POS Tagger
POS Tagger and Morphological Analyzer IP
The Part-of-Speech Tagger (POS) and Morphological Analyzer Input Processor is available for the below listed languages in the Standard Input Processors Chain of the Teneo Platform. The input annotations created by this IP are language-specific, which means they behave slightly differently from one language to the next and each language has its own set of available annotations.
Part-of-Speech Tagger & Morphological Analyzer IP | |
Danish | German |
Dutch | Italian |
English | Spanish |
French | Swedish |
A Part-of-Speech tagger and morphological analyzer is a tool that provides part of speech and morphological information for each word in the user input. It does this by tagging each word in an input with a label that helps distinguish whether, for example, the word is a noun or a verb.
This makes it possible to know whether the user is talking about, for example, the verb to book or the noun book. This is the part of speech information. Furthermore, it also tells whether the noun book is in singular or plural or whether the verb to book was in the present, in the past, in the 3rd person, an imperative, a continuous form, etc. This is the morphological information.
The Part-of-Speech Tagger also provides a confidence value for each tag it generates. This value reflects the Input Processor's confidence about a tag being correct and ranges from 0 (lowest probability) to 1 (highest probability) and the confidence is calculated based on the data the tagger model has previously seen. Therefore, the higher the number, the more confident the model is. The Part-of-Speech Tagger Input Processor maps these tags (and their corresponding confidence values) to annotations, which are displayed in Teneo Studio's Try Out along with the rest of information provided by the Input Processor.
The POS annotations are generated by the Danish Part-of-Speech Tagger and Morphological Analyzer Input Processor, which uses a machine learnt statistical model to tag every word in the user-input with exactly one tag from the OPEN NLP and Center for Sprogteknologi (CST) tag set. It then maps these tags to Teneo POS annotations, like NN.POS
, etc. The table below shows the mapping scheme between OPEN NLP, CST and Teneo annotations.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the Danish Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
$ | Interpunction tag | PUNCT.POS |
$- | Word internal hyphenation | PUNCT.POS , HYPHEN.POS |
ADV | Adverb | ADV.POS |
AJC | Adjective, comparative | ADJ.POS , COMPARATIVE.POS |
AJP | Adjective, positive | ADJ.POS , POSITIVE.POS |
AJS | Adjective, superlative | ADJ.POS , SUPERLATIVE.POS |
AT | Infinitive marker | AT.POS |
AVC | Adjective as adverb, comparative | ADV.POS , COMPARATIVE.POS |
AVP | Adjective used as adverb, positive | ADV.POS , POSITIVE.POS |
AVS | Adjective as adverb, superlative | ADV.POS , SUPERLATIVE.POS |
DET | Determiner | DET.POS |
IA | Interrogative adverb | ADV.POS , INTERROG.POS |
INT | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
IP | Interrogative pronouns, determiners, possessives | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
NDP | Noun plural definite | NN.POS , PL.POS , DEF.POS |
NDS | Noun singular definite | NN.POS , SG.POS , DEF.POS |
NEP | Proper noun plural | NN.POS , PL.POS , PROPER.POS |
NES | Proper noun | NN.POS , SG.POS , PROPER.POS |
NP | Noun plural | NN.POS , PL.POS , INDEF.POS |
NS | Noun singular | NN.POS , SG.POS , INDEF.POS |
NUM | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
ORD | Ordinal number | ADJ.POS , ORDINAL.POS |
POS | Possessive | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
PREP | Preposition | PREP.POS |
PRON | Pronoun | PRON.POS |
RELA | Relative adverb | ADV.POS , REL.POS |
RELP | Relative pronoun / determiner | PRON.POS , REL.POS |
SKON | Coordinating conjunction | CC.POS |
UKON | Subordinating conjunction | CS.POS |
VD | Verb, past | VB.POS , PAST.POS , ACTIVE.POS |
VDV | Verb, past passive | VB.POS , PAST.POS , PASSIVE.POS |
VI | Verb, infinitive | VB.POS , INF.POS , ACTIVE.POS |
VIV | Verb, infinitive passive | VB.POS , INF.POS , PASSIVE.POS |
VMD | Modal, past tense | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , PAST.POS , ACTIVE.POS |
VMI | Modal, infinitive | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INF.POS , ACTIVE.POS |
VMPD | Modal, past participle | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUPINE.POS |
VN | Verb, present | VB.POS , PRESENT.POS , ACTIVE.POS |
VNV | Verb, present passive | VB.POS , PRESENT.POS , PASSIVE.POS |
VPD | Verb, past participle | VB.POS , SUPINE.POS |
VPN | Verb, present participle | ADJ.POS , VB.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VZ | Verb, imperative | VB.POS , IMP.POS |
X | Miscellaneous tag | MISC.POS |
The Dutch Part-of-Speech Tagger uses an annotation scheme based on the German STTS tag set and adapted to Dutch. The tags are then converted to Teneo POS annotations that can be used in TLML Syntaxes just like any other annotation, e.g. %$VB
