Teneo Developers


This node.js example connector makes a Teneo bot available on Telegram Messenger. This guide will take you through the steps of deploying the connector to respond to events sent by Teneo.

telegram logo

The source code for this project can be found on Github.


Telegram App

Telegram app should already be installed and running with an active account on your device. For development, the desktop version of the app is recommended.

Teneo Engine

Your bot needs to be published and you need to know the engine URL.

Setup instructions

Setup a bot with Telegram's Botfather

  1. Telegram uses a bot called "Botfather", that works as a wizard, to help developers setup projects. In your app, add "Botfather" as a contact.
  2. Start a new chat with Botfather, and send him "/newbot" as a text message to trigger the setup process.
  3. Follow Botfather's indications to give your bot a new name, and bot_user_name.
  4. Botfather will now give you an HTTP_API_TOKEN. Store it somewhere safe, and copy it for the following steps.

Running the connector locally

  1. Download or clone the connector source code: git clone https://github.com/artificialsolutions/tie-api-example-telegram.git
  2. Install dependencies by running the following command in the folder where you stored the source: npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the folder where you stored the source, and add values for TENEO_ENGINE_URL and HTTP_API_TOKEN: TENEO_ENGINE_URL=<your_engine_url> HTTP_API_TOKEN=<the value obtained in the previous section>
  4. Start the connector in Console: node server.js

Start chatting with the bot.

Go back to Telegram and add the bot's user_name you created previously, as a contact. That's it! Your bot should now be available in Telegram and responding to messages that are sent to it.