Teneo Developers


Pre-built Entities

The Teneo NLU Ontology and Semantic Networks come with a set of pre-built Entities. These Entities make use of different techniques, like hand-crafted lists or machine learned NERs to extract an Entity from an input. Entities will make the matched Entity details available in one or more variables.

See the list of languages with available Entity objects in the menu.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
ГРАД.ENTITYsCityCommon cities worldwideДолни чифлик Йонгин Канус Лондон Монтана Ня Чанг Сараево Симитли София
ДЕН.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekВторник Петък Понеделник Уикенд
ДЪРЖАВА.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeCountriesАлжир Аржентина Исландия Мексико Норвегия Съединените американски щати Швейцария Япония
ЗОДИАКАЛЕН_ЗНАК.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsБлизнаците Везни Овенът Телецът
МЕСЕЦ.ENTITYsMonthMonthsЯнуари Август Май Ноември Февруари Юли
РЕДНО_ЧИСЛО.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumber sOrdinalDet sOrdinalDetShort sOrdinalF sOrdinalFDet sOrdinalN sOrdinalNDet sOrdinalPl sOrdinalPlDetOrdinals10-а 32-ри първа седми
ЦВЯТ.ENTITYsColorColorsчерен бял зелен лилав оранжев розов син червен
ЦИФРА.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.черен бял зелен лилав оранжев розов син червен

Chinese (Mandarin)

EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
货币.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies50 SEK in zloty.
十二星座.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsThey say Pisces are compassionate, but don't like to be criticized. My mother is a ♏.
星期.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekI don't like Mondays. Friday I'm in love.
序数.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsShe came in 1st. He came in second.
颜色.ENTITYsColorColorsThe Dutch flag is Red, White and Blue.
语言.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesDo you have this document in Swedish? Translate ‘hello’ to Hindi. I speak thee languages: Polish, English  and Urdu.
月份.ENTITYsMonthMonthsSometimes it snows in April. Let's meet in feb.
中国大陆省份.ENTITYsProvince sProvinceNormalized sProvinceShort sProvinceCapital sProvinceCapitalNormalizedChinese provinces
机场.ENTITYsCountryNormalized sCountryCode sAirport sAirportNormalized sAirportCodeAirports
城市.ENTITY *sContinent sContinentNormalized sCountry sCountryNormalized sCountryCode sCity sCityNormalizedCities
国家_地区.ENTITYsContinent sContinentNormalized sCountry sCountryNormalized sCountryCode sCapital sCapitalNormalizedCountry/Region

* The Chinese Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city Entity per country and one city Entity per continent, and where they are all entries of the 城市.ENTITY.


Ahoj Aničko Dáme to Evičce Dobrou noc, Heleno Lence se to líbí S Marií si chceme objednat Kupuju to pro Martinku Řekni to Michaele

EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
BARVA.ENTITYsColorColorsBílý Modrý Růžový žlutý
DEN.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekNeděle Pondělí Středa Víkend
JAZYK.ENTITYsLanguage sLanguageCodeJazykyHovořím Čínštinou Rozumím Francouzštině Mluvíš italsky? Ovládáte Norštinu? Dorozumím se i mongolsky Můžeme mluvit okcitánsky? Španělština a Portugalština Řecky se s tebou nedorozumím
JMÉNO_MUŽSKÉ.ENTITYsNameNominative sNameVocativeMužská jména, zahrnují rovněž domácí a zdrobnělé formy.Pošli to Tomášovi Alešku, jsi tam? Koupíme si to s Lojzíkem Ondřej ti zavolá Jdeme tam s Pájou
JMÉNO_ŽENSKÉ.ENTITYsNameNominative sNameVocativeŽenská jména, zahrnují rovněž domácí a zdrobnělé formy.Ahoj Aničko Dáme to Evičce Dobrou noc, Heleno Lence se to líbí S Marií si chceme objednat Kupuju to pro Martinku Řekni to Michaele
MĚSÍC.ENTITYsMonthMonthsBřezen Květen Listopad Srpen
MĚSTO.ENTITY *sCitySvětová městaLetíme zpátky do Barcelony Budeme přestupovat v Kolíně nad Rýnem Bydlíš v Londýně Ukaš mi spoj Los Angeles - Brno Pojedeme do Mombasy Ukaž mi Paříž Bude to v Lisabonu
ZEMĚ.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeCountriesJordánsko Nový Zéland Středoafrická republika Čína
ZNAMENÍ_ZVĚROKRUHU.ENTITYsZodiacSignBlíženci Býk Lev Rak Štír Váhy

* The Czech Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of MĚSTO.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
BY.ENTITY *sCityCommon cities worldwideJeg bor i Amsterdam
FARVE.ENTITYsColorColorsDet hollandske flag er rødt, hvidt og blåt
LAND.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeCountriesHun bor i Spanien
MÆNGDETAL.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.Det er femogtyve år siden. Det er der 122 år til.
MÅNED.ENTITYsMonthMonthsNogle gange sner det i april Lad os ses i feb
ORDENSTAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsHun kom ind på 1. pladsen. Han tog anden pladsen.
SPROG.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesHar du det her dokument på svensk? Oversæt 'hej' til hindi. Jeg taler tre sprog: polsk, dansk og engelsk.
STJERNETEGN.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsJomfruer er meget medfølende, men kan ikke lide kritik. Min mor er ♏.
UGEDAG.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekJeg kan ikke lide mandage. Fredag er næsten weekend.
VALUTA.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies50 SEK i zloty.