. The table below shows the mapping scheme between STTS tags and Teneo annotations.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the Dutch Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
ADJP | Adjective, positive Includes present participles and past participles that act as adjectives. Includes adjectives used adverbially | ADJ.POS , POSITIVE.POS |
ADJC | Adjective, comparative Includes adjectives used adverbially | ADJ.POS , COMPARATIVE.POS |
ADJS | Adjective, superlative Includes adjectives used adverbially | ADJ.POS , SUPERLATIVE.POS |
ADV | Adverb Adjectives used adverbially are annotated as adjectives | ADV.POS |
ART | Article or determiner Definite and indefinite articles and demonstrative pronouns | DET.POS |
CARD | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
CC | Conjunction, coordinating | CC.POS |
CS | Conjunction, subordinating | CS.POS |
INT | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
NE | Proper noun | NN.POS , PROPER.POS |
NNS | Noun, singular | NN.POS , SG.POS |
NNP | Noun, plural | NN.POS , PL.POS |
PI | Indefinite pronoun | PRON.POS , INDEF.POS |
POST | Post position | POST.POS |
PPER | Personal noun | PRON.POS , PERS.POS |
PDEM | Demonstrative pronoun | PRON.POS , DEMOS.POS |
PPOS | Possessive pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
PREL | Relative pronoun | PRON.POS , REL.POS |
PREP | Preposition | PREP.POS |
PRTVB | Verb prefix particle | PARTICLE.POS , VBPREFIX.POS |
PUNC | Punctuation | PUNCT.POS |
PWAT | Interrogative pronoun, attributive | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS , ATTRIB.POS |
PWAV | Interrogative adverb | ADV.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PWS | Interrogative pronoun, substitutive | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS , SUBST.POS |
TE | Particle ‘te’ | PARTICLE.POS , TE.POS |
VMFINT | Modal verb, finite, present tense | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , FINITE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VMFINV | Modal verb, finite, past tense | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , FINITE.POS , PAST.POS |
VMINF | Modal verb, infinitive | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INF.POS |
VMPP | Modal verb, past participle | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , PAST.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
VVFINT | Full verb, finite, present tense | VB.POS , FINITE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VVFINV | Full verb, finite, past tense | VB.POS , FINITE.POS , PAST.POS |
VVIMP | Full verb, imperative | VB.POS , IMP.POS |
VVINF | Full verb, infinitive | VB.POS , INF.POS |
VVPP | Full verb, past participle Past participles that act like adjectives are annotated as ADJP | VB.POS , PAST.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
MISC | Miscellaneous tag Mostly codes or anything that does not match any of the categories above | MISC.POS |
The English Part-of-Speech Tagger and Morphological Analyzer Input Processor uses a machine learnt statistical model to tag every word in the user input with exactly one tag from the Penn Treebank tag set. It then maps these tags to Teneo POS annotations like NN.POS
, etc. The table below shows the mapping scheme between Penn Treebank tags and Teneo annotations.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the English Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
CC | Coordinating conjunction | CC.POS |
CD | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
DT | Determiner | DET.POS |
EX | Existential there | EX.POS |
FW | Foreign word | FOREIGN.POS |
IN | Preposition or subordinating conjunction | PREP.POS |
JJ | Adjective | ADJ.POS , POSITIVE.POS |
JJR | Adjective, comparative | ADJ.POS , COMPARATIVE.POS |
JJS | Adjective, superlative | ADJ.POS , SUPERLATIVE.POS |
LS | List item marker | LS.POS |
MD | Modal | VB.POS , MODAL.POS |
NN | Noun, singular or mass | NN.POS , SG.POS |
NNS | Noun, plural | NN.POS , PL.POS |
NNP | Proper noun, singular | NN.POS , SG.POS , PROPER.POS |
NNPS | Proper noun, plural | NN.POS , PL.POS , PROPER.POS |
PDT | Predeterminer | PREDET.POS |
POS | Possessive ending | POSS.POS |
PRP | Personal pronoun | PRON.POS , PERS.POS |
PRP$ | Possessive pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
RBR | Adverb, comparative | ADV.POS , COMPARATIVE.POS |
RBS | Adverb, superlative | ADV.POS , SUPERLATIVE.POS |
RP | Particle | PARTICLE.POS |
SYM | Symbol | SYM.POS |
TO | To | PREP.POS |
UH | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
VB | Verb, base form | VB.POS , INF.POS |
VBD | Verb, past tense | VB.POS , PAST.POS |
VBG | Verb, gerund or present participle | VB.POS , GERUND.POS |
VBN | Verb, past participle | VB.POS , PAST.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
VBP | Verb, non-3rd person singular present | VB.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VBZ | Verb, 3rd person singular present | VB.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
WDT | Wh-determiner | DET.POS , INTERROG.POS |
WP | Wh-pronoun | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
