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Solution Window


This page provides an introduction to the Solution window and the main options when working in a Teneo Studio Solution.

The Solution window of Teneo Studio Desktop consists of three tabs in the top: Solution, Home and Search.

Solution window

Home tab and top ribbon

The Home tab provides access to many of the functionalities available in Teneo Studio Desktop through the top ribbon, which includes the following areas:

Solution Explorer

The Solution Explorer in the left side of the Studio window contains the list of folders available in the solution and when selecting a folder, the content of it is displayed in the middle panel of the Studio window; the documents in a folder can be Language Objects, Entities and Flows.
Below the Solution Explorer, the user will find the Recycle Bin, clicking the name will open the Recycle Bin view as a new tab in Teneo Studio. It is also in this area that the user might find the Lexical Resource Information which appears when names/aliases of Language Objects/Entities in the solution are identical with names/aliases of Language Objects/Entities in the referenced lexical resource(s). Also Search results appears below the Solution Explorer when the user has performed a search; it is possible to navigate to another folder in the solution and return to the results of a previous search by clicking Search results.


The simple Tryout is located in the right-side of the Teneo Studio window; this panel allows to try out and test the solution on-the-go, while a more advanced Tryout window is accessible by clicking the Tryout button in the top ribbon.

Status bar

The Status bar is the lower purple bar in Teneo Studio Desktop; this area displays the current state of the application. The left-hand side of the Status bar displays the current communication status of Teneo Studio (in the image below Ready), while in the right-hand side, information about the selected folder and it's content is displayed. More details are displayed when hovering over the icons in the Status bar.

Status Bar

Solution tab

The Solution tab consists of a menu with the following options:

  • Save (All): allows the user to save (all) currently unsaved changes
  • My Work: provides a list of recently opened documents
  • Properties: allows to view and edit solution properties such as name, location, Quality Control, Confidence Threshold or write notes
  • Globals: gives access to the global solution documents (Variables, Scripts, Listeners, Contexts, Metadata and Emotions)
  • Resources: allows to add resources to the solution
  • Optimization: here the user will find the solution Suggestions, the Classifier and Cross Validation as well as Log Data
  • Import/Export: allows to import new solution content or export Language Objects/Entities as a lexical resource
  • Auto-test: provides an Auto-test of the whole solution or of a selected folder, for documents either marked as stable or latest
  • Publish. this is where the user can add publish environment and publish the solution
  • About: provides information about the current Teneo Studio client and server versions as well as information about the currently logged in user
  • Close: allows to close the solution without closing Teneo Studio.

Search tab

The Search tab provides an advanced search feature which allows to perform searches selecting which object types and properties to search for.