Teneo Developers

Advanced Tryout

The options and functionalities described in this page currently only apply toTeneo Studio Desktop


To access the Tryout window, click the Tryout button in the top ribbon of Teneo Studio, or the Advanced... button in the simple Tryout panel.

Opening the Tryout window automatically closes the simple Tryout panel; any data (tested inputs and outputs) available in the simple Tryout is automatically populated into the Tryout window at opening - and vice versa when closing the Tryout window.

Tryout window

Note that the status bar provide information, in the lower left side of the window, about which classifier (i.e., Learn or CLU) is currently used for the stable and the latest solution versions. "None", in the above image, indicates that the solution currently doesn't have a stable classifier assigned; read more about the Status Bar.

Top ribbon

The top ribbon of the Tryout window offers the following options:

  • Close the Tryout window
  • Restart allows to start a new conversation (session); this is useful if testing a Flow which uses Global variables as the restart allows to start a new session and reset the value of all Global variables to their initial values.
    Clicking the lower part of the Restart button gives the following option:
    • Reload Engine allows to recreate the Tryout Engine instance; this is particularly useful when collaborating in Teneo Studio as the reload allows to get changes performed by other users. Pressing Alt + Restart will also re-synchronize the Tryout Engine with the solution knowledge base
  • Export Engine XML allows to export the Engine XML
  • Replay an input or several inputs by selecting one of the inputs in the Tryout dialog view and clicking Replay
  • Clear All allows to clear previous dialogues and messages from the Tryout view
  • Stable Version: Latest/Stable provides the option to test either the latest versions of all documents in a solution or the stable versions of documents in a solution; learn more
  • Classification: Standard/Forced allows to switch between the standard deferred input classification or force immediate input classification; read more

Restart and Reload

As explained above, Restart allows to start a new conversation or session which can be useful, for example, when testing Flows with variables to reset the values to their initial state. The Reload option allows to recreate the Tryout engine instance which is, for example, useful when collaborating with other users on the same solution as this allows to reload the engine and get the latest updates also from collaborators.

Please note that although one user might see a collaborator's recent changes in a document (i.e. in a Flow), the Tryout engine instance is not updated automatically, and Reload is needed for those changes to become available also in the Tryout.

For information about the "Reload now" message, see here.


The standard deferred intent classification implies that intent annotations from Predict are created only on demand when references to class annotations are detected by Engine during the input matching process in either Class Matches, Syntax Matches or in solution scripting.

For testing purposes, sometimes it is useful to be able to see intent annotations for all tested inputs and the developer can therefore change the classification setting to Forced which allows to always create intent annotations during the processing of an input.

Add Parameter

Parameters can be used by a frontend when the user wants to send information to Engine which is not (part of the) user input text; such parameters can be simulated by adding them in either of the Tryout views by clicking Add Parameter above the text input box.

Input parameters can be fetched and processed in Global Scripts in Teneo Studio and can, for example, be extracted from the request send to Engine and their values be stored in Global Variables.

Icons in the Dialog view

When inputs and outputs are tested in the Tryout, icons are displayed below the answer text with basic information of how the Tryout Engine handled the input; the icons are clickable and takes the user to the specific (Flow) node when clicked.

Example of Tryout icons

The above image contains the following icons:

  • Trigger represents the Intent Trigger that fired when the user input was sent to Engine
  • Raise Flow illustrates the raise Flow event (when entering the Flow)
  • Output represents the Output node from which the answer text came
  • Drop Flow illustrates the drop Flow event (when leaving the Flow)
  • URL displayed only when the answer contains a URL (clicking the icon will navigate to the URL)
  • Emotion displayed only when the answer contains an emotion.

Detailed information

The chat functionality of the advanced Tryout provides details information related to the chat, right beside the Dialog area, such as information about the dialogues, session and transaction, allowing the developer to debug certain behaviors in the solution.


The available information is divided into the following areas:

  • Input provides information about the machine learning classification, annotations and input processing performed on the input
  • Path gives information related to the path taken from the input to the output, such as which Flow was raised, if any listeners were activated, transitions passed, etc.
  • Output displays the given answer text and other information related to the Output (e.g. emoticon used or URL displayed)
  • State provides information related to the current variable values and the Engine state
  • Messages displays information received during the session, in-between transactions.

Learn more

Right-click menu

Export a Tryout session

When right-clicking in the Tryout window, the developer is presented with different export options depending on where the user clicked. Usually the options include the possibility to copy or open a summary, open the chat log or full log, and to Clear All information from the Tryout.

In the Dialog area; if right-click is activated in the fields of an input/output, the developer has the option to Open Chat Log either As Text or In CSV format. Selecting one will open the available chat log in either a text editor or Excel.

Note that the top ribbon of the Tryout window also provides an option to Export Engine XML.


When right-clicking in the input/output field, the user is presented with the Replay option which allows to automatically send inputs to the Tryout again to re-test them.

Clicking a previously given input in the Dialog view will populate the text box with the input to easily re-test it.