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While working in Flows errors and warnings might be displayed in Teneo Studio due to various reasons, this page takes the user through the most common errors and provides additional information as well as suggestions for resolutions and, when relevant, links to more information.

The Errors panel in a Flow displays errors, warnings and informative messages when these are detected in the Flow; clicking the arrow button next to a listed item takes the user to the location in the Flow which the message refers to; the below table captures various types of these messages and provide relevant information for the user to resolve the message.

Having problems with the TLML syntax? Check out the Troubleshooting TLML Syntax page

Error typeAffected node/elementError messageImplicationResolution
Critical ErrorClass MatchThis Match does not contain a valid or saved Class referencePrevents Flow saveReview the Class Match to ensure that the Class name is correct; open the Class Manager to add any new Class
Critical ErrorContext MatchA context restriction is missingPrevents Flow saveAdd the missing Context Match to the Intent Trigger or Transition
Entity After MatchThis After Match contains an incomplete mapping. The Source and Target variables must be definedPrevents Flow saveSelect the trigger or transition in the Flow editor to expand the right-side panel, under the After Match select the missing source and target values
Critical ErrorEntity Match Entity After MatchThis document does not contain a valid Entity referencePrevents Flow saveAdd the missing Entity to the Match or After Match
Critical errorFlow LinkA flow link node cannot find the referenced flow. It may have been deleted or has not been updated from the Master Solution if this is a Local SolutionCreates Solution inconsistency, Tryout Engine will fail to loadSelect the Flow Link node in the Flow to update the flow reference
ErrorFlow LinkA flow link node is linked to a non-sub-flow and has post transitionsThe control of the linked child Flow will not be returned to the original parent Flow after execution of the child Flow, and hence the following transitions will never be reached; turn the child Flow into a Sub-flow or delete the transitions following the Flow link node
Critical errorFlow TriggerThe flow has no triggers and is not a sub-flowPrevents Flow saveEither add an Intent Trigger or convert the Flow into a Sub-flow
Critical errorIntegration nodeA referenced integration definition is missing. The integration may have been deleted or if this is a Local Solution, it may have been added in a Master Solution and should be updated from My Work before continuingCreates Solution inconsistency, Tryout Engine will fail to loadSelect the Integration node to add an Integration previously set up in the Integration manager; or visit the page on Localization setup to learn how to accept changes from a Master solution
WarningIntent TriggerThis document contains no MatchesSelect the Intent Trigger in the Flow editor to open the Trigger panel (right-side of the Flow window), add the wanted Matches
Critical ErrorLanguage Object Match Language Object After MatchThis document does not contain a valid Language Object referencePrevents Flow saveAdd the missing Language Object to the Match or After Match
WarningListener After Match Flow ListenerThe listener condition is missingWrite the Listener syntax in the relevant node; the Listener expects a syntax written in the Teneo Linguistic Modeling Language
Output node: Output ParametersThere are duplicate names in the listOutput Parameters need to have unique names; select the Output node and update the name of one of the Output Parameters
InformativeOutput Script Flow Link Junction IntegrationA nodes is unconnected or un-reachableLearn in the Transitions page how to draw a transition
Critical ErrorScript Match Listener After Match Script After MatchNo script is definedPrevents Flow saveWrite the script expression (Groovy) in the relevant node
WarningSyntax MatchThe condition is missingA Syntax Match needs to contain a syntax written in the Teneo Linguistic Modeling Language