Teneo Developers

Simple Tryout

Test inputs

The simple Tryout of Teneo Studio allows the user to quickly test an input and ensure that the expected answer is given, allowing to check that the behavior of a Flow dialogue is as desired.

Teneo Studio Desktop offers two different views of the Tryout: a simple Tryout available in the right-side of the Teneo Studio window, and an advanced Tryout available via the Tryout button in the top ribbon or via the Advanced button available in the simple Tryout view. The simple Tryout is only visible when the advanced Tryout window is closed.

Follow the below steps to try out the solution:

  • In the Home tab of Teneo Studio, ensure that the simple Tryout is open in the right side of the window, if not, click the Tryout tab to open it.
  • Now, imagine an end-user is interacting with the Conversational AI application; type a user input in the text box and hit Enter or click Send to see which answer is returned.
    If the expected answer is returned for the input, it means that the solution is working as expected.

Simple Tryout

Parameters can be used by a frontend when the user wants to send information to Engine that is not (part of the) user input text. Such parameters can be simulated by adding them in Tryout by clicking Add Parameter; learn how

Clicking the Advanced... button allows to:

  • Open the advanced Tryout window
  • Restart the chat session
  • Load the latest version of the solution documents; learn more
  • Load the stable version of the solution documents; learn more
  • Clear the dialogue history.

Read more about shared features between the simple and the advanced Tryout (e.g. meaning of the icons, Tryout messages, right-click menu, etc.) in the advanced Tryout page.

Messages in Tryout

ML model messages

ML model messages

Teneo Learn, the Teneo component which trains the machine learning model of a solution directly in Teneo Studio, sends information to the Tryout about the model training status.

There are different messages displayed related to the model training, for example, Model update in progress or Model update completed. The messages are meant to the the developer understand the status of the machine learning model and are purely informative.

Model update in progress

When the Model update completed notification is shown, the user can test the latest machine learning model in the Tryout; during testing, Teneo Predict tags each user input with the annotations generated by the model. Those annotations can be seen in the Input section in the Tryout window, where the Classifications, Annotations and Processing > Input Processor Results areas provide the user with information related to the processing of the input.

Learn more about Intent Classification in Teneo.

Multiple users

The machine learning model is available for the user whose save action initiated the training; other users that are editing the same solution continue using the old version until their Tryout is reloaded (A restart will not trigger a model update). Again, the Model updated completed message is used to indicate that the model is ready for use. New users connecting to a solution get the latest model trained for that solution.

Reload now

Reload now

Sometimes, a Reload now message is displayed above the text field of either of the Tryout views; this occurs when a change in the solution requires a reload of the Tryout Engine, for example, after performing changes to the Ordering, Global Scripts or assigning a new lexical resource. An Engine Reload Required message is also displayed in the lower right side of the Teneo Studio window.

Engine reload required

Solution messages and warnings

In both Tryout views, messages and warnings are shown to quickly draw the user's attention to these. The information - in the simple Tryout - is displayed as a brief message which can be clicked to open the Messages section of the advanced Tryout for more detailed information; read more.

Message in simple Tryout