Entries editor
An entry is one row in the table view (or Entries editor) and the entry value can consist plain text or a reference to either a single Language Object, a single Entity or an annotation.
Each entry value can have zero, one or more variables attached in the following columns of type string or script.
The entry value must be unique within the Entity and Teneo Studio will prevent the user from saving the Entity if two (or more) entry values are the same.
To use another Entity as an entry value (or in the Syntax editor), its name must be preceded by the percentage sign (%
) and written in capitalized letters; Teneo Studio automatically capitalizes letters following %
Reserved characters used as entry values will automatically be escaped with quotes.
Note that the Longest Match option (:L
) is implicitly applied to Entities.
Edit entries
Any existing entry value (or variable) can be modified by simply clicking the text field to update the value; pressing Enter allows to go to the next entry (move one line down) while pressing Tab allows to move to the next column.
When writing entries referencing other Entities, Language Objects and annotations (by writing %
and the name of the document or annotation), the entry value is validated as TLML Syntax and the highlighting known from the Syntax editor applied.
Sort entries
Sort the data alphabetically by entry value or by one of the variables to help manage the data visually.