* The Danish Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of BY.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
GETAL.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.That was fifty years ago. That's 122 years from now.
KLEUR.ENTITYsColor sColorCapColorsGeel Groen Oranje
LAND.ENTITYsCapital sCountryCode sCountryCountriesDenemarken Duitsland Portugal Spanje
MAAND.ENTITYsMonth sMonthCapMonthsApril December Januari
RANGTELWOORD.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsShe came in 1st. He came in second.
STAD.ENTITY *sCityCommon cities worldwideI live in Amsterdam. Berlijn Campbell River Saint Gilles
STERRENBEELD. ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsLeeuw Maagd Ram Stier
TAAL.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesIk spreek drie talen: Pools, Engels en Italiaans. Kan ik dit document krijgen in het Nederlands? Vertaal 'hallo' naar het Japans.
VALUTA.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrenciesArgentijnse peso Zweedse kroon Yen
WEEKDAG.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekDinsdag Maandag Vrijdag Woensdag

* The Dutch Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of STAD.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
CITY.ENTITY *sCityCommon cities worldwideI live in Amsterdam.
COLOR.ENTITYsColorColorsThe Dutch flag is Red, White and Blue.
COUNTRY.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeCountriesShe lives in Spain.
CULTURAL_GROUP.ENTITYsCulturalGroupNationalities, ethnic groups, religious groups etc.Do you accept students from German universities? I need to order special food on the flight, I am Muslim. Mum is cooking great Arabic food.
CURRENCY.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies50 SEK in zloty.
CURRENCY_AMOUNT.ENTITYnNumber sCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies combined with amountsThat's 50 SEK. My friend found $20 on the streets yesterday.
EMAIL.ENTITYsEmail bIsCompleteEmail addresses and flag to show email is valid and completeE-mail it to john.doe@teneo.ai My email is tester at yahoo dot com
EVENT.ENTITYsEventEvents, national holidays, treaties, awards/prices etc.Who won the Oscar's last night? Where are you celebrating Christmas this year? The treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.
FACILITY.ENTITY (BETA)sFacilityBuildings, airports, train stations, public transport lines, hospitals etc.I want to fly from Newark to LAX. Have you ever visited the Empire state building? What year was the Brooklyn Bridge built?
FICTIONAL_FIGURE.ENTITY (BETA)sFictionalFigureFictional figures, cartoons etc.Who do you think you are, Superman? He was wearing a black coat, a bit like Batman’s. I don't believe in Santa Claus.
FULL_DATE.ENTITYsFullDateFull dates (Year, month, day).I was born on April 7th, 1991. The ticket was issued 23 Jan 2017. I have been a customer since 14-03-2015.
GEOGRAPHY.ENTITYsGeographyNon-political geographical entities: mountains, bodies of water, planets, moons, suns etc.How many rings does Saturn have in total? Who was the first one to climb Mount Everest? How big is the Sahara Desert?
IP_ADDRESS.ENTITYsIpAddressIP addressesConnect to
KNOWN_FIGURE.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownFigureKnown, public (non-fictional) figuresI am a big fan of Meryl Streep. Play a song from Justin Bieber.
KNOWN_GROUP.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownGroupKnown groups and bandsPlay a nice song by The Beatles. I liked the latest Coldplay album. Another song from Metallica please.
LANGUAGE.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesDo you have this document in Swedish? Translate ‘hello’ to Hindi. I speak thee languages: Polish, English and Urdu.
LOCATION.ENTITYsLocationGeopolitical locations (humans decided the borders) Including: Continents, Countries, States, Counties, Cities, Neighborhoods etc.I was born in California. I want to fly from Paris to London. What time does the ferry to Staten Island depart?
MED_CHEM.ENTITY (BETA)sMedChemMedical/chemicals: Chemical substances, named diseases, and drugsIs there a vaccine for Malaria? Who really discovered the Penicillin? Find me information about Iodine.
MISC.ENTITY (BETA)sMiscMiscellaneous; named entities that fit none of the other categoriesThe Tyrannosaurus Rex could be over 6 meters high. What happened to Obamacare? What is the Erasmus programme?
MONTH.ENTITYsMonthMonthsSometimes it snows in April Let's meet in feb
NUMBER.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.That was fifty years ago. That's 122 years from now.
ORDINAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsShe came in 1st. He came in second.
ORGANIZATION.ENTITYsOrganizationOrganizations: companies or a division of a company, universities, schools, embassies, religious organizations, political parties etc.I work at Apple. What is the e-mail address to Teneo AI? I studied at Harvard University.
PERSON.ENTITYsPersonName of persons, including titles and surnames if presentMy name is Mrs Johnsson. The ticket is booked in the name Joanne Stevens. Send Mrs Smith a text please.
PRODUCT.ENTITYsProductProduct or brand names or organization names used as products in the contextI drive a BMW. How much is the new iPhone X? Can you open Facebook and make a post for me?
SPORT.ENTITY (BETA)sSportSports teams, sports organizations, sporting eventsMiami Dolphins is a good team! I want to watch the winter Olympics. Who won the FIFA world cup?
STREET_ADDRESS.ENTITY (BETA)sStreetAddressStreet name and street number when applicableI live on 2967 Washington st. What time does the office on Birch avenue open? I recently moved to 23 Main street.
TEMPERATURE.ENTITYnNumber sUnitTemperatures combined with amountsIt was 38 degrees Celsius yesterday. Wow, what a coincidence, it's 38 °F where I live!
UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER.ENTITYsUniqueIdentifierUnique identifiers: Product numbers, phone numbers, user names, member numbers etc.My phone number is 123-44 43 33. I have a bonus card with number ebb123523111. When will 103-121-111 be in stock again?
URL.ENTITYsUrlURLs (also partial / truncated URLs)Open google.com Go to page www.teneo.ai Take me to cnn dot com
WEEKDAY.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekI don't like Mondays. Friday I'm in love.
WORK_OF_ART.ENTITY (BETA)sWorkOfArtWork of art: songs, albums, movies, books, video games etc.Do you read the Bible? Play Diamonds by Rihanna. Download the Frankenstein movie.
ZIP_CODE.ENTITYsZipCodeZip codesMy zip is V0G 1Y0. My address is 24 Main street 23212 New York.
ZODIAC_SIGN.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsThey say Pisces are compassionate, but don't like to be criticized. My mother is a ♏.