WP$ | Possessive wh-pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS , INTERROG.POS |
WRB | Wh-adverb | ADV.POS , WH.POS |
: | Colon or ellipsis : ; … | PUNCT.POS |
- | Dash - | PUNCT.POS |
( | Opening parenthesis ( [ { | BRACKET.POS |
) | Closing parenthesis ) ] } | BRACKET.POS |
The French Part-of-Speech Tagger uses an annotation scheme based on the French Treebank tag set. In the final tag set that was used to train the French Part-of-Speech Tagger, the tags for determiners (D, DD, DE, DI) were merged into one single DET tag. The tags for cardinals (AC, DC, PC) were merged into one single CARD tag. The tags are then converted to Teneo POS annotations that can be used in TLML Syntax just like any other annotation, e.g. %$VB
. The table below shows the mapping scheme between Treebank tags and Teneo annotations.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the French Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
ADV | Adverb | ADV.POS |
ADVE | Exclamative adverb | ADV.POS , EXCLAM.POS |
ADVI | Interrogative adverb | ADV.POS , INTERROG.POS |
ADVN | Negation adverb | ADV.POS , NEGATION.POS |
AFp | Indefinite adjective plural | ADJ.POS , INDEF.POS , PL.POS |
AFs | Indefinite adjective singular | ADJ.POS , INDEF.POS , SG.POS |
AOp | Ordinal adjective plural | ADJ.POS , ORDINAL.POS , PL.POS |
AOs | Ordinal adjective singular | ADJ.POS , ORDINAL.POS , SG.POS |
APp | Possessive adjective plural | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , PL.POS |
APs | Possessive adjective singular | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , SG.POS |
AQp | Qualificative adjective plural | ADJ.POS , PL.POS |
AQs | Qualificative adjective singular | ADJ.POS , SG.POS |
ARp | Interrogative adjective plural | ADJ.POS , INTERROG.POS , PL.POS |
ARs | Interrogative adjective singular | ADJ.POS , INTERROG.POS , SG.POS |
CARD | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
CC | Coordinate conjunction | CC.POS |
CS | Subordinate conjunction | CS.POS |
CL | Clitics | PRON.POS , CLITIC.POS |
DET | Determiners (demonstrative, exclamative, indefinite, interrogative and relative), predeterminer and articles (determinative and indeterminative) | DET.POS |
DN | Negative determiner | DET.POS , NEGATION.POS |
DPO | Possessive determiner | DET.POS , POSS.POS |
ET | Foreign word | FOREIGN.POS |
I | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
NCp | Common noun, plural | NN.POS , PL.POS |
NCs | Common noun, singular | NN.POS , SG.POS |
NPp | Proper noun, plural | NN.POS , PROPER.POS , PL.POS |
NPs | Proper noun, singular | NN.POS , PROPER.POS , SG.POS |
P | Preposition | PREP.POS |
PA | Preposition "à" + definite determiner | PREP.POS , DET.POS |
PAPR | Preposition "à" + relative pronoun | PREP.POS , PRON.POS , REL.POS |
PAPT | Preposition "à" + interrogative pronoun | PREP.POS , PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PD | Preposition "de" + definite determiner | PREP.POS , DET.POS |
PDPR | Preposition "de" + relative pronoun | PREP.POS , PRON.POS , REL.POS |
PDPT | Preposition "de" + interrogative pronoun | PREP.POS , PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PI | Indefinite pronoun | PRON.POS , INDEF.POS |
PM | Demonstrative pronoun | PRON.POS , DEMOS.POS |
PN | Negative pronoun | PRON.POS , NEGATION.POS |
PONC | Punctuation | PUNCT.POS |
PP | Personal pronoun | PRON.POS , PERS.POS |
PR | Relative pronoun | PRON.POS , REL.POS |
PREF | Prefix | PREFIX.POS |
PT | Interrogative pronoun | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PX | Possessive pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
VMC1p | Modal verb conditional present 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMC1s | Modal verb conditional present 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMC2p | Modal verb conditional present 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMC2s | Modal verb conditional present 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMC3p | Modal verb conditional present 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMC3s | Modal verb conditional present 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMF1p | Modal verb indicative future 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMF1s | Modal verb indicative future 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMF2p | Modal verb indicative future 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMF2s | Modal verb indicative future 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMF3p | Modal verb indicative future 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMF3s | Modal verb indicative future 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMG | Modal verb participle present | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VMI1p | Modal verb indicative imperfect 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMI1s | Modal verb indicative imperfect 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMI2p | Modal verb indicative imperfect 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMI2s | Modal verb indicative imperfect 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMI3p | Modal verb indicative imperfect 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMI3s | Modal verb indicative imperfect 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMJ1p | Modal verb indicative past simple 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMJ1s | Modal verb indicative past simple 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMJ2p | Modal verb indicative past simple 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMJ2s | Modal verb indicative past simple 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMJ3p | Modal verb indicative past simple 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMJ3s | Modal verb indicative past simple 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMK | Modal verb past participle | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS , PERFECT.POS |
VMP1p | Modal verb indicative present 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMP1s | Modal verb indicative present 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMP2p | Modal verb indicative present 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMP2s | Modal verb indicative present 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMP3p | Modal verb indicative present 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMP3s | Modal verb indicative present 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMS1p | Modal verb conjunctive present 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMS1s | Modal verb conjunctive present 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMS2p | Modal verb conjunctive present 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMS2s | Modal verb conjunctive present 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMS3p | Modal verb conjunctive present 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMS3s | Modal verb conjunctive present 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMT1p | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMT1s | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect 1st person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMT2p | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMT2s | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMT3p | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect 3rd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMT3s | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect 3rd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VMW | Modal verb infinitive | VB.POS , INF.POS |
VMY1p | Modal verb imperative 1st person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , IMP.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMY2p | Modal verb imperative 2nd person plural | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , IMP.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VMY2s | Modal verb imperative 2nd person singular | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , IMP.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVC1p | Verb conditional present 1st person plural | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVC1s | Verb conditional present 1st person singular | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVC2p | Verb conditional present 2nd person plural | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVC2s | Verb conditional present 2nd person singular | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVC3p | Verb conditional present 3rd person plural | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVC3s | Verb conditional present 3rd person singular | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVF1p | Verb indicative future 1st person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVF1s | Verb indicative future 1st person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVF2p | Verb indicative future 2nd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVF2s | Verb indicative future 2nd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVF3p | Verb indicative future 3rd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVF3s | Verb indicative future 3rd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVG | Verb participle present | VB.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VVI1p | Verb indicative imperfect 1st person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVI1s | Verb indicative imperfect 1st person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVI2p | Verb indicative imperfect 2nd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVI2s | Verb indicative imperfect 2nd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVI3p | Verb indicative imperfect 3rd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVI3s | Verb indicative imperfect 3rd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVJ1p | Verb indicative past simple 1st person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVJ1s | Verb indicative past simple 1st person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVJ2p | Verb indicative past simple 2nd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVJ2s | Verb indicative past simple 2nd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVJ3p | Verb indicative past simple 3rd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVJ3s | Verb indicative past simple 3rd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVK | Verb past participle | VB.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS , PERFECT.POS |
