Teneo Developers
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Bot Framework Composer

Using Teneo is simple; converting your bots to Teneo is even simpler. Here, you can see our guidelines on how to convert your bots from your current software to Teneo. If you have experience with Microsoft's Bot Framework Composer, check out our Bot Framework Composer section to learn how to translate your Composer knowledge to Teneo.


A journey optimized for Microsoft Azure

Teneo for Microsoft Azure offers developers a large collection of integrations to the Microsoft ecosystem. These integrations are individually built and optimized to scale across the Azure infrastructure and are ready to be used in just a few clicks. Available integrations include:


Here, you can find a general overview, an in-depth reference article on terminology in Composer and Teneo, and a guide that goes through the steps needed to convert a Composer bot to Teneo.


The 'Composer to Teneo' guide is designed to give Composer users a practical introduction to Teneo. This guide demonstrates how to convert a Weather bot from Composer to Teneo.