Teneo Developers

Teneo Platform 7.5 Overview

Teneo Studio Web

Flow Look and Feel

For the 7.5 release, the Flow UI (User Interface) in Studio Web has undergone a huge makeover to align with the rest of the design of Studio Web. This means that the Flow brings more colorful nodes and elements allowing the developer to easier distinguish between the different nodes which may be present in the Flow. And, of course, the improvements apply to both dark and light mode of Teneo Studio Web.

New Flow Look and Feel

Missing implementations which are still to be done are now marked with a green "TODO" to bring the developer's attention to it - and editing is done by placing the cursor directly on one of the lines in a node (and starting to write), i.e., the nodes are automatically in edit mode by default when the user has edit rights. Naming a node is now done by clicking Add name and writing the name, while the icon of a recycle bin allows to delete the node from the Flow structure.

Todo Match and Output

The Data nodes known from previous Teneo Web versions have been renamed to After Match to follow the terms used in the rest of Teneo and also to make it easier for the developer to understand which element of a Flow they are looking at.

During the redesign of Flows other details were also reviewed and improved, for example, the highlighting of Plusses and particularly the edges (transitions) between nodes to ensure coherent behavior.
A complete overview of the Flow nodes and elements is available in the reference documentation.

Copilot Features in Flows

The 7.5 Teneo release brings more Copilot features to Studio Web:

  • Generation of User Intent examples, and
  • Generation of Answer Variations in Bot Outputs.

Now, to take advantage of the Copilot features, all the developer should do - apart from adding the needed Settings on the Account page - is to click the Generate icon in the Intent or Output node, specify if the examples should be generated from existing examples or based on a description and also how many examples to create, and then click the Generate button (images in the left and middle below).
Teneo now generates the specified content and once the data generation has finished a preview is displayed (image to the right) which allows the developer to review the generated data before clicking Apply and actually adding the generated data to the node.
Note that the new Preview of the generated data is available for User Intents, Bot Outputs, Classes and Entities.

Flow Copilot Features

Bug Fixes and User Driven Improvements

The following fixes and improvements are included for Teneo Studio Web 7.5:

  • Drag and drop of a .solution file onto Teneo Studio Web when no other solution has previously been created now works as expected; this also includes drag/drop of a file resource in the File Resources list when no file resource has previously been added to the solution.
  • A bug which caused the icons of Integrations to be displayed twice in previous Teneo versions has been fixed.
  • An issue seen in the browser control when creating a solution has been fixed.

Teneo Studio Desktop

Copilot Preview

The Copilot features introduced in the previous Teneo release, are for the 7.5 release improved with a Preview displayed right after the data generation.
This means that when generating examples in Classes, Entities and User Intents or answer variations in Bot Outputs, before the new examples are actually added to the solution, the user is now presented with a preview of the newly generated data (image to the right below) allowing to quickly review the generated data before clicking Apply to actually add the examples to the solution. Remember that once added to the Class, Entity, User Intent or Bot Output, editing is available as always for examples and answers.

Copilot Preview

Log Data Sources

Date Range Selector

A Date selector is added to the TQL Query view and Session Query view in the Log Data Source window making it easy to select a date range for which a query should be run (from which time frame data should be shown).
This improvement comes to ease the loading of data in projects as it has been found that loading of all data is rarely needed and can become costly (time wise) when big amounts of data logs exist and therefore the user can now easily pick a time frame by selecting the dates in the drop-down calendars in the view.

Note that the date selector is preset with a default date range where the start date is pre-populated with a value of 1 week (i.e., 7 days) prior to the possible end date, and the end date can either be:

  • today (For LDS with Until date == "Now"), or
  • a set day (For LDSs with a set until date).

No end-date is pre-populated.
The preset date range is applicable for both the TQL Query view, the Session Query view, and the Classifier in the backstage of Teneo Studio Desktop's Optimization area.


Teneo 7.5 comes with a change in the interpretation of date restrictions for augmenters; in previous Teneo versions, for augmenters with date restrictions, the "to" date was not applied to sessions on the "to" date, that is, the "to date" was excluded. As of Teneo 7.5, for newly created augmenters with date restrictions, the "to" date is applied to sessions on the "to" date, that is, the "to" date is included.

The augmenters with date restrictions created in previous Teneo versions will keep working with the excluded date restriction until a user edits and saves the augmenter in Teneo 7.5 after which the behavior of the augmenter with a "to" date will change to the new included behavior.

This changes means that once an augmenter with a date setting is saved by the user, the "to" date will be included, thus the behavior of an augmenter with a "to" date will change. This new behavior is persisted and also applies to augmenters newly exported and then imported. Note that augmenters imported from a file that was exported from a previous Teneo version will not change behavior, that is, if they have a "to" date it will still be exclusive. The user would need to edit and save such augmenter to achieve the new behavior.