VVP1p | Verb indicative present 1st person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVP1s | Verb indicative present 1st person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVP2p | Verb indicative present 2nd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVP2s | Verb indicative present 2nd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVP3p | Verb indicative present 3rd person plural | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVP3s | Verb indicative present 3rd person singular | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVS1p | Verb conjunctive present 1st person plural | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVS1s | Verb conjunctive present 1st person singular | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVS2p | Verb conjunctive present 2nd person plural | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVS2s | Verb conjunctive present 2nd person singular | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVS3p | Verb conjunctive present 3rd person plural | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVS3s | Verb conjunctive present 3rd person singular | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVT1p | Verb conjunctive imperfect 1st person plural | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVT1s | Verb conjunctive imperfect 1st person singular | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVT2p | Verb conjunctive imperfect 2nd person plural | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVT2s | Verb conjunctive imperfect 2nd person singular | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVT3p | Verb conjunctive imperfect 3rd person plural | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVT3s | Verb conjunctive imperfect 3rd person singular | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
VVW | Verb infinitive | VB.POS , INF.POS |
VVY1p | Verb imperative 1st person plural | VB.POS , IMP.POS , 1STPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVY2p | Verb imperative 2nd person plural | VB.POS , IMP.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , PL.POS |
VVY2s | Verb imperative 2nd person singular | VB.POS , IMP.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS , SG.POS |
X | Others (formula, not classified words, other alphabetic symbols, etc.) | MISC.POS |
The German Part-of-Speech Tagger and Morphological Analyzer is a hybrid input processor that first uses a machine learnt statistical model to tag every word in the user input with one tag from a tag set based on the STTS tag set and adapted to the purposes of Teneo. Next, these tags are mapped to Teneo POS annotations, like NN.POS
, etc.
After mapping the tags to Teneo annotations, the German Part-of-Speech Tagger and Morphological Analyzer Input Processor uses this information and a set of heuristics to further distinguish the person, i.e. 1STPERSON.POS
, and the number, i.e. SG.POS
, for every verb in the user input, thus providing the complete range of morphological information to the user.
For imperatives (VVIMP), only information about the number is annotation, while for ambiguous cases all possible annotations are provided, for example, for Kommen Sie mit! both SG.POS
and PL.POS
are annotated.
The table below shows the mapping scheme between STTS tags and Teneo annotations.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the German Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
( | Sentence-internal punctuation All punctuation | PUNCT.POS |
ADJP | Adjective, positive Includes present participles and past participles that act as adjectives. Includes adjectives used in an adverbially | ADJ.POS , POSITIVE.POS |
ADJC | Adjective, comparative Includes adjectives used in an adverbially | ADJ.POS , COMPARATIVE.POS |
ADJS | Adjective, superlative Includes adjectives used in an adverbially | ADJ.POS , SUPERLATIVE.POS |
ADV | Adverb Adjectives used adverbially are annotated as adjectives | ADV.POS |
AP | Adposition Prepositions, postpositions and circumpositions | ADPOSITION.POS |
ART | Article or determiner definite and indefinite articles and demonstrative pronouns | DET.POS |
CARD | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
ITJ | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
KON | Conjunction, coordinating | CC.POS |
KOU | Conjunction, subordinating | CS.POS |
NE | Proper noun | NN.POS , PROPER.POS |
NNS | Noun, singular | NN.POS , SG.POS |
NNP | Noun, plural | NN.POS , PL.POS |
PI | Indefinite pronoun | PRON.POS , INDEF.POS |
PPER | Personal pronoun | PRON.POS , PERS.POS |
