Teneo Developers

Solution Properties

The options and functionalities described in this page currently only apply toTeneo Studio Desktop

Properties and Owners

In the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solution tab > Solution), the Properties and Owners of a solution are available; the Properties section allows to amend certain solution properties while Owners allows to add or remove owners of a solution.

Solution Properties


The following properties are displayed:

NameName of the solution
LanguageThe language of the solution (see table of available languages here)
LocationThe Location or Country of the solution
Quality ControlRefers to the publishing process
Confidence ThresholdRefers to the confidence threshold of the machine learning model of the solution
DescriptionDescription of the solution visible before opening any solution in the list of solutions in the environment
NotesAny notes added to the solution, available on export/import of the solution

Above the properties, the following buttons are available:

  • Edit: when clicked, the properties becomes editable; Save and Cancel buttons also appear
  • History: allows the user to access the history of the properties
  • Set/Unset Stable: allows to set the current version of the properties to stable/unset stable; to set a previous version to stable, the user needs to access the History and there select the version to set as stable; read more.

Learn more about how to format notes further below.

Solution summary

In the right-side panel of the Properties view, a summary of the solution is available providing the following information:

  • Properties: includes the Solution Id
  • Revision: provides details related to the current revision
  • Related People: lists currently logged in users of the solution
  • Statistics: provides an overview of available documents in the solution
  • Publishing: gives information related to the last publish of the solution
  • Test Data: provides information about the last performed Auto-test.

Quality Control

The Quality Control allows to enforce a publishing workflow automatically, where the solution developer must publish the solution first to a Dev environment, then from the Dev environment to the QA environment and lastly from the QA environment to the Production environment instead of allowing for direct publish to the production environment without the insurance of the AI application being tested before it is live for end-users.

With Quality Control, publishing goes through the Development, Quality Assurance and Production workflow. Without Quality Control, all publishing actions publish the current version in the database to the selected environment; read more in the Publish section.

Formatting notes

Adding notes to a solution is especially valuable when exporting for example lexical resources to indicate, among others, the coverage or the version of the resource. The notes are available in the Resources tab of Teneo Studio when the lexical resource has been imported to the customer.

The formatting options available for the notes field are based on the Markdown syntax and are summarized in the below table.

OptionsHow toExample
Header level 1# Header 1
Header level 2## Header 2
Header level 3### Header 3
Header level 4#### Header 4
Header level 5##### Header 5
Header level 6###### Header 6
Emphasis italic*emphasis italic*
Emphasis italic_emphasis italic_
Emphasis bold**emphasis bold**
Emphasis bold__emphasis bold__ (note double underscore)
Block quotesStart each line with > block quotes can be nested (by adding additional levels of >) e.g. > This is a blockquote >> This is a nested blockquote
Horizontal rulerHorizontal rulers are created by placing 3 or more hyphens (---) or asterisks (***) on a line by themselves e.g. ***
Code blocksCreate code blocks by indenting every line of the block by at least 4 spaces or 1 tab This is a code block This is also a code block
List items - bulletedUse either *, + or - to create bulleted lists e.g. * List item 1 * List item 2 * List item 3 * List item 4
LinksThis is [an example](http://example.com/) of a link Tip: to open a link, just click with the mouse while pressing CTRL
ImagesImages can be inserted by adding the following: ![Alt text](path/to/img.jpg) e.g. ![Test image](http://www.teneo.ai/wp-content/uploads/teneo-studio-image.jpg)

It is possible to add tables to the solution notes, these are created by separating columns with | (vertical bar); see below an example of a table in the markdown format and the image of the outcome.

|Header 1|Header 2| | |Column 1, Line 1|Column 2, Line 1| |Column 1, Line 2|Column 2, Line 2| |Column 1, Line 3|Column 2, Line 3|

Rendering of above markup


A user who creates a new solution is always the owner of the solution they created; solution owners have full access to the solution(s) they are owners of, and a solution owner can add other users to the list of owners in order to grant full access to the solution.

Add Solution Owner

In order to have full access to a solution, a (regular) user can within Teneo Studio be added to a solution as solution owner. This can be done by either a (current) solution owner or a global user. Follow the below steps to add a user as solution owner:

  • Open the solution and go to the backstage of Teneo Studio (Solution tab > Solution) and select Owners in the top of the window
  • Click Edit in the top-right area
  • In the list of users (in the right side of the view), double-click the user(s) to add to the list of Solution owners
    If the current user is not in the list of solution owners, but is a global user, they can add themselves by double-clicking their name in the list
  • Click Save to confirm the changes.

Note that a solution can have various owners and no current solution owner will be affected by adding another.

Remove Solution Owner

To remove one or more users from the list of Solution Owners, simply double-click the user name(s) in the right-side list of Solution Owners to remove the user; remember to save the solution to preserve the updated list of owners.

Edit Owners