* The English Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of CITY.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
ADRESSE.ENTITY (BETA)sStreetAddressLe nom et le numéro de la rue, avenue, place etc.J'ai récemment déménagé au 23 avenue Victor Hugo comment arriver a la place Meynard, num 12 J'habite 42 rue Pinel
ADRESSE_IP.ENTITYsIpAddressLes adresses IPConnecter à
CODE_POSTAL.ENTITYsZipCodeLes codes postauxJ'habite au 4, rue Paradis, 92345 mon cp est 75003
COULEUR.ENTITYsColorLes couleursBlanches bleus gris noir
DATE.ENTITYsFullDateLes dates (jour, mois, année)Je suis né le 7 avril 1991 Je suis votre client depuis le 14-03-2015. le billet est valide jusqu´au 23 janvier 2017
EMAIL.ENTITYsEmail bIsCompleteLes adresses e-mail, même les adresses incomplètes.Mon email est tester @yahoo.fr Tu peux l'envoyer à mon email john.doe@teneo.ai
EMPLACEMENT.ENTITYsLocationDes lieux géopolitiques (les humains ont créé les frontières), y compris : continents, pays, états, comtés, villes, quartiers etc.Je suis né en Californie Je veux voler de Paris à Londres. Montre-moi les entreprises de la Haute-Garonne
ÉVÉNEMENT.ENTITYsEventLes événements, fêtes (nationales), traités, prix etc.Acheter des cadeaux pour Noël Le traité de Versailles a été signé en 1919. Qui a remporté la Palme d'Or hier soir ?
FIGURE_FICTIONNELLE.ENTITY (BETA)sFictionalFigureDes personnages de fiction, des dessins animés etc.Donne-moi l'adresse de Superman est-ce que tu aimes Tintin ?
GÉOGRAPHIE.ENTITYsGeographyDes entités géographiques non politiques: montagnes, plans d'eau, planètes, lunes, soleils etc.Quelles sont les sources de la Loire ? Qui a été le premier à gravir le Mont Everest? visiter les Gorges du Tarn
GROUPE_CONNU.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownGroupDes groupes connus, comme p. ex. des groupes de musique.J'ai aimé le dernier album d'Indochine Je cherche une chanson de Beatles Mickey 3D sera de concert a Paris quand
GROUPE_CULTUREL.ENTITYsCulturalGroupLes groupes culturels, par ex. les nationalitésElles sont toutes américaines Ils étaient norvégiens Nous sommes Français
IDENTIFIANT_UNIQUE.ENTITYsUniqueIdentifierLes identifiants uniques: numéros de produit, numéros de téléphone, noms d'utilisateur, numéros de membre etc.103-121-111 est en stock chez vous ? Mon numéro de téléphone est le 23 44 43 33.
INFRASTRUCTURE.ENTITY (BETA)sFacilityLes bâtiments, les aéroports, les gares ferroviaires, les lignes de transport en commun, les hôpitaux, les monuments etc.Avez-vous déjà visité la Tour Eiffel ? Prix billet adult plus un enfant au Cité des sciences Tous les vols au départ de l'aéroport Paris Orly
JOUR.ENTITYsWeekdayLes jour de la semaine, "weekend" inclussamedi weekend lundi
LANGUE.ENTITYsLanguageLes languesComment on dit "bonjour" en italien Je parle trois langues : polonais, anglais et ourdou. Tu peux le traduire en suédois ?
MÉDICAL_CHIMIQUE.ENTITY (BETA)sMedChemDes substances chimiques, médicaments, maladies etc.Existe-t-il un vaccin contre le paludisme ? La production de l'aluminium par électrolyse Trouvez-moi des informations sur l'acétaminophène
MISC.ENTITY (BETA)sMiscMiscellaneous; named entities that fit none of the other categoriesThe Tyrannosaurus Rex could be over 6 meters high. What happened to Obamacare? What is the Erasmus programme?
MOIS.ENTITYsMonthLes mois de l'annéeaoût décembre février
MONNAIE.ENTITYsCurrencyLes noms des monnaies£ couronne suédoise
NUMÉRO.ENTITYnNumberLes numéraux11.23 10000 dix
ŒUVRE_D_ART.ENTITY (BETA)sWorkOfArtLes œuvres d'art: chansons, albums, films, livres, pièces de théâtre, jeux vidéo etc.Est-ce que tu connais Le Misanthrope Je souhaite écouter la Sonate pacifique de L'Impératrice Télécharger le film Frankenstein.
ORDINAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberLes numéraux ordinaux7e 10e premier
ORGANISATION.ENTITYsOrganizationLes organisations: entreprises ou divisions d'une entreprise, universités, écoles, ambassades, organisations religieuses, partis politiques etc.Où est le siège des Nations unies ? Je travaille chez Apple. Quelle est l'adresse e-mail à Teneo AI ?
PAYS.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeLes noms des pays du mondeAlgérie Argentine États-Unis
PERSONNAGE_CONNU.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownFigurePersonnages connues, (non fictionnels).Jacques Chirac était président de la France pendant 7 ans Nicolas Sarkozy s'occupe de quoi aujourd'hui ? Les chansons de Serge Gainsbourg
PERSONNE.ENTITYsPersonLes noms et/ou prénoms des personnes, y compris les titres le cas échéantEnvoyez un texto à Gérard svp Je m'appelle Mme Dupin Le billet est réservé au nom de Phillippe Plissonnier
PRODUIT.ENTITYsProductLes noms de produit ou de marque ou les noms d'organisation utilisés en tant que produits dans le contexteCombien coûte le nouvel iPhone X ? Je conduis une Renault Pouvez-vous ouvrir Facebook et faire un post pour moi ?
SPORT.ENTITY (BETA)sSportDes équipes sportives, des organisations sportives, des événements sportifsJe veux regarder les Jeux olympiques d'hiver Paris Saint-Germain est une bonne équipe ! Qui a remporté la Coupe du monde en 2018 ?
TEMPÉRATURE.ENTITYnNumber sUnitLa température5 ° Fahrenheit 5 degrés
UNITÉ_MONNAIE.ENTITYnNumber sCurrencyLes valeurs monétaires£23.45 100 EUR 5€
URL.ENTITYsUrlLes URL (également les URL partielles)Aller à la page www.teneo.ai Ouvrez google.com
VILLE.ENTITY *sCityLes villes du mondeAr Rutba Bordeaux Londres
ZODIAQUE_SIGNE.ENTITYsZodiacSign sZodiacSignPl sZodiacSignArtSg sZodiacSignArtPlLes signes du zodiaquela balance Le taureau les gémeaux verseau

