to store and retrieve named objects of arbitrary types, the so-called 'attributes'.
ScriptAttributes(Map<String, Object>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ScriptAttributes
Creates a new instance of ScriptAttributes.
ScriptNodeElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The script element denotes that a certain script node has been executed.
ScriptNodeElement(ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ScriptNodeElement
SentenceI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.inputprocessor
This interface represents a sentence identified in the user input text.
ServletEngineEnvironment - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.webapp
Provides access to request data in a servlet container environment.
SessionScriptElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The SessionScriptElement element denotes that a certain session script was executed.
SessionScriptElement(SessionScripts.Event, UUID, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class SessionScriptElement
setBeginIndex(int) - Method in interface SentenceI
Sets the character index of the beginning of this sentence in the user input text to the given value.
setCookie(String, String, int) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Sets a cookie with the given name, value, and maximum age.
setCookie(Cookie) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Sets a cookie to the given cookie data.
setFinal(String) - Method in interface WordDataI
Sets the final form of this word to the given value.
setInputProcessorResultsElementConsistencyError(List<PathElement>, String) - Static method in class PathUtils
Sets the consistency error message on the InputProcessorResultsElement in the processing path to the given text, if it isn't already set.
setOutputEmotion(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Sets the emotion of the final response to be returned by the engine.
setOutputText(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Sets the text of the final response to be returned by the engine.
setOutputURL(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Sets the URL of the final response to be returned by the engine.
setSessionTimeout(int) - Method in class HttpEngineEnvironment
Sets how long the current session must be idle before it is terminated.
setSessVarLifespan(String, int) - Method in class EngineAccess
Sets the lifespan of the specified session variable to the given number of user input turns.
setSimplified(String) - Method in interface WordDataI
Sets the simplified form of this word to the given value.
setSuppressResumePrompt(boolean) - Method in class EngineAccess
This method is for internal use only.
setText(String) - Method in interface SentenceI
Sets the original text of this sentence to the given value.
setUserInputText(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Sets the user input text to be used for flow evaluation.
similarWord(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Searches the internal dictionary for the simplified version of the given word and returns the following result: the simplified version of the word (in lower case), if it exists in the internal dictionary; the alphabetically first of the most similar words from the dictionary, as long as the spelling tolerance threshold isn't exceeded; or the null object if a sufficiently similar word isn't found.
SIMPLIFIED - EngineAccess.WordListType
The simplified words of the input text.
SIMPLIFIED - Static variable in class EngineAccess
SIMPLIFIED_PACKED - EngineAccess.WordListType
The simplified words of the input text.
SIMPLIFIED_PACKED - Static variable in class EngineAccess
simplify(String) - Method in class EngineAccess
Returns the simplified version of a specified text (not necessarily a single word).
size() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the number of normal flows on the stack.
sizeFlat() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the total number of flows in the stack.
sizeSub() - Method in interface ImmutableActiveFlowStackI
Returns the size of the topmost substack.
SkippedFlowNodeElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The flow node element denotes that a certain flow node has been skipped.
SkippedFlowNodeElement(SkipConditionI, ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class SkippedFlowNodeElement
SkippedOutputElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The output element denotes that a certain output has been skipped.
SkippedOutputElement(SkipConditionI, ActiveFlow, ScriptEnvironmentI, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class SkippedOutputElement


throwIfNullDetected(String) - Method in class PathUtils.ReplacementWrapper
TIMEOUT - ImmutableSessionDataI.TerminationReason
Session timeout reached.
toString() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.ActiveFlow
toString() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Flow
Returns a human readable representation of this flow.
toString() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.FlowTrigger
Returns a human readable representation of this flow trigger.
toString() - Method in interface EngineAccess.Data.Vertex
Returns a human readable representation of this flow vertex.
toString() - Method in class EngineAccess.HistoryItem
toString() - Method in class AbstractElementWithScripting
toString() - Method in class AbstractElementWithScriptingAndMetadata
toString() - Method in class AbstractElementWithSessionScripting
toString() - Method in class AbstractFlowElement
toString() - Method in class AbstractListenerElement
toString() - Method in class AbstractSkippedVertexElement
toString() - Method in class AbstractVertexElement
toString() - Method in class DataActionElement
toString() - Method in class DataActionWithUsedWordsElement
toString() - Method in class ExecutedFlowNodeElement
toString() - Method in class FlowListenerElement
toString() - Method in class FlowTriggerElement
toString() - Method in class GivenOutputElement
toString() - Method in class GlobalPreListenerElement
toString() - Method in class InputProcessorResultsElement
toString() - Method in class MatchRequirementElement
toString() - Method in class MatchRequirementWithScriptingElement
toString() - Method in class MatchRequirementWithUsedWordsAndScriptingElement
toString() - Method in class PathElement
toString() - Method in class PreMatchingSessionScriptElement
toString() - Method in class SessionScriptElement
toString() - Method in class TransitionElement
toString() - Method in class Annotation
TransitionElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The Transition element denotes that a certain transition matched.
TransitionElement(ActiveFlow, boolean, ScriptEnvironmentI) - Constructor for class TransitionElement


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum EngineAccess.WordListType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ImmutableSessionDataI.TerminationReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum EngineAccess.WordListType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ImmutableSessionDataI.TerminationReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VariableChangeElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The VariableChangeElement denotes side effects on script variables, resulting from mismatching language conditions in triggers, listeners, transitions.
VariableChangeElement(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class VariableChangeElement
VariableChangeElement(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class VariableChangeElement
VariableInitializationElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The VariableInitializationElement denotes initialization of sessions variables.
VariableInitializationElement(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class VariableInitializationElement
VariableResetElement - Class in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.engine.path
The VariableResetElement denotes resetting of session variables.
VariableResetElement(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class VariableResetElement


WordDataI - Interface in com.artisol.teneo.engine.core.inputprocessor
This interface defines the data associated with a word identified in a sentence.
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