PPOS | Possessive pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
PREL | Relative pronoun | PRON.POS , REL.POS |
PTKVZ | Verb prefix particle | PARTICLE.POS , VBPREFIX.POS |
PTKZU | Particle 'zu' Applies to word 'zu' only in combination with an infinitive | PARTICLE.POS , ZU.POS |
PWAT | Interrogative pronoun, attributive | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS , ATTRIB.POS |
PWAV | Interrogative adverb | ADV.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PWS | Interrogative pronoun, substitutive | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS , SUBST.POS |
TRUNC | Truncated compound prefix For example: Ein- und Ausgang | TRUNC.POS |
VMFING | Modal verb, finite, present tense | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , FINITE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VMFINV | Modal verb, finite, past tense | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , FINITE.POS , PAST.POS |
VMINF | Modal verb, infinitive | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INF.POS |
VMPP | Modal verb, past participle | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
VVFING | Full verb, finite, present tense | VB.POS , FINITE.POS , PRESENT.POS |
VVFINV | Full verb, finite, past tense | VB.POS , FINITE.POS , PAST.POS |
VVIMP | Full verb, imperative | VB.POS , IMP.POS |
VVINF | Full verb, infinitive | VB.POS , INF.POS |
VVPP | Full verb, past participle Past participles that act like adjectives are annotated as ADJP | VB.POS , PAST.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
XY | Miscellaneous tag Mostly codes or anything that does not match any of the categories above | MISC.POS |
The Italian Part-of-Speech Tagger and Morphological Input Processor uses a machine learnt statistical model to tag every word in the user input with exactly one tag from the modified TANL tag set. In the final tag set used to train the Italian Part-of-Speech Tagger, the tags for main verbs (V) and those for auxiliary verbs (VA) were merged, and the tags for all determiners (DD, DE, DI, DQ, DR), the predeterminer tag (T) and the tags for articles (RI, RD) were merged into one single DET tag. It then maps these tags to Teneo POS annotations like: NN.POS
, etc.
The table below shows the mapping scheme between TANL tags and Teneo annotations.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the Italian Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
B | Adverb | ADV.POS |
BN | Negation adverb | ADV.POS , NEGATION.POS |
BQ | Interrogative adverb | ADV.POS , INTERROG.POS |
CC | Coordinate conjunction | CC.POS |
CS | Subordinate conjunction | CS.POS |
DET | Determiners (demonstrative, exclamative, indefinite, interrogative and relative), predeterminer and articles (determinative and indeterminative) | DET.POS |
E | Preposition | PREP.POS |
EA | Articulated preposition | PREP.POS , DET.POS |
FB | Balanced punctuation (round brackets, double quotes, etc.) | PUNCT.POS |
FC | Clause boundary punctuation (. - : ;) | PUNCT.POS |
FF | Comma, dash, omissis (, … -) | PUNCT.POS |
I | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
N | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
PC | Clitic pronoun | PRON.POS , CLITIC.POS |
PD | Demonstrative pronoun | PRON.POS , DEMOS.POS |
PE | Personal pronoun | PRON.POS , PERS.POS |
PI | Indefinite pronoun | PRON.POS , INDEF.POS |
PP | Possessive pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
PQ | Interrogative pronoun | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PR | Relative pronoun | PRON.POS , REL.POS |
SA | Abbreviation | ABBREV.POS |
SP | Proper noun | NN.POS , PROPER.POS |
XH | Hashtag twitter (#nlp) | HASHTAG.POS |
XM | Twitter mentions (@obama) | ATMENTION.POS |
XE | Emoticon (smiley :-)) | EMOTICON.POS |
XX | Others (formula, not classified words, other alphabetic symbols, etc.) | MISC.POS |
Ss | Singular noun | NN.POS , SG.POS |
Sp | Plural noun | NN.POS , PL.POS |
Sn | Underspecified noun | NN.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
As | Singular adjective | ADJ.POS , SG.POS |
Ap | Plural adjective | ADJ.POS , PL.POS |
An | Underspecified adjective | ADJ.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
APs | Singular possessive adjective | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , SG.POS |
APp | Plural possessive adjective | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , PL.POS |
APn | Underspecified possessive adjective | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
NOs | Singular ordinal number | ORDINAL.POS , SG.POS |
NOp | Plural ordinal number | ORDINAL.POS , PL.POS |
NOn | Underspecified ordinal number | ORDINAL.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
SWs | Singular foreign name | NN.POS , FOREIGN.POS , SG.POS |
SWp | Plural foreign name | NN.POS , FOREIGN.POS , PL.POS |
SWn | Underspecified foreign name | NN.POS , FOREIGN.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