* The French Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of VILLE.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
ADRESSE.ENTITYsStreetAddressEntspricht Strassennamen und Hausnummer (wenn vorhanden).Ich wohne in der Dorfstrasse 23 Meine Anschrift lautet: Rheinweg 12a
BEKANNTE_GRUPPE.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownGroupEntspricht bekannten Gruppen (hauptsächlich Musikgruppen).ABBA ist eine Band aus Schweden. Ich habe die Beatles einmal live gesehen. Spiel noch ein Lied von Metallica.
BERÜHMTHEIT.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownFigureEntspricht Personen, die einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad in der Öffentlichkeit haben.Angela Merkel ist die Bundeskanzlerin Deutschlands. Kannst du bitte ein Lied von Justin Bieber spielen? Mein Lieblingskomponist ist Ludwig van Beethoven.
DATUM.ENTITYsFullDateEntspricht einer kompletten Datumsangabe: Tag, Monat und Jahr.Ich bin seit dem 23. Mai 2006 Kunde. Mein Geburtstdatum ist der 16.02.1969.
EMAIL.ENTITYsEmail bIsCompleteEntspricht E-Mail-Adressen, inkl. unvollständige E-Mail-Adressen.Meine E-Mail-Adresse ist peter@gmail Schicke es bitte an peter.muster@teneo.de
EVENT.ENTITY (BETA)sEventEntspricht Events und Feiertagen.Morgen ist Halloween Was machst du an Weihnachten?
FARBE.ENTITYsColorEntspricht Farben.blauer grün lila orange
FIKTIVE_FIGUR.ENTITY (BETA)sFictionalFigureEntspricht fiktiven Figuren.Er trägt einen Batman-Anzug. Ich glaube nicht an den Weihnachtsmann. Mein Name ist James Bond.
GELDBETRAG.ENTITYnNumber sCurrencyEntspricht Geldbeträgen mit Währungeinheiten.£23.45 fünfzehn Euro zehn Franken
GEOGRAFIE.ENTITY (BETA)sGeographyEntspricht nicht-politischen geografischen Einheiten: Berge, Gewässer, astronomische Objekte.Wer hat als Erster den Mount Everest bezwungen? Wie viele Ringe hat Saturn? Wo ist der pazifische Ozean?
ID.ENTITYsUniqueIdentifierEntspricht eindeutigen Identifikationszeichen wie z. B. Produktnummern, Telefonnummern, Benutzernamen, etc.Ich suche den Artikel 123.255.214 Meine Kreditkartennummer lautet 4562 2368 5211 2568 Ruf mich bitte an: 098 562 21 44
INFRASTRUKTUR.ENTITY (BETA)sFacilityEntspricht Sehenswürdigkeiten und öffentlichen Gebäuden.ich bin auf dem Eiffelturm wie findest du Disneyland
IP_ADRESSE.ENTITYsIpAddressMeine IP ist IP-Adressen.
KULTURELLE_GRUPPE.ENTITYsCulturalGroupEntspricht kulturellen Gruppen, z.B. Nationalitäten oder Angehörige einer Religion.Mein Vater ist katholisch Es waren Amerikaner Sie sind Deutsche
KUNSTWERK.ENTITY (BETA)sWorkOfArtEntspricht künstlerischen Schöpfungen wie Lieder, Musikalben, Filme, Bücher, Videospiele, etc.Kennst du das Lied "Let it be"? Liest du die Bibel? Mein Lieblingsfilm ist Der Herr der Ringe
LAND.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeEntspricht Ländernamen.Algerien Argentinien Island Japan
MED_CHEM.ENTITY (BETA)sMedChemEntspricht medizinischen oder chemikalischen Namen wie z . B. chemische Substanzen, Krankheiten oder Medikamente und Drogen.Er leidet an Alzheimer. Meine Arthritis ist wieder da. Was weisst du über Kohlendioxid?
MISC.ENTITY (BETA)sMiscMiscellaneous; named entities that fit none of the other categoriesThe Tyrannosaurus Rex could be over 6 meters high. What happened to Obamacare? What is the Erasmus programme?
MONAT.ENTITYsMonthEntspricht Monaten.Dezember Februar Januar Mai Oktober
ORDINALZAHL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberEntspricht Ordinalzahlen.10. 32. erster siebtes
ORGANISATION.ENTITYsOrganizationEntspricht Organisationen: Firmen, Universitäten, Schulen, Botschaften, religiöse Organisationen, politische Parteien.Die SPD hat 3 Sitze gewonnen. Er studierte an der Harvard Universität. Ich arbeite bei Teneo AI AB.
ORT.ENTITYsLocationEntsprich geopolitischen Orten, wie z. B. Kontinente, Länder, Staaten, Provinzen, Regionen, Städte, Stadtviertel.Er arbeitet in Schleswig-Holstein. Ich möchte von Hamburg nach Warschau fliegen. Ich wohne in Ludwigshafen.
PERSON.ENTITYsPersonEntspricht Personennamen, d. h. Vor- und Nachnamen, sowie Anreden.Ich gehe zu Doktor Lustigmann. Kennst du Frau Hansen? Mein Name ist Peter Müller. Sag Jonas Bescheid.
POSTLEITZAHL.ENTITYsZipCodeEntspricht Postleitzahlen.Ich wohne in 8001 Zürich. Meine Postleitzahl ist 16253
PRODUKT.ENTITYsProductEntspricht Produkten oder Markennamen.Gefällt dir das neue iPhone X? Ich fahre einen VW. Kannst du bitte Facebook öffnen.
SPORT.ENTITY (BETA)sSportEntpricht Sportmannschaften, -organisationen und -anlässe.Er ist ein Fan von Borussia-Dortmund. Wann spielt der FC Barcelona? Wer hat die Fussball-WM gewonnen?
SPRACHE.ENTITYsLanguageEntspricht Sprachen.Ich würde gerne Arabisch lernen. Kannst du von Deutsch nach Englisch übersetzen? Sprichst du auch Polnisch?
STADT.ENTITYsCityEntspricht Weltstädten.Berlin London Los Angeles Mombasa
STERNZEICHEN.ENTITYsZodiacSignEntspricht Sternzeichen.Krebs Stier Wassermann Zwilling
TEMPERATURANGABE.ENTITYnNumber sUnitEntspricht Temperaturangaben: Grösse und physikalische Einheit.-15 Grad 5 Grad 5° Fahrenheit fünf Grad
URL.ENTITYsUrlEntspricht URLs.Kennst du google.com Öffne bitte www.teneo.ai
WÄHRUNG.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeEntspricht Währungseinheiten.£ Argentinescher Peso Australien Dollar
WOCHENTAG.ENTITYsWeekdayEntspricht Wochentagen, inkl. "Wochenende" und "Sabbat".Freitag Montag Wochenende
ZAHL.ENTITYnNumberEntspricht Kardinalzahlen.11.23 10000 zehn