Moreover, augmenters that were last saved before this release or imported from a file that was exported from a previous version, if they have a "from" date and were saved from Studio Desktop running in a time zone to the east of UTC+0 (GMT), when such augmenter is opened, the "from" date displayed will be the day before the originally saved date. So, the user must doublecheck the date settings of such old augmenters before saving them again. Once the augmenter is saved, the dates are correctly stored and retrieved.

So, in short, date restrictions on any "old" augmenter keep on behaving as in Teneo 7.4 (or previous versions) as long as the augmenter is not modified) i.e., edited and saved). Once the augmenter is saved again in Teneo 7.5, the date restriction will change as described above.

Other fixes

  • When editing Augmenters, unsaved changes are now correctly discarded and removed from the edit window.
  • The scroll contexts used by Inquire Queries could previously be leaked if a query did not complete normally, i.e., because it errored or got cancelled. This issue has been resolved in Teneo 7.5.
  • A bug detected in queries making use of sample or limit x together with la resulting in an empty list of results has been fixed.

Bug Fixes and User Driven Improvements

Teneo Studio Desktop 7.5 includes a long list of bug fixes and user driven improvements:

  • General
    • Several labels and texts in Studio Desktop are reviewed to ensure they are up-to-date with current Teneo terminology.
    • It is now possible to remove CLU models/Settings from Studio when the resource has previously been removed in Azure.
  • Explorer view
    • Renaming of a folder or a document can now also be done by using the right-click menu; if a folder or a document is preselected it is also possible to bring it into edit mode to rename it by performing a single left-click.
  • Globals
    • Some issues encountered with Export and Globals and related to user permissions have been reviewed to ensure correct functionality.
    • Navigation to Global Scripts, for example from My Work and search results, have been improved to ensure correct navigation.
    • The solution log is now able to handle Global Scripts which have been given a numerical value as name (e.g., "1", "2", etc.).
  • Lexical Resources
    • Lexical Resources assigned to one or more Stable solution versions can - as of Teneo 7.5 - no longer be deleted. This is done to align the behavior for Latest solution versions, but also to avoid stable solution versions to end up in a situation where these solutions can neither be published nor tested in Tryout.
  • Suggestions
    • The suggestion Node has only "Conditional, Continue" transitions has been reviewed to ensure correct display in all possible use cases where it is supposed to be displayed in the Suggestions in the backstage of Studio Desktop.
  • Classifier
    • The Date Range selector in the Classifier is now preset with a default date range where the start date is pre-populated with a value of 1 week. Please see above section for Log Data Sources for more details as the preset value for the Log Data Source window (Query and Session viewer) and the Classifier functions in the same way.
  • Class Performance
    • The Class Performance view is improved to ensure correct functionality and display of tool tips.
  • Class Manager
    • Developers can again use the keyboard's Delete button to remove selected examples of training and test data in the Class Manager.
  • Bulk Import
    • An issue related to locking of the ordering during bulk import has been resolved.
  • Flows
    • When adding a Class Match, if the developer deletes it manually and then press the Undo button, then the Class Match is now restored as expected.

Teneo Languages

New versions of all Teneo Conversational Modules and NLU Ontology & Semantic Networks are released with Teneo 7.5 to maintain version alignments.

Input Processors

Due to a bug in previous Teneo 7.x versions, the Date & Time Input Processor wasn't initiated correctly in Indonesian and Malay solutions. This has now been fixed and the Date & Time Input Processor should again work correctly for those two languages.

Technology and Deployment

Dependency Updates

The dependency Tailwind used by Studio Web is updated to version 3.4.1.

MariaDB Change

The MariaDB Logger is changed in the log4j2.xml, so that it is less verbose:

<logger name="org.mariadb.jdbc.message" level="info" />

Public APIs


The work on the Studio REST API has continued in the 7.5 release and a number of new endpoints are added, including endpoints for user handling. Also endpoints covering options to manage and create Metadata and Emotions are added and new endpoints created to allow moving, renaming and copying of folders and documents.

The LockToken and Comment parameters are removed from the log-data-source endpoints in the Studio API.

KI Resolutions

DescriptionKnown Issue
End date is excluded rather than included in TQL QueriesKI-692

Teneo Documentation

The documentation has been updated to cater for the changes coming with the 7.5 release, including:

  • Suggestions page is reviewed to ensure correct usage of terminology
  • The Flow section is updated to include changes based on the new Flow UI in Studio Web
  • User Permissions page is reviewed and updated with clarifications
  • Lastly, pages related to the Log Data Source are reviewed to include information related to the new Date Range Selector.