Vip1 | Main verb indicative present, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VIP2 | Main verb indicative present, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VIP3 | Main verb indicative present, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vii1 | Main verb indicative imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vii2 | Main verb indicative imperfect, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vii3 | Main verb indicative imperfect, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vis1 | Main verb indicative past, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vis2 | Main verb indicative past, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vis3 | Main verb indicative past, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vif1 | Main verb indicative future, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vif2 | Main verb indicative future, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vif3 | Main verb indicative future, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vcp1 | Main verb conjunctive present, 1° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vcp2 | Main verb conjunctive present, 2° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vcp3 | Main verb conjunctive present, 3° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vci1 | Main verb conjunctive imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vci2 | Main verb conjunctive imperfect, 2° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vci3 | Main verb conjunctive imperfect, 3° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vdp1 | Main verb conditional present, 1° person | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vdp2 | Main verb conditional present, 2° person | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vdp3 | Main verb conditional present, 3° person | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vg | Main verb gerundive | VB.POS , GERUND.POS |
Vp | Main verb participle | VB.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
Vf | Main verb infinite | VB.POS , INF.POS |
Vm | Main verb imperative | VB.POS , IMP.POS |
VMip1 | Modal verb indicative present, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMip2 | Modal verb indicative present, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMip3 | Modal verb indicative present, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMii1 | Modal verb indicative imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMii2 | Modal verb indicative imperfect, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMii3 | Modal verb indicative imperfect, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMis1 | Modal verb indicative past, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMis2 | Modal verb indicative past, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMis3 | Modal verb indicative past, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMif1 | Modal verb indicative future, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMif2 | Modal verb indicative future, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMif3 | Modal verb indicative future, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMcp1 | Modal verb conjunctive present, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMcp2 | Modal verb conjunctive present, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMcp3 | Modal verb conjunctive present, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMci1 | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMci2 | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMci3 | Modal verb conjunctive imperfect, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMdp1 | Modal verb conditional present, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMdp2 | Modal verb conditional present, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMdp3 | Modal verb conditional present, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMg | Modal verb gerundive | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , GERUND.POS |
VMp | Modal verb participle | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
VMf | Modal verb infinite | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INF.POS |
VMm | Modal verb imperative | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , IMP.POS |
The Spanish Part-of-Speech Tagger and Morphological Analyzer Input Processor uses a machine learnt statistical model to tag the words in the user input with annotations like: NN.POS
, etc. The Spanish Part-of-Speech Tagger uses an annotation scheme based on the Eagles guidelines for a tag set. In the final tag set used to train the Spanish Part-of-Speech Tagger, the tags for main verbs (V) and those for auxiliary verbs (VA) were merged, and the tags for all the determiners (DD, DE,DI, DQ, DR), the predeterminer tag (T) and the tags for articles (RI, RD) were merged into one single DET tag. The tags are then converted to Teneo POS annotations that can be used in TLML Syntax just like any other annotation, e.g. %$VB
, etc. The table below shows the mapping scheme for Spanish.
Please follow the link for information related to available annotation language objects in the Spanish Lexical Resource.