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
ANGKA.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.That was fifty years ago. That's 122 years from now.
BAHASA.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesDo you have this document in Swedish? Translate ‘hello’ to Hindi. I speak thee languages: Polish, English  and Urdu.
BULAN.ENTITYsMonthMonthsSometimes it snows in April Let's meet in feb
KOTA.ENTITY *sCityCommon cities worldwideI live in Amsterdam.
MATA_UANG.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies50 SEK in zloty.
NAMA_HARI.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekI don't like Mondays. Friday I'm in love.
NEGARA.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeCountriesShe lives in Spain.
ORDINAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsShe came in 1st. He came in second.
WARNA.ENTITYsColorColorsThe Dutch flag is Red, White and Blue.
ZODIAC_NAMA.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsThey say Pisces are compassionate, but don't like to be criticized. My mother is a ♏.

* The Indonesian Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country, and where they are all entries of KOTA.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
CITTÀ.ENTITY *sCityCittà del mondoCittà del Messico Londra Los Angeles
CODICE_POSTALE.ENTITYsZipCodeCodici postali, CAPIl mio cap è 34100. Il mio indirizzo è Via Monte Urano 110 00138 Roma.
COLORE.ENTITYsColorColoriarancione bianco blu
DATA_COMPLETA.ENTITYsFullDateDate complete (giorno, mese, anno)Il biglietto è stato emesso il 23 gennaio 2017. Sono nata il 7º aprile del 1991. Sono un vostro cliente dal 14-03-2015.
EMAIL.ENTITYsEmail bIsCompleteIndirizzi e-mail (anche incompleti).Il mio email è tester at yahoo dot com Mandamelo via e-mail a john.doe@teneo.ai
EVENTO.ENTITYsEventEventi, feste nazionali, trattati, premi, ecc.Chi ha vinto gli Oscar ieri sera? Dove festeggi il Natale quest'anno? Il trattato di Versailles è stato firmato nel 1919.
GEOGRAFIA.ENTITYsGeographyEntità geografiche non politiche: montagne, corsi d'acqua, pianeti, lune, soli, ecc.Chi fu il primo a scalare il monte Everest? Quanti anelli ha Saturno in totale? Quanto è grande il Sahara?
GIORNO_SETTIMANA.ENTITYsWeekdayGiorni della settimana, incl. "il week end".Il weekend Lunedì Venerdì
GRUPPO_CULTURALE.ENTITYsCulturalGroupGruppi culturali, come nazionalità.Erano Norvegesi Il mio insegnante è mussulmano Siamo tutti Americani
GRUPPO_MUSICALE.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownGroupGruppi e bande musicali noti.Mettimi una bella canzone di The Beattles. Mi è piaciuto l'ultimo album di Coldplay. Un'altra canzone di Metallica per favore.
IDENTIFICATIVO_UNIVOCO.ENTITYsUniqueIdentifierIdentificativi univoci: numeri di prodotti, numeri di telefono, username, ecc.Il codice del buono omaggio è ebb123523111. Il mio numero di telefono è 06 164 165. Il prodotto 103-121-111 è esaurito.
INDIRIZZO.ENTITY (BETA)sStreetAddressIndirizzo: nomi di strade e numeri civici (se presente).A che ora apre la succursale di Via Dante? Mi sono trasferita di recente a Via Monte Pasubio 110. Vivo in Corso Cavour 25.
INDIRIZZO_IP.ENTITYsIpAddressIndirizzi IPVoglio connettermi a
LINGUA.ENTITYsLanguageLingueParlo tre lingue: il polacco, l'inglese e l'urdu. Questo documento ce l'hai in svedese? Traduci 'ciao' in hindi.
LUOGO.ENTITYsLocationCollocazione geopolitica, incl: continenti, paesi, stati, contee, città, quartieri, ecc.A che ora parte il traghetto per Staten Island? Cerco un volo da Parigi a Londra. Sono nata in California.
MED_CHIM.ENTITY (BETA)sMedChemFarmaci, medicinali, sostanze chimiche e malattie.C'è un vaccino contro la malaria? Cercami informazioni sullo iodio. Chi ha scoperto la penicillina?
MESE.ENTITYsMonthMesiOtt. Maggio dicembre
MISC.ENTITY (BETA)sMiscMiscellaneous; named entities that fit none of the other categoriesThe Tyrannosaurus Rex could be over 6 meters high. What happened to Obamacare? What is the Erasmus programme?
NUMERO.ENTITYnNumberNumeri11.23 dieci 10000 dodici
OPERA_D'ARTE.ENTITY (BETA)sWorkOfArtOpere d'arte: canzoni, album, film, libri, videogiochi, ecc.Leggi la Bibbia? Metti Diamonds di Rihanna. Scarica il film Frankenstein.
ORDINALE.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberNumeri ordinali10° secondo settimo
ORGANIZZAZIONE.ENTITYsOrganizationOrganizzazioni: società o divisioni di società, università, scuole, ambasciate, organizzazioni religiose, partiti politici, ecc.Hai votato il Partito Democratico? Ho appena fatto una donazione al WWF. L'ASL fu fondata nel 1943.
PAESE.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeNomi di paesiArgentina Algeria Giappone Islanda Messico Norvegia Stati Uniti d'America Svizzera
PERSONA.ENTITYsPersonNome di persona, incl. titolo e cognome (se presente).Il biglietto è prenotato a nome di Luca Ferrari. Manda un messaggio a Gianni per favore. Sono la sig.ra Rossi.
PERSONAGGI_IMMAGINARI.ENTITY (BETA)sFictionalFigurePersonaggi immaginari, cartoni animati, ecc.Chi ti credi di essere, Superman? Indossava un cappotto nero, un po' come quello di Batman. Non credo a Babbo Natale.
PERSONAGGI_NOTI.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownFigurePersonaggi pubblici (non immaginari) noti.Barack Obama era il presidente degli Stati Uniti per 8 anni. Metti una canzone di Justin Bieber. Sono un grande fan di Meryl Streep.
PRODOTTO.ENTITYsProductNomi di prodotti o marche, nomi di organizzazioni utilizzati come prodotti nel contesto.Apri Facebook e crea un post. Guido una BMW. Quanto costa il nuovo iPhone X?
SEGNO_ZODIACALE.ENTITYsZodiacSignSegni zodiacaliAriete Bilancia Gemelli Toro
SPORT.ENTITY (BETA)sSportSquadre e organizzazioni sportive, eventi sportivi.Chi ha vinto la Coppa del Mondo FIFA? I Miami Dolphins è un'ottima squadra. Voglio guardare gli Olimpiadi invernali.
STRUTTURA.ENTITY (BETA)sFacilityEdifici, aeroporti, stazioni ferroviarie, linee di trasporto pubblico, ospedali, ecc.Hai mai visitato l' Empire State Building? In che anno fu construito il ponte di Brooklyn? Voglio volare da Newark a LAX.
UNITÀ_TEMPERATURA.ENTITYnNumber sUnitTemperature (cifra e unità)5 gradi 5° Fahrenheit 15 °C cinque gradi
UNITÀ_VALUTA.ENTITYnNumber sCurrencyQuantità di denaro e valutaquindici euro £23.45 dieci dollari
URL.ENTITYsUrlApri google.com Portami a cnn dot com Vai al sito www.teneo.aiURL (anche incompleti)
VALUTA.ENTITYsCurrencyNomi di valuteAus $ £ Corone svedesi Dollaro Dollaro delle Belize Peso argentino YEN

