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Bot Output


The Bot Output(s) in the Flow editor permits writing one or more answers which are displayed to the end-user as the answer to their request when reaching a given Flow.

When selecting an Output node in the Flow editor, the Output panel opens in the right side of the Flow window.
The Output panel contains the following options to configure:

  • Output specifications (name, description, output hyperlink)
  • Answers (answer(s), emotion, set order)
  • Skip Conditions
  • Resume Prompts
  • Output Parameters
  • Metadata

Output node and panel

Add Bot Output

In the open Flow, follow the below steps to add a new Output node:

  • Click the Plus icon and, depending on the icon's location in the Flow graph and the desired behavior, select one of the following options:
    • Continue With > a transaction element to interact with the end user > queue an Output to be given to the end user
    • Split Path > to a transaction element to interact with the end user > queue an Output to be given to the end user
    • Fork To > Multiple transaction elements > queue an Output to be given to the end user
  • Alternatively, select the node in the Flow editor after which the new node should be added and click the Output button in the top ribbon
  • Remember to Save the flow to preserve the changes.

When adding an Output node from the top ribbon directly after the User Intent, the new node might be disconnected from the Flow graph, in this case adding a Junction node, selecting it and clicking Set start node allows the user to continue drawing the needed transition(s) from the Junction to the Output node.

Edit Bot Output

To edit specifics of an Output node, in the open Flow, select the Output node to open the Output panel in the right side of the Flow window.
The below options are available for editing in the Output panel:

  • Output section: simply click in any of the fields or texts to update the name, description or hyperlink

If the hyperlink referred to in the Output should open in a new tab, add an Output parameter namedLINK_TARGET and give it the value _BLANK.

  • Answers:
    • Click in the Answer field to update an existing answer
    • Click Add to create a new answer
    • Click Generate to generate new answers based on either existing answers or a description Only available when LLM Settings are defined for the Account
    • Set the order of multiple answers by clicking the Set Order button
      • When Set Order is clicked, the user is able to select Cycle for the answers to be given in the defined order and when reaching the end, return to the first answer again
    • Use the Drag and Drop to move the answers up or down
    • Select an emotion in the dropdown in the right side of the answer field
    • Delete an answer by clicking the X
  • Skip Conditions:
    Skip conditions work with Listeners and Variables, set these up first before following the below steps:
    • Click Add to add a skip condition
    • Write the raw script expression in the script editor, for example, variableName == "variableValue"
    • Choose the transition to Skip to if the script evaluates to true
  • Resume Prompts:
    • Click Add to add a resume prompt
    • Write the answer text in the text field
    • Optionally select an emotion
    • The Allow output to be revisited option should be activated for the Resume Prompt functionality to work

Allow output to be revisited is by default set to Limit number of revisits to 2

  • Output Parameters
    Add output parameters to provide the frontend with information that has no place in the regular answer text:
    • Click Add to create an output parameter
    • Fill in the Name The name needs to be written without any spaces and to be unique within the Output node
    • Fill in the Value The value can be added directly in the value field for static values; variables or scripts should be preceded with the dollar sign and embraced by curly brackets, e.g. ${myVariable}
  • Metadata
    Metadata needs to be defined in Globals in Teneo Studio's backstage before they can be assigned to Output nodes:
    • Click Add to add a new Metadata definition
    • Select the Metadata from the drop-down menu
    • Set the value of the Metadata
    • Click the Eye button to watch/unwatch the Metadata

With the Flow open, follow the below steps to edit the Bot Output:

  • Click next to OUTPUT to give the Bot Output a name
  • Click Edit to edit the answer text
    • Click the answer text to update or write a new answer on one of the empty lines; jump from one answer to the next by pressing Tab
    • Add more answers to the Bot Output by clicking Add in the lower part of the Bot Output node
    • Delete an answer by hovering over the text and clicking X in the right side of the node
    • When finished, click Close
  • Remember to Save the Flow to preserve the changes.

Delete Bot Output

With the Flow open, follow the below steps to delete an Output node:

  • Select the Output node in the Flow editor
  • Click Delete in the top ribbon
  • Remember to Save the Flow to preserve the changes.