Entity Basics
Entities allows to create linguistic building blocks containing smaller or larger collections of entries to identify values and optionally extract relevant data from the user inputs via Variables; Entities
Available Entities
From a solution, users have access to the following collection of Entities:
- Entities located in the solution, and
- Entities available in any lexical resource assigned to the solution
Entities located in the solution are under full control of the Teneo Studio user and these can be managed and modified in any way; Entities from a lexical resource (e.g. Teneo Lexical Resources) can be viewed and used in TLML Syntaxes but not modified.
Naming an Entity
When naming Entities, bear in mind that:
- the name must be unique within the solution
- the name is written in upper-case
Lower cased characters are automatically upper cased by Teneo - the name cannot contain any reserved characters
Any special characters or blank spaces are automatically converted into underscore by Teneo
If an Entity in the solution shares its name with an Entity in an assigned lexical resource, the Entity located in the solution is always chosen by Engine over the Entity in the assigned lexical resource.
Entries editor
An entry is one row in the table view (or Entries editor) and the entry value can consist of plain text or a reference to either a single Language Object or a single Entity. Each entry value can have zero, one or more variables attached in the following columns. The entry value needs to be unique within the Entity and Teneo Studio will prevent the user from saving the Entity if two entry values are the same.
To use an Entity as an entry or in the Syntax editor, its name must be preceded by the percentage sign (%
) and written in capitalized letters; Teneo Studio will automatically capitalize letters written after the percentage sign.
Note that the Longest Match option (:L
) is implicitly applied to the Entity.