* The Italian Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of CITTÀ.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
月.ENTITYsMonth私の誕生日は六月です。 私は9月に新しい仕事を始める。
国.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCode国々君のお母さんはドイツから来ましたか? 日本の首都は東京です。
十二支.ENTITYsZodiacSign十二支・干支辰年生まれの人は運が悪いと言われている。 弟は子年に生まれた。
十二星座.ENTITYsZodiacSign十二星座彼女は双子座だ。 私の友達はみんな魚座です。
色.ENTITYsColor色・カラー彼の一番好きな色はピンクだ。 オレンジの財布はありますか。
通貨.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCode通貨オーストラリアのドルから日本円へ両替したいです。 この店でUSDは使えますか?
曜日.ENTITYsWeekday曜日来週の木曜日に約束がある。 月曜日は大嫌いだ。
血液型.ENTITYsBloodType血液型僕は血液型が O型です。 あなたの血液型はA型ですよね。


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
CITY.ENTITY *sCityCommon cities worldwideI live in Amsterdam.
WARNA.ENTITYsColorColorsThe Dutch flag is Red, White and Blue.
NEGARA.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeCountriesShe lives in Spain.
NOMBOR.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.That was fifty years ago. That's 122 years from now.
BULAN.ENTITYsMonthMonthsSometimes it snows in April Let's meet in feb
ORDINAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsShe came in 1st. He came in second.
BAHASA.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesDo you have this document in Swedish? Translate ‘hello’ to Hindi. I speak thee languages: Polish, English  and Urdu.
ZODIAC_SIMBOL.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsThey say Pisces are compassionate, but don't like to be criticized. My mother is a ♏.
NAMA_HARI.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekI don't like Mondays. Friday I'm in love.
MATA_WANG.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies50 SEK in zloty.

* The Malay TLR contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of CITY.ENTITY.

Norwegian (Nynorsk/Bokmål)

EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
UKEDAG.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekMandag Tirsdag Onsdag
STJERNETEGN.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsTvillingen Krepsen Løven Væren


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
COR.ENTITYsColorColorsAmarelo Branco Laranja
DIA_DA_SEMANA.ENTITYsWeekdayAll days of the weekSegunda-feira Quarta-feira Domingo
MÈS.ENTITYsMonthMonthsJaneiro Abril Maio Junho
NÚMERO.ENTITYnNumberWritten numbers up to hundred. Any numerical digit.Um Onze Dezaoito
ORDINAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberOrdinalsTerceiro Quarto Nono
PAÍS.ENTITYsCountrycode sCountry sCapitalCountriesPortugal Espanha
SIGNO_DO_ZODIÍACO.ENTITYsZodiacSignZodiac signsÁries Touro Virgem


