Teneo Developers

Localize with multilingual CLU

Localizing Longberry Baristas

Now that we have prepared our solution, let’s branch our English Longberry Baristas bot to a different language. This process is fairly similar regardless of language; we will be using German for this example.

While this guide is written with a German translation, feel free to pick another language and translate as necessary for the following steps.

  1. While in the Solution window, select the 'Longberry Baristas' solution.
  2. Click on 'Branch' above the solutions field.
  3. Make sure the 'Solution Language' for this first bot is German. This will be the mother tongue of your bot.
  4. Under 'Solution Content', click on 'Master and Template' and ensure 'Teneo Dialogue Resources German' is selected in the dropdown menu.
  5. Fill in a name for your solution, for example Longberry Baristas - German (Deutsch).

For languages without dialogue resources leave the Master only selected under 'Solution Content'.

  1. Finally, click 'OK' and wait for the branching to complete.

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