Tag | Description | Map to annotations |
B | Adverb | ADV.POS |
BN | Negation adverb | ADV.POS , NEGATION.POS |
BQ | Interrogative adverb | ADV.POS , INTERROG.POS |
CC | Coordinate conjunction | CC.POS |
CS | Subordinate conjunction | CS.POS |
DET | Determiners (demonstrative, exclamative, indefinite, interrogative and relative), predeterminer and articles (determinative and indeterminative) | DET.POS |
E | Preposition | PREP.POS |
EA | Articulated preposition | PREP.POS , DET.POS |
FB | Balanced punctuation (round brackets, double quotes, etc.) | PUNCT.POS |
FC | Clause boundary punctuation (. - : ;) | PUNCT.POS |
FF | Comma, dash, omissis (, ... -) | PUNCT.POS |
I | Interjection | INTERJ.POS |
N | Cardinal number | CARDINAL.POS |
PC | Clitic pronoun | PRON.POS , CLITIC.POS |
PD | Demonstrative pronoun | PRON.POS , DEMOS.POS |
PE | Personal pronoun | PRON.POS , PERS.POS |
PI | Indefinite pronoun | PRON.POS , INDEF.POS |
PP | Possessive pronoun | PRON.POS , POSS.POS |
PQ | Interrogative pronoun | PRON.POS , INTERROG.POS |
PR | Relative pronoun | PRON.POS , REL.POS |
SA | Abbreviation | ABBREV.POS |
SP | Proper noun | NN.POS , PROPER.POS |
XH | Hashtag twitter (#nlp) | HASHTAG.POS |
XM | Twitter mentions (@obama) | ATMENTION.POS |
XE | Emoticon (smiley :-)) | EMOTICON.POS |
XX | Others (formula, , not classified words, other alphabetic symbols, etc.) | MISC.POS |
Ss | Singular noun | NN.POS , SG.POS |
Sp | Plural noun | NN.POS , PL.POS |
Sn | Underspecified noun | NN.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
As | Singular adjective | ADJ.POS , SG.POS |
Ap | Plural adjective | ADJ.POS , PL.POS |
An | Underspecified adjective | ADJ.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
APs | Singular possessive adjective | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , SG.POS |
APp | Plural possessive adjective | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , PL.POS |
APn | Underspecified possessive adjective | ADJ.POS , POSS.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
NOs | Singular ordinal number | ORDINAL.POS , SG.POS |
NOp | Plural ordinal number | ORDINAL.POS , PL.POS |
NOn | Underspecified ordinal number | ORDINAL.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
SWs | Singular foreign name | NN.POS , FOREIGN.POS , SG.POS |
SWp | Plural foreign name | NN.POS , FOREIGN.POS , PL.POS |
SWn | Underspecified foreign name | NN.POS , FOREIGN.POS , SG.POS , PL.POS |
Vip1 | Main verb indicative present, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vip2 | Main verb indicative present, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vip3 | Main verb indicative present, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vii1 | Main verb indicative imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vii2 | Main verb indicative imperfect, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vii3 | Main verb indicative imperfect, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vis1 | Main verb indicative past, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vis2 | Main verb indicative past, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vis3 | Main verb indicative past, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vif1 | Main verb indicative future, 1° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vif2 | Main verb indicative future, 2° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vif3 | Main verb indicative future, 3° person | VB.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , FUTURE.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vcp1 | Main verb conjunctive present, 1° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vcp2 | Main verb conjunctive present, 2° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vcp3 | Main verb conjunctive present, 3° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vci1 | Main verb conjunctive imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vci2 | Main verb conjunctive imperfect, 2° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vci3 | Main verb conjunctive imperfect, 3° person | VB.POS , SUBJUNCTIVE.POS , IMPERFECT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vdp1 | Main verb conditional present, 1° person | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
Vdp2 | Main verb conditional present, 2° person | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
Vdp3 | Main verb conditional present, 3° person | VB.POS , CONDITIONAL.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
Vg | Main verb gerundive | VB.POS , GERUND.POS |
Vp | Main verb participle | VB.POS , PARTICIPLE.POS |
Vf | Main verb infinite | VB.POS , INF.POS |
Vm | Main verb imperative | VB.POS , IMP.POS |
VMip1 | Modal verb indicative present, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 1STPERSON.POS |
VMip2 | Modal verb indicative present, 2° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 2NDPERSON.POS |
VMip3 | Modal verb indicative present, 3° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS , INDICATIVE.POS , PRESENT.POS , 3RDPERSON.POS |
VMii1 | Modal verb indicative imperfect, 1° person | VB.POS , MODAL.POS |