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
CIUDAD.ENTITY *sCityCiudades del mundoBarcelona Ciudad de México Londres Los Ángeles
CÓDIGO_POSTAL.ENTITYsZipCodeCoincide con los códigos postalesMi código postal el 08001. Mi dirección es La Rambla de Catalunya 1, 08001 Barcelona
COLOR.ENTITYsColorLos coloresazul lila negro naranja
DEPORTE.ENTITY (BETA)sSportCoincide con los equipos, organizaciones o eventos deportivosA ver cuando juega Real Madrid Barça es un buen equipo! FC Barcelona es mi equipo
DÍA_SEMANA.ENTITYsWeekdayCoincide con los días de la semana, incluido "el finde"miércoles el fin de semana Viernes
DIRECCIÓN.ENTITY (BETA)sStreetAddressCoincide con las direcciones postales.¿Cuándo abre la oficina el la Avenida Diagonal? Hace poco me he mudado a la Calle Principal, número 23 Vivo en carrer París 296
DIRECCIÓN_IP.ENTITYsIpAddressCoincide con direcciones IPConéctate con el
EMAIL.ENTITYsEmail bIsCompleteCoincide con direcciones e-mail, también incompletasMándalo a john.doe@teneo.ai Mi email es tester @yahoo.com
EVENTO.ENTITYsEventCoincide con los eventos, fiestas nacionales, premios etc.Dónde celebras la Navidad este año? El tratado de Ámsterdam fue un acuerdo firmado el 2 de octubre de 1997 Quién ganó la Palma de Oro anoche?
FECHA.ENTITYsFullDateCoincide con las fechas completas (año, mes, día)Nací el 10/10/1979 Caduca el 1 de enero 2019. se inauguró el 22 de julio 1988.
GEOGRAFÍA.ENTITYsGeographyCoincide con las entidades geográficas no políticas: montañas, cuerpos de agua, planetas etc.Como de grande es el Mediterraneo? Cuál es el pico mas alto de los Pirrineos? Quién primero subió al Mont Everest?
GRUPO_CONOCIDO.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownGroupCoincide con conocidos grupos musicalesTodo el mundo conoce los Beatles Pon una bonita canción de los Beatles.
GRUPO_CULTURAL.ENTITYsCulturalGroupCoincide con grupos culturales, por ejemplo, nacionalidadeslos turistas son judíos mi amiga es sueca mi padre es americano
IDENTIFICADOR_ÚNICO.ENTITYsUniqueIdentifierCoincide con los identificadores únicos: números de producto, números de teléfono, nombres de usuario, números socio etc.Cuándo será el 103-121-111 en stock de nuevo? Mi número es 123-44 43 33.
IDIOMA.ENTITYsLanguageCoincide con los idiomasHablo 3 idiomas: inglés, polaco y catalán. Tienes este documento en inglés Traduce "hola" a chino
INFRAESCREUCTUA.ENTITY (BETA)sFacilityCoincide con los edificios, aeropuertos, estaciones de trenes, líneas de transporte público, hospitales etc.Cuándo fue construido la Sagrada Familia? Has estado alguna vez en el Hospital Sant Pau? Quiero ir a Museo de Prado.
MED_QUIM.ENTITY (BETA)sMedChemCoincide con medicinas, químicos, enfermedades y drogassabes que es cocaina? Qué es Paracetamol? tienes Paracetamol?
MES.ENTITYsMonthCoincide con los meses.Diciembre Mayo Octubre
MISC.ENTITY (BETA)sMiscMiscellaneous; named entities that fit none of the other categoriesThe Tyrannosaurus Rex could be over 6 meters high. What happened to Obamacare? What is the Erasmus programme?
MONEDA.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCoincide con los nombres de monedas¥ Dólar de Belize Peso argentino
MONEDA_CANTIDAD.ENTITYnNumber sCurrencyCoincide con cantidad y moneda8 $ 3 euros
NÚMERO.ENTITYnNumberCoincide con númerosdiez 11.23 10000 treinta y tres
OBRA_DE_ARTE.ENTITY (BETA)sWorkOfArtCoincide con las obras de arte: canciones, álbumes, películas, libros, videojuegos etc.Lees la Biblia? Bájate la película Casablanca Escucho Play Diamond de Rihanna.
ORDINAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberCoincide con los números ordinalesprimera 32º décimo séptimos
ORGANIZACION.ENTITYsOrganizationCoincide con las organizaciones, empresas o divisiones de empresa, universidades, escuelas, embajadas, organizaciones religiosas, partidos políticos etc.cuándo se fundó la Seat? Dónde reside la Organización mundial de salud? qué es la ONU?
PAÍS.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodePartidos en nombres de paísesDime las fiestas nacionales de Estados Unidos de América Es Islandia soberana? Es Japón monarquía parlamentaria? Es Noruega dentro de Unión Europea? Nunca visité Argentina Tenéis sucursales en México?
PERSONA.ENTITYsPersonCoincide con el nombre de una persona, incluidos los títulos y apellidos.El billete está reservado a nombre de Joanne Stevens. Escríbele un mensaje a Juan. Mi nombre es sra. Sánchez.
PERSONAJE_CONOCIDO.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownFigureCoincide con personajes públicos conocidos no ficcionales.Mariano Rajoy era un primer ministro Pon una canción de Julio Iglesias Rafa Nadal es muy bueno
PERSONAJE_FINCTÍCIO.ENTITY (BETA)sFictionalFigureCoincide con los personales ficticios, dibujos animados etc.No creo en el Papá Noel Llevaba una capa negra, igual como Batman Porqué vas vestido de Batman?
PRODUCTO.ENTITYsProductCoincide con un producto, marca o nombre de organización en contexto de un producto.Dónde compro un iPhone X ahora? Cuánto cuesta un mercedes? Puedes abrir Facebook y crear un post por mí?
SIGNO_DE_ZODÍACO.ENTITYsZodiacSignCoincide con los signos de zodíaco, incluidos los emojisDicen las libras son personajes muy sociales. Qué horóscopo para Gemini para hoy? Soy Aries
TEMPERATURA.ENTITYnNumber sUnitCoincide con las unidades y cantidades de temperatura5° Fahrenheit 5 grados cinco grados cinco grados Celsius cinco grados centígrados
UBICACIÓN.ENTITYsLocationLas ubicaciones geopolíticas (los humanos hicieron las fronteras). Incluyendo: continentes, países, estados, condados, ciudades, vecindarios, etc.Quiero viajar de Londres a Paris Cuándo sale el ferry a Baleares? Nací en Andalucía
URL.ENTITYsUrlURL (también URL parciales / truncadas)Abre google.com Ves a la página www.teneo.ai Llevame a cnn dot com

