Teneo Developers

Data Hierarchy

Each transaction consists of a collection of events that records everything that happened in the solution from the beginning to the end of the transaction. This is the path the user takes from start until they receive a response. These are referred to as events when writing queries in Teneo Query Language.

A transaction holds these three types of events:

  • Request - the call to the bot with the user input and all additional parameters
  • Path - the path the user input takes through the solution until a response is received.
  • Response - the bot's response along with Output Parameters returned to the user

TQL - Conceptual Events

Properties associated with the set of events include:

Let's take a look at what happens in our 'Longberry Baristas' solution when the 'User asks about types of coffee that are available'.

Request event

The request is always the first event in a transaction and includes the main properties associated with the request:


Path event

Next, you find path events, which can add up to quite a large number of data. Everything that happens — every script that runs; every flow that is raised, paused, or dropped; every listener, transition, and node reached — is recorded as an event. The new value of any global or flow variable that is assigned during the event is also recorded as part of the event. Events are listed in the order that they occur.

Let us expand one of the main events and see which properties it contains:
TQL - Example Events

Important properties to query might be the flow's name (fname) associated with the "raise-flow" pathType. Note: since fname may be part of many different events, you may want to combine a query of raised flows with pathType == "raise-flow". You can view some sample queries in our set of How to's.

Response event

The last event of a transaction is always the response, which looks something like this:
TQL - Response Event

Referencing event properties

Since events all belong to a transaction, we can reference them in the context of a transaction. So the 'address' of the userInput property could look like this:


Just as with transactions, you can choose identifiers to refer to event properties, such as 'e1' and 'e2'. If we refer to two different properties using the same transaction and event identifiers, the two properties must belong to the same transaction and event:

  • t1.e1.userInput
  • t1.e1.pathType

If we use different identifiers, the two properties is not forced to belong to the same transaction and event.

  • t1.e1.userInput
  • t1.e2.pathType

You can also apply constraints to specify ordering, transaction, etc:

Event identifiersConstraintMeaning
t.e1, t.e2t.e1.eventIndex != t.e2.eventIndex'e1' and 'e2' must be different events in the same transaction
t.e1, t.e2t.e1.eventIndex == t.e2.eventIndex - 1'e1' and 'e2' must be consecutive events in the same transaction
t.e1, t.e2t.e1.eventIndex < t.e2.eventIndexe1 must occur before e2 in the same transaction

Path types

In the above section we showed you a query looking for a path type of raise-flow. By way of reference, here is the list of path types that are most frequently used in queries. If you'd like to view all the path types occurring in your solution you can try the follwoing query, d t.e.pathType.

Path typeMeaning
flow-triggera flow trigger is matched
raise-flowa flow enters the flow stack
pause-flowflow execution is halted/paused
continue-flowflow execution is continued when new input comes in after this flow was paused
resume-flowflow execution is continued after another flow interrupted the execution of this flow
drop-flowa flow is dropped off the flow stack
variable-changea global or flow variables changes value
session-scripta global script is executed
scripta flow script node is executed
flow-scripta flow script (on-top or on-drop) is executed
input-processor-resultsresults of all processors acting in the current input
flow-nodea flow link node was executed
outputan output node was executed
listenera listener condition was matched and the listener was executed
transitiona transition was traversed
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Query Syntax
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