* The Spanish Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of CIUDAD.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
EPOSTADRESS.ENTITYsEmail bIsCompleteMatchar på e-postadress, även ej komplettamin e-post är tester at yahoo dot com skicka det till john.doe@teneo.ai
EVENT.ENTITYsEventMatchar på events, helgdagar, högtider, etc.Hur firar ni påsk? när är Eurovisionsfestivalen Är du ledig på julafton?
FACILITET.ENTITY (BETA)sFacilityMatchar på namn på byggnader, flygplatser, tågstationer sjukus etc.Hur många bultar finns det i Ölandsbron? I vilken stad finns Turning Torso Var kan man parkera på Arlanda?
FÄRG.ENTITYsColorMatchar färger.blå gulast rödare svart
GATUADRESS.ENTITY (BETA)sStreetAddressMatchar på gatunamn samt nummer, när specificerat.Är kontoret på Norrlandsgatan öppet? Jag bor på Slöjdgatan 85
GEOGRAFI.ENTITY (BETA)sGeographyMatchar icke politiska geografiska områden, berg, vattendrag, planeter osv.Gubben i Månen Bron går över Nissan
IP_ADDRESS.ENTITYsIpAddressMatchar på IP-adresserKoppla upp mot
KOMPLETT_DATUM.ENTITYsFullDateMatchar på kompletta datum (år, månad, dag)Jag har varit kund sedan 2015-04-15 jag är född 7e april 1965
KONSTNÄRLIGT_VERK.ENTITY (BETA)sWorkOfArtMatchar på titel på konstnärliga verkär det omöjligt att få tag i biljetter till Jesus Christ Superstar? Läser du Bibeln?
KULTURELL_GRUPP.ENTITYsCulturalGroupMatchar på kulturella grupper, tex. nationaliteterde är Amerikaner mina grannar är muslimer
KÄND_GRUPP.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownGroupMatchar på namn på kända gruppertycker du om mando diao Jag vill titta på Backyard Babies
KÄNDIS.ENTITY (BETA)sKnownFigureMatchar på namn på kända (ej påhittade) personertycker du att robbie williams är snygg Olof Palme var Socialdemokrat
LAND.ENTITYsCountry sCapital sCountryCodeMatchar landsnamnJapans Australien Kinas Spanien USA
MED_CHEM.ENTITY (BETA)sMedChemMatchar på medicinska termer, kemiska substanser, sjukdomar etc.Vem uppfann Penicillinet? Det är olagligt att bruka kokain Finns det vaccin mot Malaria?
MISC.ENTITY (BETA)sMiscMiscellaneous; named entities that fit none of the other categoriesThe Tyrannosaurus Rex could be over 6 meters high. What happened to Obamacare? What is the Erasmus programme?
MÅNAD.ENTITYsMonthMatchar månaderDecember Feb Jan oktober
NUMMER.ENTITYnNumberMatchar på nummer11.23 10000 tio tjugosju
ORDNINGSTAL.ENTITYsOrdinal nNumberMactchar på ordningstal32e 7e första tionde
ORGANISATION.ENTITYsOrganizationMatchar på organisationer, företagsnamn, universitet osv.Det är rea på IKEA Han arbetar på Vägverket Jag studerade vid Uppsala Universitet
PERSON.ENTITYsPersonMatchar på personnamn, inklusive titel om nämndBiljetten är i namnet Stina Magnusson Det är fröken Larsson Jag heter Amir Skicka ett meddelande till Anna är du snäll.
PLATS.ENTITYsLocationMatchar på geografiska platser, länder, stater, städer osv.Det är så i Skåne Jag vill resa till Paris När går båten till Bornholm?
POSTNUMMER.ENTITYsZipCodeMatchar på postnummermitt postnummer är 113 50 Stockholm
PRODUKT.ENTITYsProductMatchar på produktnamn eller organisationsnamn när det används som produkt.jag har en Volvo Jag måste uppgradera mitt Eurobonus-kort Vad kostar nya iPhone X?
PÅHITTAD_FIGUR.ENTITY (BETA)sFictionalFigureMatchar på namn på påhittade figurer, seriefigurer etc.jag vill se Kalle anka är du pippi långstrump
SPORT.ENTITY (BETA)sSportMatchar på sportrelaterade lag, events osv.När går VM i friidrott Jag håller på Malmö FF
SPRÅK.ENTITYsLanguageMatchar på språkPratar du spanska ta det på franska Översätt ‘hej’ till engelska
STAD.ENTITY *sCityMatchar städer i världenMombasa Mexico City Los Angeles London
STJÄRNTECKEN.ENTITYsZodiacSignMatchar på stjärntecken, inklusive emojisfiskarna stenbocken lejonet väduren
TEMPERATUR.ENTITYnNumber sUnitMatchar på temperatur (grader och enhet)fem grader 5 grader 5° Fahrenheit 15 grader fem grader celsius
UNIK_IDENTIFIERARE.ENTITYsUniqueIdentifierMatchar på unika identifierare, telefonnummer, artikelnummer, användarnamn etc,Mitt medlemsnummer är 123523111. Jag har telefonnummer 08-123 123 123 När finns 103-121-111 i lager igen?
URL.ENTITYsUrlMatchar på URLer (även ej kompletta URLs)öppna google.com gå till sidan www.teneo.ai Öppna cnn dot com
VALUTA.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeMatchar på valutanamnaus dollar Belize Dollar Dollar
VALUTA_MED_SUMMA.ENTITYnNumber sCurrencyMatchar på en summa och en valuta£23.45 femton Euro Tio Dollar
VECKODAG.ENTITYsWeekdayMatchar på veckodagar, ink ordet "helg"måndags fredag torsdagar

* The Swedish Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of STAD.ENTITY.


EntityNLU variablesDescriptionExamples
AY.ENTITYsMonthCap sMonthMonthsŞubat ayı soğuk olur, bence Haziran ayı buluşalım
BURÇ.ENTITYsZodiacSignCap sZodiacSignZodiac signsHayatımın aşkı İkizler burcu, ben ise Balık burcuyum.
DİL.ENTITYsLanguageLanguagesÜç dil biliyorum, Türkçe, İsveççe ve İngilizce
GÜN.ENTITYsWeekday sWeekdayCapWeekdaysPazartesi en nefret ettiğim gündür. Çarşamba ise en sevdiğim.
PARA\_BİRİMİ.ENTITYsCurrency sCurrencyCodeCurrencies50 USD Amerikan Doları
RENK.ENTITYsColor sColorCapColorsFenerbahçe’nin renkleri sarı lacivert.
ÜLKE.ENTITYsCountryCountriesTürkiye ve Yunanistan arasında Ege denizi var
ŞEHİR.ENTITY *sCityCitiesKonya şehirinde yaşıyor

* The Turkish Lexical Resource contains a hierarchy of city-entities, with one city entity per country and one city entity per continent, and where they all are entries of ŞEHİR.ENTITY.